July 2021

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Chris in July 2021

July was the seventh month of 2021. At first, it seemed like a promising month for Chris, apparently having found a new love interest, and being financially aided by a fundraiser in order to attend the Everfree Northwest My Little Pony convention, on the caveat that he does commissions and drawings to the backers, something which benefactor Null noted he was actually doing well with in terms of productivity.

Midway through, the month saw a sad turn in Christory, as one of the Chandler's dogs, Snoopy passed away. However, this situation utterly paled in comparison to what happened later in the month.

On the 30th of July, a day that will forever live in infamy, audio leaked of Chris confessing to having sexual intercourse with his own mother, Barbara Chandler. Incest in Virginia is a Class 5 Felony as it stands, but questions quickly arose as to Barbara's ability to even consent to the sexual intercourse in the first place. This prompted many horrified onlookers to immediately call local law enforcement, who conducted a welfare check on 14 Branchland Court and took Barbara to a hospital. An emergency protective order would be served against Chris, barring him Chris from entering the premises of the house and contacting his mother until August 5th of the next month. To add salt to the wound, the aforementioned Everfree Northwest convention promptly banned Chris from attendance due to the heavy media attention that the situation garnered.

Things only got far worse on the 31st of July, when Null, after looking at Chris's email, had discovered that Chris had stolen $750 from Barbara's bank account, prompting him to immediately cut contact with Chris, cancel the GoFundMe campaign, and to refund all of the backers of the fundraiser.

The full consequences of this infamous weekend would spill over into August 2021, where Chris would find himself tracked down by weens and being arrested in a motel parking lot while Ethan Ralph, a podcaster based in Virginia, live-streamed the entire arrest to thousands of people on Youtube.


  • 3 July - Chris tweets a recording of himself saying "Ara Ara".
  • 5 July - Chris talks to Null about his new, older, disabled girlfriend. It would later be revealed that he was describing sex with his own mother.
  • 9 July - Chris uploads a video to Youtube announcing that he will attend Everfree Northwest, a My Little Pony convention held in Seattle, Washington. Chris also promotes a GoFundMe campaign that Null had created in order to raise money for Chris to afford a roundtrip plane ticket to and from Washington.
  • 9 July - Chris uploads an unlisted paid video request to Youtube as a part of the GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the trip to Everfree Northwest.
  • 11 July - Chris uploads two photos of Barbara to his Instagram, stating that she had gotten "a styling haircut."
  • 11 July - A former Watchman, The WCT, is interviewed on Discord by a CWCki editor regarding the breakup of the Watchmen.
  • 14 July - Barb attends a court debt hearing; she owes $692.82 to LVNV Funding.
  • 14 July - Chris fulfills another paid video request for his trip to Everfree Northwest.
  • 15 July - One of the Chandler beagles, Snoopy, passes away.
  • 22 July - Chris releases an official lyric sheet for his old song "Christian and the Hedgehog Boys Theme" on Twitter.
  • 27 July - Chris records a rage-filled video demanding Hasbro cancel its fifth generation of My Little Pony. In the background of the video, multiple punched-in holes in his hallway wall can be seen. When asked later the same day about the damage dealt to the wall, Chris replies that it was apparently from past attempts from which he was trying to quite literally break into another dimension.
  • 30 July - Audio leaks of Chris admitting to having sexual intercourse with Barb on June 27th 2021. He is removed from his house that same day by social services. A welfare check is conducted over the incest allegations. An emergency protective order is issued forbidding Chris from contacting his mother and from being at the Chandler house until 5 August. In the wake of the scandal, Chris trends on Twitter, and Everfree Northwest bans him from attending its upcoming convention.
  • 31 July - Null announces a refund to donors of the GoFundMe that was intended to fund Chris's trip to Everfree Northwest. Later, Null cuts ties with Chris and notifies the jerkops, following a conversation between them in which Null finds that Chris lied to him about his financial situation and that Chris has taken $750 from his mother's bank account in a potential violation of the protective order. Null also leaks a chatlog from 5 July in which Chris had vaguely and misleadingly described sex with his mother as if he was simply in a relationship with an older woman. By this date, Don Lashomb pulled Warhol / Chris Chan from sale on Amazon.

See also