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The act of searching for his ex-[[gal pal]] came just four days after Chris posted about his feelings of nostalgia for his "friends" from [[Manchester High]].
The act of searching for his ex-[[gal pal]] came just four days after Chris posted about his feelings of nostalgia for his "friends" from [[Manchester High]].

In October 2017, Chris once again looked up Megan's Facebook for her online store and left a comment on it:<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2017_Facebook_posts#Complimenting_Megan_Schroeder</ref>
In October 9th, 2017, Chris once again looked up Megan's Facebook for her online store and left a comment on it:<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2017_Facebook_posts#Complimenting_Megan_Schroeder</ref>

{{quotebox|I just wanted to tell you I like your craft and are. You have become a lot more talented over the years. Many blessing to you and your family. 🌸}}
{{quotebox|I just wanted to tell you I like your craft and are. You have become a lot more talented over the years. Many blessing to you and your family. 🌸}}

Revision as of 17:44, 19 October 2017


This article contains link(s) which have been cut down by the Internet Lumberjack or which have otherwise crashed into slumber due to stress. Please help the CWCki by replacing or restoring these links.
β€œ Ah, For Her I Would travel even A Thousand Miles, just to be with her. Fortunately, she lives only about one hour from my house, and I meet her once a week at a closer-to-home social. This feeling, It was, and still is, so pure and true, it was like as if I was Born to Love Her. When She Smiles, I feel like I'm Walking on Sunshine as I give my replying smile and gaze into her eyes. And her hair is the softest and most warm-tingling. Cloud Nine? I feel like I'm on Ten. ”
Christian, Story of My Current Days
β€œ ED didn't drag my name through the mud but you did.

I don't know, I can't keep disgracing myself and forgiving and forgiving. I have some pride you know. I've forgiven you so many times before it's just getting irritating now. Even I have my limits.

Megan gives her own view[1]
Megan Schroeder
Name Megan Schroeder
Date of Birth 23 July 1986 (age 38)
Gender Female
Nationality American
Race White

Megan Schroeder (born 23 July 1986) is a former gal pal of Christian Weston Chandler's, with whom he had perhaps the closest relationship with anybody he's ever had in his life.

Chris first met Megan in the summer of 2004 at The GAMe PLACe. Following Chris's progressively creepier unwanted advances, she cut off contact with him in early 2008. Since then, Chris has developed an intense and unwarranted grudge against her, thanks to misconceptions fed to him by Borb, and his autistic delusions about her scheming with Michael Snyder to have him banned from The GAMe PLACe. Chris's attempted contacts with Megan have dragged on as late as 2017, making the Megan Saga both the first and longest in Christory.


Megan Timeline Prototype.png


Main article: Megan Emails, 2005-2006
Look at the fear in her eyes...
β€œ During the late summer months, I picked up and started the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (it was around the time the movie came into theaters). One Saturday at the Game Place (Where I was also going for Pokemon TCG on Fridays), I met Megan and John Schroeder. At first I thought they were a couple but then they were just Sister and Brother. Over the months of getting to know Megan, I grew fond of her. Although at that time, and up to now, she wasn't interested in a lovely relationship. I've bided to her wishes and requests. I am truly fond of her, and I hope she will have a change of heart soon. She'll be turning 21 on July 23, 2007. ”

Megan is a typical truly boyfriend-free girl, even claiming to be asexual. She had a few eccentricities, which Chris was more than happy to copy and oblige, namely her fondness for My Little Pony, Sailor Moon, and using Chris like a debit card because she was too lazy to go on eBay herself.

Megan and Chris first met at The GAMe PLACe in summer 2004, over a game of Yu-Gi-Oh!. The two apparently struck up a friendship of sorts. They had an obvious connection from the start, since they were both idling their twenties away playing card games marketed to preteens. It only took a few games and a handful of e-mails before Chris saw Megan as his sweetheart. Megan, however, did not reciprocate this sentiment. It probably didn't help that Megan was getting Chris to buy things for her like a stereotypical wife nagging her husband:

β€œ Please can you get this video for me? please hurry! thanks! ”
Megan, Megan E-mails

Through the end of 2005 and into 2006, Chris would obsess over Megan, writing her into his comic, trying to drag her into dates, trying to snuggle, hold her hand, kiss her, and other attempted romantic gestures. This didn't accomplish anything but rousing the ire of Megan, who was uncomfortable with these advances and only saw him as a friend, nothing more. She repeatedly tried to assert her asexuality to Chris, in an effort to prevent his advances. Sadly, this fell on deaf ears, and Chris would continue to hound her. Even when Megan eventually resorted to claiming she had a boyfriend, Chris was not deterred.

