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Revision as of 23:14, 17 April 2010 by BreadGod (talk | contribs) (→‎April)
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CWCki-tan kicking off the new year with sum delicious juice.

2010 marks the second consecutive year of trolling Chris. In 2010, Chris turned 28.


Fueled by a combination of fanmail and his temporary victory over the hardcore gay ads on CWCipedia, Chris started off 2010 in a rush of almost unrestrained smugness and arrogance. His only setback was the temporary closing of CWCipedia thanks to trademark claims from The Coca-Cola Company and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, and after a short apology, that, too, was quickly forgotten. Thanks to the swelling in his feelings of self-importance, the more depraved side of his mind was on full display both in the Sonichu comics and in the Mailbag.

Around the middle of the month, Chris's complacency came under fire, when favorite troll comic and Sonichu parody, Asperchu, which Chris was introduced to and already hated because it made his homosexuality-alarm go off back in late 2009, became his number one stress factor due to a takeover of CWCipedia's ad-space and mail from fans who said that they would abandon the Sonichu fandom and go read Asperchu instead. Chris has since desperately tried to fight the mass fan-emigration to Asperchu with belittlement and denial, fist-fight challenges, subliminal suggestions and impotent tard-rage. So far all of his attempts have failed miserably.

So far the highlights of Sonichu 10 have been: Christian and the Hedgehog Boys committing a terrorist attack on the 4-cent_garbage.com Tower, causing the building to collapse, killing 100 people and injuring another 150 in the process, the depiction of Rosechu shifting tampons and engaged in bondage with Sonichu, and the staging and execution of a worldwide holocaust on homosexuality and asexuality. And yes, Chris still considers Sonichu a comic for kids.

Thanks to one of Chris's replies in the Mailbag, we have confirmed that Chris, if given the opportunity, would not hesitate to rob people of their freedom of thought just to make sure that there would be no homos in his perfect world.


At the start of the month, Chris was beginning to surrender to the forces of the Asperpedia. He entirely gave up on the hissy fits, and only made desperate, but halfhearted, apologies. After a few failed attempts to weasel his way around them, he would eventually completely submit to the demands of Alec Benson Leary and Evan, and he promised to kill off Simonla and at least show a bit higher tolerance towards the Asperchu ads on the CWCipedia.

While he delivered on the first promise, the second quickly started to cause him stress, since Alec started to use the ad space for his new comic, Sonichu Revolution, which harshly criticizes Chris's hypocrisy, sexism, intellectual property theft and the other kinds of stupid behavior and beliefs he exhibits on a regular basis.

In a typical Chris-like fashion, this criticism went completely over his head, and his reason for not liking Sonichu Revolution is the violence and it's similarity to Sonichu.

The official Sonichu comic has been moving very slowly forward throughout the month since all the stress from following the demands from Alec caused Chris to crash into slumber again. This also led to an almost complete neglect of the mailbag, and when Chris finally came back to answer the letters, his responses were far from adequate. By the end of the month, Chris would complete Sonichu 10, ending it off in the most violent of fashions, killing off Simonla Rosechu... then turning around and killing Alec, Evan, Mao, and Sean for making him do so! For his troubles, Jack Thaddeus resumed his ads.

Chris recovered just in time for his birthday, which he started off with a shameless display of self-praising.

Chris has also begun to write character bios on CWCipedia, in which he acknowledge some details trolls have known for ages, such as Sonichu's evilness.

Perhaps the biggest mystery revealed this month was the sudden apperance of another human male entering Chris's room and actually putting up with Chris's shit. One of the more puzzling developments to come out of Chris for some time.


The beginning of March 2010 started out with a bit of concern. Chris had made mention of his father Bob being hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Though many were worried for Bob's health, Chris obviously wasn't as he continued on with his life as if nothing was wrong.

Things got happier when Chris, through his own narcissism, inadvertently revealed the identity of his latest gal-pal through a Little Big Planet level. Dedicated trolls discovered her identity and, while many were content with trying to keep it on the down low and letting her discover for herself what kind of monster she was dealing with, one faggot ruined it for everyone. The gal-pal apparently left Chris, and as a result of their falling-out, Chris discovered the existence of the CWCki. He immediately demanded that all the pages involving him his family and friends be removed or there would be trouble...

Chris was also, for a good part of the month, trolled by Surfshack Tito, who Chris blamed for the loss of the gal-pal and the china he was sure would follow. The resulting angst drove the man-child to hilarious new lows, such as threatening trolls with a pocket knife, dressing up in a kilt, and using the dreaded N-word on camera, despite being unsure of Tito's ethnicity.

As if in retaliation to Chris dropping the N-bomb, control of the CWCipedia was relinquished to Mao, who opened registration to the masses. In no time flat, the website was greatly enhanced by those masses.

Holding true to his manifesto from the end of the previous month, which basically told his fans to fuck off and stop asking him for Sonichu comic pages, Chris completely neglected answering his Mailbag and publishing comics. While he had promised to at least begin earnest work on Sonichu 11 in time for the 10-year anniversary of the strip, the stress of his woman troubles instead drove him to more angry fits of railing against his fans. He even compared them to the trolls that constantly torment him, which is probably the closest Chris has ever been to realizing the truth about his "TRUE and LOYAL fanbase." As if a final slap in the face to his fans, he tells everyone that he is leaving the internet forever and that the only way new comics will show up is when they appear on comic shelves. If that were really the case, he'd have a schedule that would rival that of LIEFEEEEEEEEEEEEELD! Thankfully for all, Chris came back 36 hours later, ranting about The Cleveland Show and abstinence.


April started with the CWCipedia looking like the owner's duck. That is, to say, mangled beyond recognition.

The website was stripped of its flesh of colors, pictures and formatting, leaving behind only a skeleton of HTML code, like the remains of an animal that's been dug up after many years in the ground.

Chris has also failed to acted on his threat of "trouble from himself personally" after the expiration of his ultimatum. However, being the fatass dumbfuck that he is, all his vandalism is noticed and quickly reverted. However, he wasn't banned by order of the great Clyde Cash.

On 5 April, however, Chris's second The Hook Cafe ad was discovered, further cementing the fact that he only wants a sweetheart for the hanky-panky.

On 12 April, Chris tried to get his ban lifted from The GAME PLACe, but Michael Snyder rightly rejected Chris, and the encounter ended with Chris calling Michael a Jew.