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CWCki-tan kicking off the new year with sum delicious juice.

2010 marks the second consecutive year of trolling Chris. In 2010, Chris turned 28.


Smug with overconfidence thanks to his fanmail and the victory over gay ads, Chris charged into January, not even allowing the shut down of the CWCipedia via copyright claims stop him. However, Chris would soon find a new stress factor in the emerging fan comic Asperchu, going to great lengths to pull his fans away from it via belittlement and denial, fist-fight challenges, subliminal suggestions and impotent tard-rage. Every attempted failed miserably.

As he did, he continued to update Sonichu 10, revealing more of his madness as he destroyed the 4-cent_garbage building, showing Rosechu shoving tampons into her and being dominant, and confirming his holocaust against homosexuality.

Unbeknown to trolls, Chris was beginning to get close to another girl and he would attempt to hide this, but his own ego would refuse him to do so.


As January became February, Chris found himself embroiled in a series of phone calls from Asperchu creator Alec Benson Leary. Though Chris attempted to belittle Alec initially, Alec would turn the tables and lead to Chris to promise to show better tolerance towards Asperchu and to get rid of Simonla Rosechu. However, Chris shuffled his feet on the second promise, forcing another shutdown of the CWCipedia and the emergence of Sonichu Revolution, which harshly criticizes Chris's hypocrisy, sexism, intellectual property theft and the other kinds of stupid behavior and beliefs he exhibits on a regular basis. In a typical Chris-like fashion, this criticism went completely over his head, and his reason for not liking Sonichu Revolution is the violence and its similarity to Sonichu.

Though, very slowly, Chris recovered enough from the stress to complete Sonichu 10, which showed the death of Simonla, only for Chris to turn around and kill off Alec, Evan and two others in childish retaliation. Chris recovered just in time for his birthday, which he started off with a shameless display of self-praising. He has also begun to write character bios on CWCipedia, in which he acknowledge some details trolls have known for ages, such as Sonichu's evilness.

Perhaps the biggest mystery revealed this month was the sudden appearance of another human male entering Chris's room and actually putting up with Chris's shit. One of the more puzzling developments to come out of Chris for some time.


As March began, trolls showed concern over news that Chris's father, Bob, had been hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Sadly, Chris showed no concern whatsoever, angering trolls. A few days later, Chris would, through his massive narcissism, reveal a name of his potential latest sweetheart through a Little Big Planet level. Dedicated trolls would discover her identity, but opted to let the lulz come naturally. However, one faggot opted to reveal what had happened, causing the gal-pal to cut ties with Chris and Chris himself discovering the CWCki.

At that point, Chris began an all-out war against everyone, attacking his fans for wanting more Sonichu pages "than his inspiration can create" and comparing them to trolls (the closest he's ever come to realizing that his fans aren't really his fans), attacking the CWCki and demanding that everything about him and his life be changed to suit his needs (not realizing one change was done at the insistence of said gal-pal) and attacking Surfshack Tito, the troll who took credit for destroying the lulz.

However, an outside source would intervene with Chris and demand that he leave the Internet forever. Soon after making this bold and bombastic claim, he returned 36 hours later to complain about cartoons and sex.


On 21 April, a video is leaked showing Chris being highly disturbing.

As April started, Chris's activity on the Internet was sporadic. He lived up to his vow to take action on the CWCki by... editing only three templates on the main page. However, Clyde Cash opted to let him go in case of more lulz. At the same time, the CWCipedia was in worse shape thanks to its host site, 110mb, being shit.

At the same time, trolls discovered an ad on The Hook Cafe, discovering that Chris was back to his Love Quest on the Internet. During this time, Chris would meet and begin talking to a woman named Jackie, who would become Chris's focus throughout the month. Having learned something from the previous incident, he kept a low profile on her. During this time, he attempted to return to The GAMe PLACe in an attempt to lift his ban. However, it didn't turn in his favor and trolls hailed Michael Snyder as a hero when he kicked the anti-Semitic manchild out again.

He would also work on his website a bit more, creating profiles for his characters (something that should have been done ages ago). Strangely, he would also put up a page that included mentions of all his past sweethearts, even going so far as to put his own misguided and ego-filled side to the story of the Wallflower. As well, the Sysop added in new pages of Sonichu 11, showing a more disturbing side to the characters, as well as removing various pages of the other issues due to their copyright infringing uses. Chris would remove the pages and restore his.


As May started, it seemed that things were going to be slow again, especially after the incident on the CWCipedia. However, Chris emerged soon after, boasting that he had disconnected his Wi-Fi Antenna from his life upgrade, not realizing the damage done. However, this high would lead to him crashing into slumber after he won tickets to a sports event. When no one wanted to go with him, Chris was forced to go by himself and sit beside a "lovey-dovey" couple. Doing so got him upset, but instead of realizing how screwed up he was, he blamed his problems on the Greene County School Board.

Afterward, the CWCipedia was aided by another person, DariaCamacho, who attempted to improve the CWCipedia for the better, though Chris was quick to revert the changes. However, by the end of the month, it would be revealed that Daria was actually Mao and he opened up the CWCipedia to all. Chris attempted to revert their vandalism, but gave into stress and abandoned the CWCipedia. Mao would later give the CWCipedia to Vivian Gee, who would start more comics again.


June 2010 started out with a whimper. After Chris's fourth threat to leave the Internet, many fully expected that Chris would not keep to his word. The first signs of him not staying true to his word was the fact that he continued to log in to his YouTube account. However, some suspect that the real reason he was quiet for the start of the month was ModNation Racers.

The silence was then broken on 4 June. Chris traveled to The GAMe PLACe with the desire to take a picture of Michael Snyder so that he could print it out and put it on a dartboard. Long story short, Chris attempts vehicular homicide while drunk and he's let off scot-free by the police. Two days later, he makes a video addressing these events, and announces that he's leaving the Internet. Again. For the fifth time.

Chris then fell silent for twelve days. As usual, a few faggots jumped to the conclusion that the CWC saga was over. The faithful were then rewarded on 18 June, when a field agent spotted Chris at the Fridays After Five event in Charlottesville. He then took several pictures of Chris and uploaded them to the internet for the world to see. In a few of these pictures, he is wearing a sports bra which reads "WANT WOMAN", thus showing that ever since he was compelled to leave the internet by an outside force, he has gone back to the era of the attraction sign. This time around, it's not so much retarded as it is really creepy.

At the same time, trolls discovered where Chris had disappeared off to -- the Flipnote Hatena, a website created by Nintendo for the Nintendo DSi program Flipnote. Clearly, he has failed to take the advice of whoever is trying to get him to keep off of the internet to heart. As well, he's taken his Love Quest to this place, attempting to win hearts only to be attacked by trolls and finding out those he's had interest in are not of his age.


July 2010 began with Chris in the middle of a skirmish of sorts with the Moderators of Flipnote Hatena. Chris was angry over the fact that no one was praising him, so he deleted the comments on all his flipnotes and disabled commenting. He then uploaded a Flipnote entitled My apologies, in which he spendt more time blaming the trolls than actually apologizing. Eventually, the Moderators grew wary of his sub-par animations and his refusal to adhere to their codes of conduct, and decided to ban Chris from uploading. This became quite arguably the quickest he's managed to get banned from a website, lasting barely over two weeks.