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Artist's impression of the virtual interview (from left to right: Easy-K, Chris and Merryweather).

Internet Dream Lounge (stylized as Internet Dream Lounge) was a short-lived YouTube podcast series hosted by Merryweather (aka Merryweathery), a Danish web artist, and Easy-K, an EDM music artist.[1] The premise of the podcast was to interview people with a sizable following over the internet. On 4 October 2017 Chris appeared as the guest star of their fourth podcast.

As of August 2020, the channel remains inactive, with all videos privatized.


On 4 September 2017, Chris retweeted Merryweathery, who announced that Chris would be the next guest star for the podcast. Despite the announcement's broadcast date set for the following week, days before the expected release, Merryweathery went on to announce the delay of the video; however, he was accepting additional questions for the interview. The first interview was alluded to have been recorded on 4 September.[2] According to Merryweather, a re-recording was carried out on 4 October, for a 9th of October release.[3]

Chris stated that he accepted the interview for the following reasons:[4]

On 5 September, Merryweathery showed up on the Kiwi Farms in defense of the interview, upon receiving criticism from users that he was not going to get any new information out of Chris. He revealed to an extent the contents of the interview, notably an "interesting answer" from Chris with regards to the identity of the Magical Man.[5]

Merryweathery maintained good relations with Chris after the interview. In December, he tweeted a gift to @WeWuzMetokur of a drawing of him by Chris, saying that Chris had done it as a favor.[6]. Chris later drew an art piece for Merryweathery for his birthday.


Internet Dream Lounge #4 - Chris Chan (Unedited original)
Stardate 4 October 2017
Made By Internet Dream Lounge
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos


Chris's Internet Dream Lounge avatars.
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Merryweathery: Great. Great. U- Yeah, Uh, I'll go ahead and count us down, um, 3, 2, 1. Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the Internet Dream Lounge. I'm your host, R. Merryweather, and with me, as always, my co-host, Easy-K.

Easy-K: What's up, guys?

Merryweathery: And on this week's show, we have the honor of presenting to our dear viewers: The Eternal Hero of Love, The Defender of Autism, and the God-Emperor of Cwcville: The Creator of Sonichu: Christine Weston Chandler!

Chris: Hey! What's up everyone?

Merryweathery: Thank you for joining us, Chris. How are you today?

Chris: I'm doing good, how are you?

Merryweathery: I'm co- ba- fine! Thank you! Uh, so uh, Easy, uh, has actually been quite a big fan of Sonichu, for, for some years.

Easy-K: I love Sonichu, I- I really do.

Patreon Comics

Chris: Support me on Patreon, and I can send you copies of the books.

Easy-K: Dude.

Merryweathery: (laughs)

Easy-K: Dude, uh, for how- how- what's your, what's your base amount for Patreon?

Chris: Hm. Well basically, minimim- just so I can make sure that I make can money- money the books are uh, varying, because, uh with my publisher minimum has to be 48 pages, and the more pages there are the more, the more expensive it is for me and then I have to pay shipping of course.

Easy-K: Right.

Merryweathery: Of course.

Chris: Yeah, between from getting there, from getting from there to me and then, from me to the customer, urgh, so it compli- so I'm just the autographing, between, until I can find, like, a publisher or something that can, sell my books without the, uh, needing the middle person, [Easy-K: Right.] and uh, and not, and not be sabotaged.

Easy-K: Right.

Merryweathery: Wonderful, but the so- so-

Chris: But in the meantime- but in the meantime, we have this- the Patreon.

Easy-K: Well, are those the, so those are just, prints?

Chris: Hm. Yeah they're, uh, they're printed of my original, hand drawn pages.

Easy-K: Do you still have the originals?

Chris: Oh yeah I still have the original p- hand drawn pages.

Easy-K: That's great.

Merryweathery: Chris, uh, let's say, I want, uh, issue 1 of Sonichu, how much money would it probably cost me? Let's say I live in America. Let's forget I live in Europe.