Unfortunately for her, this was only the beginning...

Megan Saga

Sailor Megtune

Main article: Sailor Megtune

Megan, like Chris, enjoyed drawing cartoons, and this seems to have caught Chris's eye early in the game:

β€œ Everytime I see your drawings, I get inspired to want to work more on my comics. ”
Christian, Megan E-mails

In what was a fortunate alignment of his ass-kissing campaign with the series of diary entries that Sonichu had become, Megan (later retconned as Meg-chan) soon made her first appearance as Sailor Megtune in Sonichu #5 along with Megagi La Skunk, her own furry sidekick. The two are purportedly "Sailor Soldiers" and reveal on the spot that Chris is an old friend of theirs (including Megagi) and thwart the evil Jerkops trying to ruin Chris' Love Quest with Rockin' Hurricane, causing Magic Rocket to blast off again. Her influence on the "art" of Sonichu is apparent in Chris's sudden transition to a more anime style with Sonichu #5, most notably in his character's eyes, which became large and shiny.

Getting dangerously close to crossing the line...

Megan and Chris appeared to chat about comics in their e-mail conversations; Chris critiqued some of her story ideas, and ran the plotline for Sonichu #6 by her, including a bizarre offer to write in Megan's own imaginary daughter. While Megan probably found the whole thing harmlessly eccentric at first, Sonichu #5 managed to create some drama pretty quickly upon its release. Megan undoubtedly flipped when she saw her character getting romantic with Chris, as well as being portrayed in a sexualized manner. Chris completely failed to comprehend why she was angry, but did retcon a couple of pages to tone them down. This did not placate Megan, however.

Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown

Main article: Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown
β€œ In any case, I LOATHE Adam and his Sister for STEALING my one chance at taking my Sweet Gal-Friend to Seattle; it would have been terriffic. I might have even been able to change her outlook on not planning on having children (she and I are both virgins; although I am a FRUSTRATED, High-Functionally AUTISTIC, 25-YEAR OLD VIRGIN. ”
PSN Blogs

In June 2007, Megan went to Kentucky. Undeterred, Chris continued e-mailing her, refusing to back away even for a moment as he still believed that, deep down inside, Megan truly did love him. Discovering Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown and the prizes for victory, Chris eagerly entered the contest, hoping to win a PSP and use the trip offered in the contest to win her heart. In the end, as expected, Chris lost (even after extensive cheating), Adam Stackhouse won, and Megan didn't care. Even when Chris began whining to her and others about how Adam and everyone else except Chris had somehow cheated, Megan didn't care either way. This childish behavior eventually resulted in Megan losing her temper with Chris, reprimanding him for his selfishness and inappropriate behavior. Despite being hurt by her outburst, Chris continued to harass Megan in much the same way as before.

Rule 34 and The End of Megan

Main article: ShecameforCWC.JPG
β€œ And, by the way, is not Crystal whose eyes are censored; that is Megan! ”
Chris stating the not-so-obvious [3]

In November 2007, Chris would discover his Encyclopedia Dramatica page and begin his one-man crusade against the garbage. In the process, he uploaded a number of pornographic and lewd artworks, one of which was a picture of him fingering Megan with her eyes obscured. Trolls originally believed that she was his imaginary sister Crystal, which prompted an outraged Chris to try to deny accusations of incestuous desires by revealing that the image was actually meant to represent Megan.[4][3]

By 12 March 2008, Megan discovered the picture depicting her and demanded that it be removed immediately. Chris attempted to do so, but found himself blocked at every turn. His edits were quickly reverted, or even worse, compounded, as he tried to upload other versions of the picture with the face cropped out or obscured. On 21 April 2008 Megan wrote an email to Chris saying she was not comfortable being around him anymore,[5] thus putting an end to their friendship.

