November 2016

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Revision as of 11:46, 25 November 2016 by Hurtful Truth Level (talk | contribs)
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Chris in Nov 2016

November 2016 is the penultimate month of 2016. This month saw the shocking win of Pmurt in the presidential election, which has angered Chris so much that he has repeatedly wished death on both him and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. His many death threat tweets go viral after being featured by streamer and comedian Sky Williams and an article. He also gains over 1,000 Twitter followers as a direct result of his tantrum[1][2].

Posts from this month



Videos from this month


  • 8 November - a US presidential election takes place. Chris votes for Hillary and for Jane Dittmar in the congressional election; both lose.
  • 9 November - Chris reacts to Trump's victory by making multiple death threats against him on Facebook and YouTube.
  • 10 November - Chris tweets an Infowars article which featured his own tweet calling for President-elect Trump's assassination.
  • 10 November - Chris tweets that he wants his audience to join him in wishing death to President-elect Trump before January 2017.
  • 10 November - Chris tweets again, doubling down on his death prayers. This time, he also wishes for Vice President-elect Mike Pence's death.
  • 13 November - Chris posts a wish list for Christmas 2016, in which he requests $859.71 worth of toys. He also forbids people from sending him gift cards, due to a history of receiving empty gift cards from trolls.
  • 13 November - Chris uploads a YouTube video in which he uses Legos to role-play Mike Pence murdering Trump and getting arrested. He then holds up a sheet of paper, with the handwritten words (backwards and facing himself), which reads: "(Before January 2017) Die, Trump, die, or by illness, by Mike Pence's hand."
  • 13 November - Chris posts on Facebook, linking to the Infowars article. He then says, "I'm not the only one who wants him dead."
  • 13 November - Chris posts to the Lizzy the Lezzy comment section, asking the readers to pray for Trump and Pence's deaths "before Thanksgiving." Many people responded, trying to talk sense into him, to no avail.
  • 14 November - Chris posts a picture to Facebook depicting Lego versions of Trump and Pence being executed by hanging, while handcuffed.
  • 14 November - Chris follows up by commenting that, since prison is "unlikely" and impeachment is "difficult", then "Death upon those two before January, 2017, at this time and point is a necessary evil."
  • 14 November - Chris posts, saying "Trump is Not president, mayor, or Anything in Cwcville."
  • 15 November - Chris announces Facebook had temporarily banned him from posting for a week.
  • 15 November - Chris tweets updates to his Christmas 2016 wish list. He says "Do not wait" to send him gifts.
  • 17 November - Chris enters a Skylanders contest. He is destined to lose, since he failed to follow the guidelines.
  • 19 November - Chris tweets his frustrations with the newly-bought Pokemon Sun, one day after its release.
  • 20 November - Chris, in a 22-tweet long rant, makes several childish insults against Pmurt, and says he had "given my issues and feelings of Trump some thought. They are justified." He ends his rant by complaining about Twitter's 140-character limit.
  • 21 November - Chris begs for money again on YouTube and Twitter, saying "The Mortgage people are kicking us again." This appears right below his pinned tweet begging for Skylanders toys.
  • 22 November - Chris's Facebook ban ends
  • 24 November - Chris wishes his audience a Happy Thanksgiving. He does some free advertizing for Cutco and Taze tea and shares photos of the Chandler family's meal. He then does a Let's Play video, CWC vs Koas, as a promotion for his latest money-making scheme.