Chris: Ok. Well, first book is 0 by the way, but to get you book, but to get you book 1, uh, considering it's definitely closer to uh, 50 pages, um, I would add like, I mean, if it was from illus- from, directly I would add, two- I mean minus the sh- not counting the shipping, yeah, that would be like, about 5 bucks.

How Chris made Sonichu (told again)

Merryweathery: Alright wonderful. Um, I actually want to ask you, because, uh-as, everyone wants to know, as you are, uh, famous on the internet for, uh, Chris, is the creation of the Electric Hedgehog Pokemon character, Sonichu, your personal character. Would you like to tell us a bit about how, er you, created this character.

Chris: Mkay, uh, well back in uh, 2000, when I was ilvantin- still attending Manchester High School, I was taking a computer graph- computer graphics, course, and uh, and they desi- we had to design our own custom CD insert, uh, front and back, and I wanted to, and I did want to include, Sonic and Pikachu, but um, they did not like copyright- well leuschy- my teacher didn't want copyright characters, so, I ended up merging the two and made Sonichu. But I did not, uh, it's Son- uh, I wanted to seperate, uh, seperate, my prime sonichu personality-wise, from, sonic and a wild Pikachu, of course. So, so I left the ears roll by and I- and I let him do the talking for me. we have kind of like a psychic connection, my characters and I.

Merryweathery: Of course.

Easy-K: Interesting.

Merryweathery: Uh, Chris, uh I, of course, us as the creator of the character but you first started drawing the comic, many years later, during your college years, is that right?

Chris: Uh, yes, during my early, college years, I s- started writing the comic book pages, I had drawn a few, little short strips which are actually in Book 0, as well. But I felt like ey let's, uh, suol- start doing co- my own comic book series now. I just felt like it, because, y'know, I had started with Sonichu then I- added Rosechu, and then I eventually added Blake- Black Sonichu, and uh, that was a good start for me and then, uh, I ended up making up Naitsirhc, who was, adopted son of Giovanni.

Merryweathery: Yes, which is your, your, of course your dark opposite. In the- in the comic's lore.

Chris: Or eventually to be cursed to become more my dark opposite.

Merryweathery: Oh, alright, so he didn't- he didn't start out that way, this character?

Chris: Yeah, bu- yeah he was just essentially like a, Pokemon trainer, to rival against, Rosechu's trainer Kel, Which, uh, you find out- you find out more about their relationship in book 12, which, uh, I'm still, working on very much, I've finished up the, pride festival episode.

Merryweathery: Oh! Wonderful! So, so you are actually still drawing the ca- the, uh, the comic.

Chris: Yes.

Merryweathery: So, in Sonichu,

Easy-K: And I suppose you, sorry, go ahead, Merry.

Merryweathery: Go ahead, Easy.

Easy-K: Oh yeah, well in Sonichu, I noticed that there's, a lot of, y'know, commentary, on, y'know what's going on in the world, and like, things that matter to you, and the issues of like, like what's going on in the world, what kind of comments on the human condition were you trying to make, in the Sonichu series? And what are you try- what comments are you trying to make now, with these, uh, new issues?

Chris: Hm, well, I pretty much just, commentary with, what's relatable to me and how I feel about, uh this and that. Although, pretty much going onto shwamean- in retrospect, we're still in this phase, where I had just come back from the future of 2015, and uh, and so it's still 2009, the books, but I can, actually input, pages, that, are actually more, up to today's date.

Easy-K: Right.

Merryweathery: Ok.

Chris: But- but to still to catch up we've still got Graduon's introduction, about who he was, and all that, and, his coming back to earth in book 14.

Merryweathery: Ok.

Chris: Yeah, but anyway, um, is there any specific, um, comments, from amongst my books that you can recall? In particular?

Easy-K: Well, um, I did notice, that there, was um, a lot of it was things that were happening in your life? But then a lot of it was, um, s- I would almost go so far as to say as political. Um, like, with how you've felt about...

Merryweathery: There is, um, of course, the...