Throughout the fiasco, Chris brashly attempted to paint himself as a greater victim than Megan, initially even assuming that she didn't understand what was going on in the picture. He would later admit he did it in part to suppress the occasional impulse to rape her, and that trying to assert that what she was going through just BEING in the picture and learning what he could have done was nothing compared to the misery of the trolling he was enduring.[6]

Evidence suggests that Megan was distancing herself from Chris even before she discovered the awful drawing. Comments by former GAMe PLACe patrons Daniel Mimms and Lucas indicate that Megan was already avoiding Chris before she found out ShecameforCWC.[7] Chris himself has partially confirmed this account on the CWCipedia.[8] It might very well be that ShecameforCWC was the last step in euthanizing a dying relationship, rather than killing a vibrant and living one.


β€œ Too bad I was never just that too all into him. ”
Cartoon Megan, "I Am The TRUE, Original CCWC"
β€œ Megan... WHY?! ”

"I Am The TRUE, Original CCWC"

Despite Megan telling him she was no longer comfortable being in his presence, Chris was not willing to give up on her. On 11 June 2008, Chris sent an email to a person named Tyler Wane, asking Tyler to deliver Megan the birthday gift Chris bought for her (a German-English dictionary). Chris said he could not deliver her the gift himself due to being "forced into hiatus from the Pokemon League by that S.O.B. Mike". Tyler in response suggested to Chris to arrange meeting with Megan outside The GAMe PLACe.[9]

Megan surfaced again in Chris's thoughts in July 2009, first in the CWC "Boyfriend" video, and then in the subsequent update, I Am The TRUE, Original CCWC. Chris also reposted the Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown entry, though this version is slightly different from the ones frequently seen in latter days: After "...my friend Megan!", Chris inserted a short break with a photo of him and Megan, with a lovely heart frame. Either this is the original version before Chris tried to clean up his image, or a brand new version with new improved references to the long-lost love.

On 26 March 2009, he released a Captain's Log where he told everyone to "leave her alone" because she was going through stress from the trolls, and threatened to stop drawing the comic if they didn't. At the beginning of the video Chris claims that he was recently contacted by Megan, though it was most likely a troll posing as her seeing as she had cut off all ties with him.

On 12 August 2009, he dedicated a song to Megan in one of his KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special videos, where the first sign that he'd convinced himself that she'd told him "I Love You" comes up (and he remains relatively consistent when speaking of her in acting as though this actually happened).

β€œ Coming up next at #7, we got another long-distance dedication, to the old gal-pal of mine that I almost had a ra- I had meant to be- I had her "I love you" before I got kicked out, Megan Schroeder, her, from her favorite, this is from her favorite h-artist, Yngwie Malmsteen. ”
Christian, "KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special"

In 2010, he created a model of Megan for ModNation Racers (named "Gal Pal"), showing that he still can't let go.

Chris's version of events

On 16 May 2010, the CWCipedia's new fan manager Daria Camacho created a page for Megan, using the link on Chris's page of gal-pals and sweethearts. When Chris discovered it, he erased all of Daria's text and wrote his own version. The abridged version of events he presents is much shorter than his gigantic rant on The Wallflower, probably because the events of the Megan Saga are beginning to fade from his memory.


Megan and I first met at a Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament at The G&H Place, back when it was still in the Downtown Mall. It was around the time the Y.G.O. Movie debuted in theaters. She and I, we talked, hung out and became really good friends.

"I DID have lovey-dovey feelings for her, and I still care about her as a friend. I did her a number of favors by getting her this and that off of eBay, then she would reimburse me the cost of each item.

When I started getting too close, she started to feel uncomfortable, My Bad. Then she distanced herself from me, saw other dudes, including a possible homosexual.

I drew that drawing of her and me that is unfortunately popular among everyone who tends to haze me for TWO REASONS. Firstly, because of My Own Wishful Thinking. And second a tool in a lame attempt to overcrowd the E.D. page against me with Bu**C*** with my own "information" to shut it down.

Ever since, she totally spaced herself from me, like as if she had put a restraining order against, which she did not. And as I was being forced off the Place premesis the last day I was there, she stood by and watched in shock. She could have spoken up for me, but she did not.

