2010 marks the second consecutive year of organized trolling of Christian Weston Chandler. In 2010, Chris turned 28.
- Main article: January 2010
Smug with overconfidence thanks to his fanmail and the victory over gay ads, Chris charged into January, not even allowing the shut down of the CWCipedia via copyright claims stop him. However, Chris would soon find a new stress factor in the emerging fan comic Asperchu, going to great lengths to pull his fans away from it via various crazy YouTube videos; every attempt failed miserably. As he did, Chris continued to update Sonichu #10, revealing more of his madness. Unbeknown to trolls, he was actually beginning to get close to another girl and he would attempt to hide this, but his own ego would refuse to let him do so.
- Main article: February 2010
As January became February, Chris found himself embroiled in a series of phone calls from Asperchu creator Alec Benson Leary, demanding Chris to promise to show better tolerance towards Asperchu and to get rid of Simonla Rosechu, with Mao holding CWCipedia hostage. Though, very slowly, Chris recovered enough from the stress to complete Sonichu #10, which showed the death of Simonla, only for Chris to turn around and "kill" Alec, Mao and two other people in an act of childish retaliation. Chris recovered just in time for his birthday, producing a shameless display of self-praising by declaring the first annual Christian Love Day. Perhaps the biggest mystery revealed this month was the sudden appearance of another human male entering Chris's room, one of the more puzzling developments to come out of Chris for some time.
- Main article: March 2010

As March began, trolls showed concern over news that Chris's father, Bob, had been hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Sadly, Chris showed no concern whatsoever, angering his fanbase. A few days later, Chris would, through his massive narcissism, reveal a name of his potential new sweetheart through a custom LBP level. Dedicated trolls would discover her identity, and one faggot would cause the gal-pal to cut ties with Chris and Chris himself discovering the CWCki. At that point, Chris began an all-out war against the Internet, attacking his fans for wanting more Sonichu pages, attacking the CWCki, and especially attacking Surfshack Tito, the troll who took credit for destroying the lulz. However, an outside source would intervene, forcing Chris to once again announce he was leaving the Internet forever. (36 hours after making this bold and bombastic claim, Chris returned with a new video to complain about TV and sex.)
- Main article: April 2010

As April started, Chris's activity on the Internet was sporadic. However, trolls soon discovered an ad on The Hook Cafe, discovering that Chris was back to his Love Quest on the Internet. During this time, Chris would meet and begin talking to a woman named Jackie, who would become Chris's focus throughout the month. Having learned something from the previous incidents, Chris kept a low profile on her, which however did not prevent some highly-disturbing material to eventually leak to general public. During this time, he attempted to return to The GAMe PLACe in an attempt to lift his ban; the trolls hailed Michael Snyder as a hero when he kicked the anti-Semitic manchild out again. Chris would also work on CWCipedia a bit more, creating profiles for his characters and a page about all of his past sweethearts.
- Main article: May 2010
As May started, it seemed that things were going to be slow again, with a relative high point of smug Chris boasting that he had removed a "bug" allegedly planted by trolls in the life upgrade. However, he soon became severely depressed and blamed his problems of rejection by everyone on a conspiracy conceived against him by the Greene County School Board. By the end of the month, Mao opened up the CWCipedia to everyone. Chris attempted to revert their vandalism, but soon gave into stress and abandoned the website. Two series of e-mails are also leaked.
- Main article: June 2010
After Chris's fourth threat to leave the Internet, many fully expected that he would not keep to his word. The silence was however broken after Chris traveled to The GAMe PLACe with an autistic plan of revenge against Michael Snyder; long story short, Chris almost committed vehicular homicide while drunk and was let off scot-free by the police. He then made a video addressing these events, and announced that he would be leaving the Internet. (Again. For the fifth time.) Things fell silent for nearly two weeks, until a field agent spotted Chris at the Fridays After Five event in Charlottesville, continuing his Love Quest offline by acting really creepy in public. Soon, trolls also discovered where Chris had disappeared to online: the Flipnote Hatena, a website created by Nintendo for users to share their amateur animations.
- Main article: July 2010

July 2010 was another very quiet month. It began with Chris getting permabanned from Flipnote Hatena for constantly breaking the site's rules. For a time after that he emerged from the internets to enjoy the fruits of real life... by reverting back to the ancient ways of the attraction sign. He was spotted once at McIntire Park and twice at Fridays After Five. However, on 17 July he returned to Twitter, telling his loyal fans that he's working on the comic pages. On 24 July he also evaded his Flipnote Hatena ban and re-posted some of his removed flipnotes, suggesting that he bought another DSi just to use a children's website as his personal dating service.
- Main article: August 2010
During the first half of August, Chris didn't give off any signs of life except for a brief sighting at Charlottesville Fashion Square, kicking a stall of HEXBox games. It was suspected he spent his time playing video games. However, a phonecall to Bob Chandler was released, relieving some new info. He would then return on August 27 to post two videos, one concerning his upcoming high school reunion, and the other where Chris concedes to the trolls after reformatting his PS3, claiming he did himself in. Two days later, he destroyed his PS3, and to put it mildly, there was much rejoice.
- Main article: September 2010

Early in September, e-mail correspondence was leaked that provided some background on the destruction of the life upgrade. Quite predictably, Chris purchased another PS3 almost immediately. Jackie officially returned as a new sweetheart in Chris's life, with him trying to impress through new videos on YouTube, including attacks at Jackie's ex-boyfriend, Lars. Also this month, a bunch of ancient documents dating back from 2008 and 2009 were released to the public by Clyde Cash, followed by some more from early 2010, including the correspondence between Chris and his former alleged sweetheart, The Wallflower. Towards the end of the month, Chris officially kicked off his "anti-troll movement".
- Main article: October 2010

October began with Chris acting just as crazy as in September. He made another half-assed apology to Michael Snyder and dressed up in many various costumes made out of cardboard. In a horryfying video he also gave birth to a baby bear, and more.
Chris still won't be getting a girlfriend for Christmas.