Easy-K: H- how you felt about drugs? How you've felt about, um, homosexuality, and just people, in general who you, uh, [Merryweathery: The, the...] for lack of a better word, look down upon.

Chris: Hm.

Merryweathery: There is, of course, the matter, uh, indeed, as Easy mentioned, that the comic, was a lot about, uh, your, real life, and the challenges, that you've faced, in- in your life.

Chris: Yeah.

Merryweathery: Both past and present, Uh, a lot of it, uh, so for example, the, uh, manager, characters, the Slaweel character, which we'll- which was based on, uh, at least formally based on a person in your real life, who caused you trouble.

Chris: Yes.

Merryweathery: Um, I'm not sure if we can say that name, uh, just in case.

Chris: Uuum, yeah, probably best not to.

Merryweathery: Of course, um, s- d- w-wha at what moment did the comic stop being m-mainly about Sonichu, and more about your troubles, and the things that happen to you, specifically?

Chris: Um, I feel like it was kind of a miss, actually initially, because um, earlier in the books I was, pretty much very naive, trying to feel it out, see what genres best suited my pages and whatnot, and, lk- also ended up, taking in the, random criticisms, which uh, realising I shouldn't. And to, talk about, uh, my past [coughs] excuse me, uh, that wasn't fun, that was something in my throat, but anyway, um, to talk about the, homosexuals, I was naive, and, there was all those mislabelings that was thrown, on me as, y'know before I c- actually came out as a lesbian trans-woman.

Easy-K: Right.

Chris: That I was, uh, gay for men, but uh, [Merryweathery: Of course.] of course that was never the case, just the, the trolls throw that mislabel on me, and, and also between that and a combination of where I was on my sweetheart search and, uh, I just had this, uh, frustrated, feeling about, and feeling against just, men in general, because I was like, they take all the women and leave me with none to choose from, but clearly, I eventually, realised that was, not the case especially when you consider the percentage of them being, taking each other, away from the equation. Anyway, I use that term lightly, usually though, I never ever actually had, anything against the homosexual males, my, uh, feelings were more, just, were more aimed at, uh, against, males in general that I used to have, and more- and more over the uh, mislabelings the trolls have thrown upon me. But, uh, I'm, fortunately I had, I have come out, and over the years I have become more, heartfelt and open, towards, uh, male, uh, towards men in general, but definitely I'm more attracted, to Magi-chan and that still remained the same as always regardless of sexual orientation, and gender and whatnot. But, anyway, um, Ah! Lost my train of thought, got- gotta get back on track!

Merryweathery: That's fine. We can, uh, I can ask you a follow-up question, if you'd like?

Chris: Mhm.

Merryweathery: Uh, when did you start realising you were, transexual?

Chris: Hm, yeah hm, transgender in this case, I mean look at what you ghe- there's a difference between transvestites and transgender, but I'm, trans- gender, transwoman...

Merryweathery: Oh of course! Sorry, I didn't know the difference.

Chris: But anyway, I, uh, I also went to the, short, two page coming-out story in the, uh, that I have just uploaded in the up to my Patreon, I, uh, did a lot of soul searching and self-realisation throughout my lifetime, I- I get quite deep in thought, into myself, and explore myself from within, and, and- eventually I, uh, flicked- I put two together when I, saw an image of my head of me in my past life, as a woman, in my later years where beforehand I had gone to Woodstock, but i-w- that which the, uh, image that I saw I had drawn right on the second page of this little two page coming out write up, draw up, anyway, that's pretty much how, how it was, like y'know somewhere in the late- in the late seventies there was this grey-haired woman with the braids, wearing a rainbow tie dye dress, looking at- lay- me- sitting against a tree with her beaded bag, just, uh watching the sun set. And uh, anyway I saw that, and, just put it all together with, everything in my mind, in my memories, and of course, uh, in my younger years, I, actually exhibited, feminine, more feminine habits than masculine. And, so I put- so anyway, all the realisation, and, pru- and, real- and, yeah, came out as a lesbian transwoman.

Merryweathery: Alright.

