Revision as of 00:31, 2 May 2014 by Promethean (talk | contribs) (move and Pokemon Gym change were probably after graduation)
Chicks, uncomfortable in the Chandler household on 24 February 2000.
On 29 August 2000, Chris launches the CWC Sonichu site.
In late 2000, Chris created the first Sonichu Medallion.
The year 2000 is the year that Christian Weston Chandler turned 18 years old. He graduated from high school and started attending PVCC. The year 2000 is iconic for the Sonichu fanbase, as it was the year that he thought up Sonichu while making a mix CD. However, he didn't start making Sonichu comics until 2004.
Events of 2000
- Sometime - Chris begins taking Paxil for depression.
- 1 January - New Year's. It is unknown what Chris did that day.
- 22 January - Mrs. Raghu, a friend from Richmond, signs Chris's guestbook and says that Pokémon is sooooo cute.
- 22 January - Jaime, a "friend" of Chris's from his Spanish 2 class, signs his guestbook and says that his website is really cool, srsly.
- 14 February - Chris writes Valentines Day Hymn, a poem, and creates a collage to go with it.
- 19 February - Chris and his mom prepare for his birthday party.
- 24 February - Chris's 18th birthday. He has pepperoni pizza and Pepsi, along with watching Good Burger, with his Gal-pals at home.
- March - Chris launches CWC's PokéSite 2.
- 4 March - Megan Mitchell, sister of Chris's gal-pal Miranda Mitchell, signs his guestbook and says that Chris is very good at drawing.
- 12 March - Chris writes Hotel Ricky Ricardo, probably for Spanish class. It shows how crappy Chris's attempts at doing his homework were.
- 16 March - Mrs. Dunlap, one of Chris's teachers, signs his guestbook and says how nice the website looked after using Miranda's logos.
- 17 March - When Chris is assigned to create his own CD cover, he finds out that copyrighted characters were prohibited from the project. Chris thinks up the character Sonichu, a chimera of Pikachu and Sonic, as a way to get around copyrights held by SEGA and Nintendo.
- 20 March - Kelbie, Annchop and Kixfairy, very strange Pokemon, are created by Chris.
- 4 April - Chris updates El PokéSite de RWC 2.
- 7 April - Chris designs the cover for his Christian's Favorite Hits! CD.
- 13 April - Chris creates the Metonic card.
- 19 April - Chris creates the Christian's Sonichu card.
- 24 April - Chris starts making his self-documentary A Week With Christian Chandler.
- 24 April - Chris's friend Jarrett from the Pokemon League signs his guestbook.
- 29 April - Chris goes to the Pokémon league at Books-A-Million. A party is held in honor of the launch of the Team Rocket Pokémon series.
- 30 April - Chris writes that the Chandler family is moving back to Ruckersville. Christian helps move boxes.
- May - Chris takes his mom to senior prom.
- 1 May - At school, Chris prints the cover for his CD. He complains about having to ride home in a bus with some 'slow in the minds' in it. It's an odd day, so Chris has lunch alone.
- 2 May - Chris falls asleep during English class. Because it is an even day, Chris has lunch with his friends Tiffany Gowen and Sarah Hammer.
- 3 May - At home, Chris plays videogames, sorts his Pokémon cards and browses the internet. He also visits the YMCA pool.
- 4 May - A school day; at Contemporary Living class Chris makes some pasta with Tiffany and Sarah, at Photography class Chris makes a mothers-day gift for Barbara.
- 5 May - Chris goes to school in shirt and tie, because it's the day of the Senior Group Photo. Because the shoot takes so long, he is picked up from school by Bob.
- 9 May - Chris creates the Christian's Christian card.
- 10 May - Chris updates CWC's PokéSite 2. He changes around the fonts a bit, and adds a text that tells visitors to bookmark and promote his site, and to leave a message in his guestbook.
- 11 May - Chris creates the Dark Sonichu card.
- 1 June - Chris creates the Surfing Sonichu card.
- 2 June - Chris creates the Snowboarding Sonichu card.
- 9-11 June - Chris attends BrickFest 2000, an adult Lego fan convention.
- 15 June - Chris graduates from Manchester High School on honor roll. He throws a hissy-fit.
- June - Chris stops working as a volunteer assistant Gym Leader at Books-A-Million in Midlothian.
- June - Chris moves back to Ruckersville.
- June - Chris starts working as a volunteer Gym Leader at Toys "R" Us in Charlottesville.
- 19 June - Chris updates CWC's PokéSite 2. He changes the fonts and removes some text.
- 14 July - Chris makes a CD for his "big bro" Cole. He makes like a DJ and does a radio show on KCWC about him.
- 17 July - On his site, Chris declares that his family is finally finished moving to Ruckersville.
- 26 July - "Sonichu" signs Chris's guestbook, saying that Chris's site is terrific.
- 27 July - Christian sets to work on Christian's Favorite Hits 2! Critics claim it is much worse than the first one, which gained minimal praise.
- August - Chris starts as a Freshman at Piedmont Virginia Community College.
- 16 August - Chris's friend from Toys R Us, Jason, signs his guestbook, saying that he beat Chris with a Moltres stall deck and wishing him good luck at PVCC.
- 20 August - Chris makes a Yahoo! account. The username is CChandler9885.
- 28 August - Chris creates the Cwc's Sonichu Site logo.
- 29 August - According to Chris, this is the day his CWC Sonichu site was launched.
- 30 August - Sonichu's News Dash Preview issue #00 comes out. Chris announces his site.
- 31 August - Chris's friend from PVCC, Nicole, signs his guestbook and says that he did a good job on the website, and she wishes him luck in anything he does.
- 4 September - Sonichu's News Dash Preview issue #01 comes out. Bionic the Hedgehog is first mentioned.
- 7 September - Chris creates Chicachu, the female Pikachu, and Maychu, the female Raichu.
- 19 September - Christian updates his Christian's Sonichu card, and creates the Christian's Chicachu card and the Christian's Maychu card. He also creates the Cwick City Gym card.
- 23 September - Chris makes the Christian's Weeler, Christian's Hotfinish and Christian's Strongtire cards. He also makes a TopDeck cover with Sonichu for his scrapbook.
- 24 September - Chris creates the Christian's Flashbulb, Christian's Coonbulb, Christian's Bugzapp, Christian's Kelbie, Christian's Annchop and Christian's Kixfairy cards.
- 28 September - Sonichu's News Dash Preview issue #02 comes out.
- 11 November - Chris signs the guestbook of a website called Lione Productions.[1]
- 12 November - Chris creates a CD for his gal-pal Kellie Andes for her birthday.
- 15 November - Chris updates CWC's PokéSite 2 again. He changes the font and adds some text.
- 19 November - Unfazed by the failure that was Christian's Favorite Hits 2!, Christian makes Christian's Favorite Hits 3!
- Chris crafts the first Sonichu Medallion from Crayola Model Magic Clay.
- 21 December - Sonee, Sonichu's offspring, has a card created for him.
- 22 December - Chris publishes his last news item on CWC's Pokésite 2. Also, according to the Wall of Originals, this was the day that Chris conceived Rosechu.
- 23 December - Chris creates another TopDeck magazine cover featuring his creations.