I have lost communication with Megan since then.

In the months and years after his "breakup" with Megan, Chris came to try and act as if he'd gotten over her. His CWCipedia page on The Wallflower, for instance, claimed "I had LOOOOOONG moved on from Megan."

However, a lingering attachment betrayed itself on occasion. The archive of his female acquaintances on the CWCipedia noted, "I still miss her sometimes." In an e-mail to Jackie from April 2010, when he recounted having his picture taken at The GAMe PLACe, Chris said, "I was in a state of shock from seeing Megan and (her short-lived romance) Christopher MAKING OUT. That Should Have Been Me."

The Blame Game


Megan, years later, still recovering from her ordeal. Out of frame: JERK.

The Matthew Noble call of August 2010 revealed that Bob and Barbara disliked and distrusted Megan, believing that she conspired with Michael Snyder and "some homosexual[s]" to get Chris banned from The GAMe PLACe. Barbara also mentions how Megan "lied" about something, suggesting that she believes Megan to be a troll.

It is possible that this belief originated with Chris, as in his correspondence with Katie Bay, he lists Megan as a "possible troll".[10] His reasoning was typical Chris - she had a vagina and didn't want to give him access to it. He also appears to have confused her with another white female brunette that placed a sign on his lawn on Halloween 2008.

Chris Doxes Megan

A series of leaked Facebook postings beginning in February 2012 revealed Chris' ever-growing, pathological, and extreme hatred for Megan. His animosity for Megan supposedly grew much more vitriolic after buying into his parents' completely baseless belief that Megan was responsible for the "Hate and Smear Campaign" against Chris:

β€œ EVERYONE, I have most urgent news. It is Final in My Mind, and from my mother as an eye and ear witness of her consorting with Michael Snyder LONG Before Novembef, 2007; Megan Schroeder IS the SEED of the Whole Hate and Smear Campaign Against Me on the Internet. If any of you all Know where she is, or have clues of her, or her brother...current wherabouts, Please Inform Me on THIS WALL, Posthaste. She is Needed Brought to me, my mother and our attorney, for Great Questioning, and a Huge Piece of my mind. Thank You, Christian W. Chandler ”
Chris, Facebook, February 18, 2012

In the following days, Chris posted her contact information in hopes that his friends would troll her. Thankfully, this effort was not successful.

Chris' retarded attempt at trolling back Megan. He exhibits a belief that if you simply dox people online, they get trolled back, not realizing the large number of reasons why this only happened to him.

On 4 April 2013, Chris denounced The GAMe PLACe and called for Megan to be "jailed and beaten up", describing her as a "vile, wicked, traitorous bitch,"[11] a rare display of hatred upon a woman not seen from Chris since Mary Lee Walsh. Judging by a 20 July 2013 Facebook post, Chris seems to be holding Schroeder, along with Snyder, to be the main culprit behind the various misfortunes he had over the years.[12] Perhaps, if Chris ever starts the comic up again, we shall see Megan taking up the golden hair/helm of being Chris's foe.

Megagi La Scapegoat

Chris's vitriol for Megan continues almost six years after his ban from The GAMe PLACe, and he has even resorted to using Megan as a scapegoat for everything bad that happens to him even if he is blatantly responsible. In the aftermath of a permaban from Wal-Mart on the weekend of 7 September 2013 for having vandalized an Xbox One display, Chris flew into an incoherent rage and began blaming Megan for both his Wal-mart and GAMe PLACe bans:

β€œ If it had not been for Mr. "Manajerk", Megan Schroeder, and their Internet Troll/Cyber-Bully Breeding and Meeting Ground, Cville's Hobbies, Games and Toys, My Family and I would not have had go through all of the emotionally depressing, and Financial Downfall to the depths of Greatly Poor and Just Getting By! The Manajerk has drained us financially, thinking we are freaking rich. And Megan has robbed me emotionally, started all of the Hate Against Me on the freaking Internet, Never financially paid me back for ALL of the material favors I bought for her off of eBay, and I WANT MY UNCUT "SAILOR MOON' DVDS FROM SEASONS "R" TO "SAILOR STAR" THAT GERMAN WARFARE BITCH CONNED FROM ME RETURNED TO ME!!! ”
Chris, Facebook, September 7, 2013
Megan's fate as a Lego voodoo doll. Notice her goth style clothing.