Easy-K: How, um, how'd, how's your- and I don't know if this is too personal, if it is, we can cut it out, how does your mother feel about all that?

Chris: Yeah, initially my mother was, quite put off by it, but, a little bit at a time as I dressed more fede- more feminine, and acted more feminine she got used to it, though she still calls me by my old name "Christian", and still refers to me as her son, and I'm just gonna leave that only for her to, do that y'know because she's like in her- in her mid 70s right now,

Easy-K: Absolutely.

Chris: I- I- It's just difficult to get all- to get used to the change, the name change, also, and the gender change, even though I had passed the psyc- psychological evaluation, and had my name legally changed, and changed both of those on my driver's licence.

Easy-K: Ok.

Merryweathery: Nice.

Chris: And the- and then I got on the, HRT.

Merryweathery: Chris, uh, ok, uh Chris, I wanted to get into something that we, uh, agreed to talk about before, that's been going on on your Twitter right now.

Chris: Yes.

Merryweathery: But first, uh, because you mentioned Barbara, uh, which is your mother, Barbara Chandler? Is that right? That the correct name?

Chris: Yeah.

Merryweathery: Ok, I just want to ask you, because, I believe it was about a week or two ago, uh, you uploaded a, YouTube video, uh, which was, uh, your mother, Barbara, asking for donations, uh, for food, uh, i-i-is she quite alright? Because a lot of people were a bit concerned about that video.

Chris: Hm, yes that was about a month or two ago, um, second half of the month, so I mean we're on fixed income, so, like, y'know, between like, the 15th to the 30th or the 31st, it, tends to get more difficult for us financially, we have to, buckle down, we eat- mostly stay at home- we try mostly to eat at home anyway, aside, from y'know the beginning of the month where we can splurge a little bit.

Merryweathery: [Bewildered] Right.

Easy-K: [Not paying attention] Right.

Barb Chugging Huel.png
An artist's depiction of Barb preparing to go and trim the hedge.

Chris: Yeah, and, bu- but anyway, health-wise, my mother is doing ok, physically- she's physically able, she, tends to stay in bed, alo- a lot, because, uh, she, kinda tends to get, bored? But she- she's been on meal replacement shakes, and she has been, enuh- she has been able to do, more physically, she, went outside trimmed the bushes on her own accord and decision, and it was like, she trimmed that bush so far down! And it was like oh my God, mom, don't kill the bush.

[They all laugh]

Merryweathery: Of course.

Chris: And I told her about what else that she could do, like, um, she wants to do something for the, uh, cluttered, junk that's on our back porch, [Both: right] a- a lot of it's a sore, anyway, so take it out, put it on the curb for the trash people.

Easy-K: Right.

Merryweathery: Ok. Uh, Chris, I want to ask you, also a thing, this is not a critique, uh, at all, [Chris: [getting defences up] alright] and we can skip it if you like, however, uh, a lot of people have been wondering about, like, uh, in the video where you ask for food, your mother is actually wearing a pearl necklace, and a gold, necklace, uh, chain. Have you considered, uh, selling these?

Chris: Um, yeah, she ha- y'know like, months ago she sold her original gold, Cleopatra style necklace, for, like a few hundred bucks, uh, but then I was- but then I was like, uh- my mo- ah I've always wanted the necklace, she never took that necklace off, that was her favourite, necklace. So- uh, much later on, uh, I did come across a, few other dollars, I forge- I forget where, exactly? I think it was, uh, I think it was a generous donation or a really big sale, oh wait- now I remember it was the sale of the Sonic totem pole hm, yeah I sold that to somebody for a few hundred bucks, but anyway, from that I went and bought a, I went and replaced her, gold Cleopatra necklace and told her: "Let's not sell this one!"

Merryweathery: Hah. That's nice of you, that's very kind of you, Christine.

Easy-K: Um, you know, speaking, toward your, family, and- and things like that, um, could you tell us about your father? I mean he seems like a really stand up, y'know respectable guy.

Chris: Yes, he was, he was a very smart person, he uh, he served in the- he served in the uh US army, he was stationed in, uh, Seoul Korea in the Signal Corps.

Easy-K: Wow.

Chris: And he uh, he went to uh, coll- and he made friends with lots of the- with the, Koereans, and start- and y'know, Seoul, Korea, uh, and did he meet some from the north? I'm not sure, but anyway that was a long time ago with him, anyway he uh, was also in the scouts and he earned his share of badges, and, uh, he was also like, uh, a scout master type figure for, uh- some of the scouts, they made him the wall[?] that he's always carried around. And he was- and he was stapled for that but anyway, um, he designed the controls for the. plastic moulding machines and steel mills, saw mills when he was at- when he was working for General Electric, and this is nice to go onto this little bit of commentary, because today is his birthday- Hw would have been...

Easy-K: Oh! Wow! Happy Birthday!

Chris: Yeah, he would've been, like uh, shoot- 84? Huh! I guess he would have been, uh, 90, 91 this year.

Easy-K: Wow.

Chris: Well, um, actually, well, yeah 90, because uh, he was born in '27, and this is '17. That works, yeah that's right. 90, nine-zero, but anyway, um, he was very smart, and, well, elle- and, well, eloquent, um, and, and he was a strong and able fella, he had a workshop, he, did his own woodwork, here and there also, where y'know, he, made- y'know just put things together for himself, whatever, um, and, w- anyway he was quite t-more, enable, and he taught- he raised me on, the music of the uh, like the uh, 20s, 30s, 40s, including the- and the musicals, featuring Gene Kelly.

Easy-K: Ooh.

Chris: Yeah, so goes way back, yeah- I like all kinds of music, uh, just not the, heavy metal where, this- where the, singer is quite, incoherent.

Easy-K: Right.

Chris: It's just, it's just really stressful from, do they call that music?

Easy-K: I believe they do. I'm pretty sure

[Chris laughs, regressively]

Chris: Yeah, but I mean not to criticise, everybody who enjoys that type of music, and, aha, like, I thought, y'kn to even to, just bring in Chloe I just started playing the new Life is Strange video game wherein her, where, we're playing as Chloe, and it's here before Max came back, it's pretty good so far. Anyway

Merryweathery: Anyhoo,

Easy-K: Yeah, I saw that game, it looked pretty interesting.

Chris: Yeah, hm, and I did enjoy the, uh, first game all throughout.

Merryweathery: Chris, I just want to ask you, have you seen some of the internet tributes, that were made in honor of your father? During- uh, after his death? My condolences, by the way.

Chris: Um, thank you, um, no I ha- no, I haven't uh, because I'm still in the trans- I'm still in the emotional mental transition, uh, [Merryweathery: Of course] between where, I couldn't tell the difference between the trolls, and the fans, but now, I am, more uh, like there, they're a whole entire group as long as they are talking about me one way, or another, their, uh, they at least still like me in one aspect. [Merryweathery: Of course] And that's another thing, the comments, on, the haters, who, don't really know, or, refuse to, express their feelings, in love, or anything Huggy-feely like that, haha, they're probably, just squeamishing right now just as I said that. Huh, but anyway, they express their love and like, other ways as well, it's just more in tu- just more like in body language and like, you know, one worded subtle, cues like "Hm, yeah, whatever" and-

Merryweathery: Of course.

Chris: And that could be interpreted as "thank you" among which, by the way, yeah, but- but still, respect them for, s- for showing love the way they do, just y'know, on the internet they, may not be so, cussy-fussy...

Merryweathery: Of course, uh, Chris, I just want to tell you, um, while, a lot of trolls, who have obviously come after you, have done it for horrible reasons, a lot of them have tried to ruin your life, and a lot of people really, rather dislike them for that, because a lot of people do find you to be a very interesting person, and I think the majority of us felt very sad about your father's passing. Um, and- and if you ever one day feel like you, you could get a good laugh, then you might want to take a look at the different tributes and fan-art that people made when your father passed away, uh, I know at least one, YouTube video that, uh, put me a little bit, uh, to tears. He was lovingly called the Internet Lumberjack, because of that one time where he threatened to cut down your internet.