On 24 September 2013, Chris claimed in a Facebook post to have received an email from Daniel Mimms about Megan's current whereabouts. He now classes her with the Witch (Mary Lee Walsh) and the Bastard (Michael Snyder), and makes three Lego minifigs of them and shakes them together as a sort of punishment.[13][14] Of course, the notion that Chris can perform sympathetic magic to harm his enemies is befitting with his other delusions. Chris would continue to use this Lego minifigure of Megan as a totem to relieve his anger for her, and it appeared a month later "in detention" at Lego Manchester High.

On 3 October 2013, Chris posted another rambling tirade directed at Megan to Facebook. This time, Chris claimed that Megagi La Skunk, Megan's cartoon character that she probably doesn't even remember making, told him that she is "deeply distrustful" and agrees with Chris that Megan should have never been born. Additionally, as if she would even care, Megan's Sailor Megtune "powers" were "revoked" by Chris. On top of reiterating the previous "wrongdoings" by Megan, Chris has proven nothing at all, except perhaps that he suffers from some form of mental illness.


You ungrateful bitch. Quit hiding behind the Anons, Trolls, PLace People and every Damned Person who you have deceived into siding with you.

By the way, I have checked with Megagi La Skunk; she feels deep distrust in you. We mutually agree that you should have never been born, even if it meant she would never exist. Also, your Sailor Megtune powers; I created them for you; I have taken them away from you! Usagi and the Sailor Scouts would have been most ashamed of you.

...And by the way, I pray you have been having Really Bad Luck, Feeling Paranoid of EVERYONE, and Shakingly Stressed, because I continue to leave your minifigure upside-down and shaken with the Witch and the Bastard! And I have been feeling the very same grave emotions myself for the Six Long Years, you damn, dirty bitch!

Chris, Facebook, October 3, 2013

Chris ended his first rant with a comment reading "NOBODY ELSE COMMENT THIS POST!!!", possibly because he's tired of having his atrocious behavior called out by even the most ass-patting of his friends. The following day, Chris focused all his blame like a laser beam on Megan, insisting that she is responsible for the CWCki, virtually all of his bans, the "theft" of his Sailor Moon DVDs yet again, and astonishingly, even the fact that he lacks a sweetheart. That's right: not only is Megan the one who's responsible for everything Chris inflicted on himself, but also Chris will only forgive Megan after he gets unpaid china he feels entitled to.

β€œ I will only forgive Megan, and remove all curses upon her, when she apologizes to me In Person and Face To Face, when the Cwcki, its forum, and Everything Else Against me on the Freaking Internet is GONE, GONE, GONE, when I am NOT BANNED FROM ANYWHERE, when I get my original Uncut Sailor Moon DVDs returned to me, when my Good Name is Cleared of all of the bad, AND when I have my female Sweetheart for Forever. And I am Not Stepping Down beforehand. ”
Chris, Facebook, October 4, 2013, 10:09am

Megan, Queen of the Trolls

Roughly two hours later, Chris posted another Facebook message. While seemingly intending to explain the methodology of Megan's master troll scheme, to everyone else it actually reads more like valid condemnations of Chris' obnoxious behavior by his peers and authority figures. Finally, Chris re-iterated his desire not to hear any criticism from his friends, instructing others not to comment on his post and challenging Megan to a face-to-face meeting. Whether Megan cares enough to challenge, in-person, a delusional 31-year old who lives with his mother remains yet to be seen.

β€œ Megan, I KNOW you and the PLace employee continuously conversed and conspired against me. "Christian is so weird. " "Tell me about it." "He hangs onto me, touching me, clinging onto my every word. Ugh." "I can not stand his shouting outbursts that echos in my head after both of those times he stressed out." "I want to just kill him; destroy his goody-two-shoes nature, soul, heart and all that shit my mashed potato grenade could shatter, but leave his body in tact, so I'm not committed for murder." "I just want to ban him from "MY" store forever." "I got it! Let's get an embarrassing photo of him, post it online, and put him to shame forever!" "Mimms and Lucas are tech freaks! Let's enlist them." "Yeah! Chris will be banned from "YOUR" store based on the hyped up mal online reputation; he will be out of my life forever. Pending possible nightmares and night terrors to come, but who the fuck cares; his Autistic, Fragile mind will shatter along with his heart after I kiss my homosexual fake boyfriend in front of him!" ""HA HA HA HA HA AHA HA HA!!!!!""