Chris: Yes, um, yes I'm aware of that meme.

Merryweathery: Yes, it was, um, completely, in- in love of your father, it was, not at all, meanly meant, or anything like that. So my condolences, and, uh, if you want to check your- your- your inbox, right there on- on- on discord, I've sent you a piece of fan-art of your father, knocking in the doors to heaven, with a rainbow in the background, saying "Get away from that internet! I'm cutting it down!"

Chris: Heh, huh, oh my gosh.

Merryweathery: [Laughs] So, maybe you can enjoy that a little bit, but, yes of course, congratulations on your father's birthday.

Chris: Thank you.

Merryweathery: Uh, of course, I want to move on a little bit from- from that rather sad note, uh, block the trolls, not the heros, your hashtag, uh, your current Twitter campaign, where you uh, talk about getting blocked by various people,do you want to talk to us a little bit about that? Maybe tell us what it's about?

Chris: Ok, well, I'll try to make the long story short, and go into mentioning, DoopieDoOver, over on Planet Dolan, and then Lazycast, I mean all things aside, she's still quite alright, kind, upstanding person just as her- just has her emotional flaws, but I look, I look over that, and I just feel for her, because I felt, I feel in my self aha, not often drunk, but I mean it's cool, it's her thing, it's her need, there, she do what she do, but anyway, um, so, so- so before that started, uh, another one on plane- another one on the PLanet Dolan crew mentioned national girlfriend day on her Twitter, so I saw that, so after I saw that I was like "oh, I should actually be able to meet, uh, actually make acquaintance of all these fam- uh, all these famous people" I mean yes mostly women, but I mean, it's not like I don't like, my share of males as well, but I mean I like Kelsy Grammer and Jerry Seinfeld, among which, but anyway, so, w'e- like you know, in the sense that they're not my, I mean- In the sense that they're not my, we're not in a relationship, or we're not totally, we aren't totally friends yet, but, still I just appreciate, just, being able to communicate with them, in my life. I was just vastly misunderstood, for like "Oh! Yeah sweethearts, everything", no, no. But anyways, so, with that the trolls started harassing- saying Doopie- after I made the, post and tagged her amongst a few others, um, but anyway so she started getting harassed, poor thing, on her Patreon, and definitely on her Twitter, and then she, came and attacked me, she felt like I was doing the harassing to her, I mean, it was just misunderstood, I mean, on anoth- on her other Patreon page, which that one was NSFW, I just, I lent her a bit of s- support like, you know, just one little suggestion! About to one to maybe between Vinyl and [Tavi] in human forms, haha, that's aba- that's a good, that's, probably the best ship in the whole MLP series, uh, but anyway, uh, aside, yeah, so I was being supportive, and I was meaning to be kind, I, did not, I, did not mean to be harassing or offensive in any way, but, poor Doopie, she just, took it that way, and eventually she blocked me on Twitter, but, it was not I who was doing the harassing, because, if I was, I would have been more, y'know, I guess I probably would have cursed more, or I would have, uh, commented, uh, like, you know, "please be kind, please reconsider, I'm not harassing you" I hardly ever said all that, but trolls were like "Oh, here we go again, Chris is harassing this poor girl, oh Doopie! You should block Chris here, he is totally harassing you!" and I mean that was not the case, it's just that the trolls were just throwing that label, onto me, and eventually Doopie blocked me.

Easy-K: Wow.

Merryweathery: Yes, and I believe it was Nowacking who also blocked you?

Chris: Yeah, that was- that was the, uh, third one, I'll get to her shortly, but then uh, a little while later, because uh, she was getting uh, we- uh, ear of the insults because they forgot to untag her from the- from that argument in the comments tab of the senjume who voices [Rarity] on My Little Pony, and also Luna, [Princess Luna], "We must speak in the royal we!" haha, but any- but anyway did like- I did like her, fight too and, uh, and I told her that I will- that I- that I will practice, uh, untagging and if I end up leav- uh, if I end up, leaving a tag, then just my mistake, like I forget, another one recently, with the trolls, commented on, but that's uh, a whole different kettle of fish right there, but anyway so- but anyway so shortly after Tabatha thanked me for, uh, y'know, for promising to, untag, dir- the ones that are not involved in the argument, yeah it was like shortly after this I guess she was still getting harrased by the trolls, at my expense, and so she blocked me on Twitter.

Merryweathery: Yes. So...

Chris: Ok and yes, uh, so now we will talk, now we are gonna talk about, Nowacking, Jessie Nowacking, who I really appreciate, being the voice of Vinyl scratch on YouTube, at least, no- that's, now that's still a very awesome person I feel I've, uh, I'm good at analysing a person from what they um, what they say like, just, not to be judgemental or anything, but it's just like, y'know, just to put uh, personality aspects in there, but anyway, so, she wanted to- she was just- talking, shooting off, the uh, just- shooting off her mind a little bit, she wanted t- uh "How about I offer some of my own input advice from online dating sites, like, I'd listen to that." And then she, put six portions of like, uh, where, these were like, y'know, like, If I said it then it's not cool, but if she said it then that's cool, so then she put her response to that, but, between those things I commented, I mana- I even managed to splice together the, uh, the central type, of a woman that, apparently she may, or may not have been, getting, a lot of comments of relationships from past relationships, just putting the s in the parentheses, there, with and uh, she kinda fell flat from there, and uh, and then the trolls took that from, took from that and, once again threw the "harassing" label onto me, and then, Jessie, kinda blocked me there, and that, was just like that really upset me, and it still upsets me that I'm still blocked by Doopie, Tabatha and Nowacking, but it's like, I'm pray- I'm praying that they will realise that, yeah it was not me who did the harassing, but the trolls, and on my one alt account I did have the, put up the screen capture from, all those, uh past, comments, uploaded them onto there.

Easy-K: Well, you can think of this as kind of like a platform, to kind of address them directly. Like if you were to speak them directly, like what you would say.

Chris: Yeah, although for- although for this little move that I recently did by uploading the past, I took that from Leslie Jones, I've seen that on WatchMojo top 5 video of these five celebrities were cyberbullied, yeah Leslie Jones is number 3 and the way she countered them, like: "I'll tell you what! Yeah you give me the bullying and the harassing I'm gonna retweet that, and show every- showing everyone how punk-ass you are, and how block-worthy YOU should be, you damn internet bully!"

Easy-K: Wow. Thats...

Chris: But- but- but- but I did- I did like Leslie Jones on Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters 2016.

Easy-K: Yeah.

Merryweathery: Oh, you've watched it, have you? Ghostbusters.

Chris: Yeah.

Merryweathery: Right. Oh, yeah

Chris: I liked it, I don't care what anybody says, I like it.

Merryweathery: Ok.

Easy-K: That's good.

Merryweathery: You're supposed to like whatever movie you like, it's not about what other people think.

Chris: Yes.

Merryweathery: Anyway, uh, Chris, I want to ask you, uh, following up a little bit on the, uh, the matter of the, uh, troll thing, it is clear, by this point that you are very used to trolls coming after you and attacking you in various matters, whenever you post anything, have you gotten, sort of immune to it? Have you stopped caring about it?

Chris: Uh, back to that, uh, just- alright, just we'll get to that- answering that question but I just want to backtrack a little bit, [Merryweathery: Go ahead.] because I forgot to mention, um, I mean who's doing more harassing? Me? Or the trolls on the internet? I mean, I've been the victim of these trolls for, since like 2007, and they're now throwing the harassing label onto me, And they're the ones coming at you more than I would- ever would, because there are multiple people and I'm just one person, so- it's like, who do you block? The uh, hero, victim? That's actually more k- that's actually more often to be more kind and underst- and compassionate and all that? Or do you block the, number of those, in the internet trolls that should not be ba-band ba-band ba-bang ba-bang ba-bang harassing.

Merryweathery: Yes.

Easy-K: Right.