I am onto your game that took away six years of my life and destroyed me; you either pay me what you owe, or I continue to curse and haunt you with my father at my side.

Chris, Facebook, October 4, 2013, 12:44pm

Chris later deleted the two posts prior to this one; a few hours later, he deleted this one as well.

Years later

β€œ I just say let her, wherever she is, live her life, and I'll just stay here, liv- living mine. It's all done and over with. ”
Chris, finally moving on

On 26 January 2016, in the second CatKnight interview, Sir Arthur Spatchcock brought up the topic of Megan and the grudge Chris had against her. Chris claims that he has finally gotten over that grudge, wishing for her to be left alone to live her own life.

In February 2017, Chris looked up and browsed through Megan's Facebook account,[15] sharing one of her drawings to his own account. When asked by Kim Wilson if they were friends again, Chris responded:

Not quite; I just gone through my past and recent sent friend requests, found Megan Schroeder, and I liked her cover photo; it's cute. She has a few cute dogs too. At least, she's doing okay; as far as I can tell.

The act of searching for his ex-gal pal came just four days after Chris posted about his feelings of nostalgia for his "friends" from Manchester High.

In October 9th, 2017, Chris once again looked up Megan's Facebook for her online store and left a comment on it:[16]

I just wanted to tell you I like your craft and are. You have become a lot more talented over the years. Many blessing to you and your family. 🌸

The post was later removed.


Art by Megan

Etsy shop

β€œ All of my artwork and materials are proud to be "Made in China" free!! ”
Megan Schroeder, June 2013

Megan on her Etsy page

On 15 June 2013, Megan Schroeder created an Etsy account to sell her artwork of animal dolls wearing flowery attire. She claims that her artwork is "Made in China" free, and her materials she uses for her dolls are made in Japan, the USA, and Europe. She has gained a love for nature over the years after the events of the Megan saga, and is seen in her profile pic to be wearing a photographer's camera, indicating that she could be a photographer.

Art of Megan



CWCipedia logo.png
For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Megan Schroeder
  1. ↑ Megan emails, 2008
  2. ↑ Yep, I'm on TV :)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 CWC's Second Message
  4. ↑ Chris confirms Megan's identity on 18 March 2008.
  5. ↑ Megan emails, 2008#Megan can't trust Chris anymore
  6. ↑ Megan_Emails,_2008#Chris_continues_bothering_her_about_ED
  7. ↑ Mimms and Lucas Q&A: "Megan would usually stand/hide behind me and Lucas to avoid [Chris], especially after the drawings of her got leaked [emphasis added]." This comment suggests that Megan was avoiding Chris before ShecameforCWC came to her attention. In their discussion of Megan, Mimms and Lucas seem to attribute Chris's groping as the main factor behind the deterioration of his relationship with her, while giving little weight to ShecameforCWC.
  8. ↑ CWCipedia on Megan: "When I started getting too close, [Megan] started to feel uncomfortable, My Bad. Then she distanced herself from me, saw other dudes, including a possible homosexual."
  9. ↑ <Chris emails 2008#June
  10. ↑ Katie_Bay_E-mails_2#26 July
  11. ↑ Leaked Facebook post
  12. ↑ Facebook#Spring Brakers
  13. ↑ September 2013 Facebook Posts#Voodoo-Wise
  14. ↑ September 2013 Facebook Posts#Yep, the Bitch has not changed a thing...
  15. ↑ February 2017 Facebook Posts#Found Megan's Facebook
  16. ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2017_Facebook_posts#Complimenting_Megan_Schroeder
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Tekken Forces Fanart Gallery
MeganNoBG.png Megan Saga MeganNoBG.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Stackhouse, GAMePLACe, ED