Chris: Uh, but anyway that was, what that was, what that was about, um, now the other question, uh, shoot, it just slipped out my mind, uh, could you repeat the question, please? The, the new one.

Merryweathery: It actually slipped my mind as well, um, uh, oh yes, of course, regarding the, uh, many trolls, you have.

Chris: Oh yeah! The immunity, um...

Merryweathery: Yes. Are you immune to it?

Chris: Yeah, um, for the latter I would say that I have become mostly immune, to their hatred, I have a- I have a mental emotional shield against their feedback. It doesn't always work, because I, tend to fall, emotionally it's- I'm still only, I'm still only human, but, but for the latter I have, do to to try to block the, uh, hate, those criticisms, those comments from affecting me, deep.

Merryweathery: Yes. Well, I can imagine, since you mentioned you've bee the victim of trolling since 2007, uh, I- I'd imagine that you would already be like, you've already heard the most horrible things anyone could ever say to you. I can't imagine much, for you to imagine, hurting you.

Chris: Mhm.

Merryweathery: Regardless, um, you've obviously, as mentioned, become, um, the target of multiple trolling, uh, campaigns, I'm sure anyone who is familiar with your name will know at least a few of these campaigns, uh, have you ever? Well, you- well you've obviously encountered a few trolls in your real life, as well, uh, do you have any stories, you'd like to share?

Chris: Um, encountering trolls in wh- in real life, well, first off one where the troll was definitely have, foot, on the webpage, not gonna name them specifically, but the one where, yeah, this, uh, this was one of my theoretical ex-girlfriends, did turn out to be a woman, came to visit and meet me in Virginia, my father wa- my father was there as well, this was long before he passed on, anyway, so it was a nice little, get together, apparently, the uh, then the troll was hiding, nearby with the camera just recording- d'our, conv- the, the events between the three of us, uh, her, my father and I, and then she and I, uh, walked off together and and then we were intercepted by, this guy in a pickle suit, pickle costume, [Merryweathery bursts out laughing and tries to stifle it] and it was like, I was strung up, by that, and then, uh, I didn't know what to think, but eve- but then eventually she walked off to her car with the guy in the pickle suit escorting her, and I was like "Oh my Go-" and I was like "Oh my God, what the hell was that?"


Easy-K: Top ten anime betrayals.

Merryweathery: I'm very sorry for laughing, Chris, you must imagine, in retrospect it's a bit funny.

Chris: [Not finding it in the least bit funny] Yeah, kinda funny, especially when you've go the adult definition of how a pickle can be interpreted.

Merryweathery: Yes [giggles].

Chris: But really I, but really that's- well, that is one of the aspects that turns me off from, the vegetable, what really turns me off from the vegetable, is actually the taste and the flavour, and yes I have eaten pickles before, you know off of, a, burger or a sandwich, it just, it doesn't suit that, pickle brine doesn't suit me well, yeah.

Easy-K: What about Kosher? How do you feel about Kosher pickles? As opposed to Dill?

Chris: Uh, never- I also kinda never tried kosher.

Easy-K: They're pretty good, that's the one that I like better.

Chris: I'd sample it, see how it tastes...

Easy-K: Yeah, it's worth a try.


These people who have never read our glorious wiki ask Chris about his comic. First they ask how to get it and how much it costs, and are immediately met with Chris' greed and ego, causing Merryweather to laugh at how Chris told Easy-K to donate to his Patreon. After revealing that he thought that Sonichu started with issue 1, Merry asked Chris how much it would cost, and Chris estimated $5 before shipping. Chris hints at the plot of Issue 12 in which Naitsirch is revealed to have been trained by Giovanni as an opposition to Kel, Rosechu's trainer. Easy asks Chris about the message he's trying to convey in his issues, Chris just says they're about what's on his mind at the time, which is very observable in the comics. He also talks about the Graduon back-story he needs to do as a paid obligation. Chris then owns the interviewers by asking them if they recall any commentary from the books, Easy of course avoids the question and talks about more general knowledge.

See also


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