List of videos

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Subject Matter Performance Style Saga Shirt Other

AutismAutism ComicsComics Fan ArtFan Art GalpalsGalpals FlipnoteFlipnote HomosHomos MusicMusic ConventionsConventions
OtherUnknownIcon.png PowerPower RacismRacism RumorsRumors SexSex TelevisionTelevision TrollsTrolls
HandoutsHandouts RealityReality PoliticsPolitics Video gamesVideo games ViolenceViolence WebsiteWebsite Cwcville ShoppingCwcville Shopping MarketingMarketing

ComedyComedy TragedyTragedy RageRage
ReasonReason CrazyCrazy SmugSmug

PVCCPVCC MeganMegan StackhouseStackhouse EDED BlancaBlanca
HillHill PandaPanda EmilyEmily ClydeClyde MiyamotoMiyamoto
JulieJulie PS3 HackingPS3 Hacking IvyIvy LiquidLiquid AsperchuAsperchu Surfshack TitoSurfshack Tito
Game_Place_sagaGame_Place_saga JackieJackie TomgirlTomgirl Calling OutCalling Out CatherineCatherine
Sonic BoomSonic Boom BusinessBusiness Lady ManagersLady Managers Financhu CrisisFinanchu Crisis
PmurtPmurt DoopieDoopie QuinnQuinn Idea GuyIdea Guy Guard DogsGuard Dogs
Merge SagaMerge Saga Teen Troon Squad SagaTeen Troon Squad Saga GOPonyGOPony Soft ExileSoft Exile JacobJacob
WatchmenWatchmen BellaBella IncestIncest JailJail PostJail2.png Pixil-frame-0 (8).png

Polo Shirts
Classic ShirtClassic Shirt Dog ShirtDog Shirt RainbowRainbowboy.png Green StripeGreen Stripe Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
Vert RedVert Red Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png Red StripeRed Stripe Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe The JokerThe Joker
Captain FalconCaptainfalconshirt.PNG Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG Straight White LinesStraight White Lines The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG Green White StripeGreen White Stripe
Blue with Thin StripesBlueThinStripes.png Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe South African FlagSouth African Flag Jamaican FlagJamaican Flag Red & WhiteRed & White
Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Red BlueRed Blue Blue & Red Sleeved RugbyBlue & Red Sleeved Rugby Sea GreenSea Green Dark RedDark Red
White with Black TrimWhiteblacktrim.png Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png Green Wide LinesGreenwidestripeshirt.png Green and WhiteGreenwhiteshirt.png Vertical Red & YellowVerticalredyellowshirt.png
The Classic Short SleeveClassicshort.png JerkopJerkop PokéShirtPokéShirt Red PokéShirtRedpokeshirt.png Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png
Blue with LogoBluelogoshirt.png White TWhite T OrangeOrange Green with Black TrimGreenblacktrim.png Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png
Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png Brown with Blue LogoBrownlogoshirt2.png ParappaParappa Mount And Do MeMountAndDoMe.png Pokémon LeaguePokémon League
Pity ShirtPityShirt.png Orange SleevelessOrangeSleeveless.png High School ShirtHighSchoolShirt.png Plain Orange ShirtPlainOrangeShirt.png BrickFest 2000Brickfestshirt.png
Black Extra LifeExtraLifeShirt.png Class of 2000Year2000Shirt.png
Trollin' StyleTrollinstyle.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG Safety ParkaSafetyparka.png
Tomgirl Outfits
Grey Muscle BraGrey Muscle Bra White Muscle BraWhite Muscle Bra Red Muscle BraRed Muscle Bra Blue TomgirlBlue tomgirl.png Green TomgirlGreen tomgirl.png
The Happy HagThe Happy Hag Mighty LesbianMighty Lesbian Big RedBig Red Blue TurtleneckBlue Turtleneck Turquoise Tank TopTurquoise Tank Top
The Tone-Deaf SkirtThe Tone-Deaf Skirt The Deal MakerThe Deal Maker Blue and White Striped DressBlue and White Striped Dress White Tank TopWhite Tank Top The Shattered HeartThe Shattered Heart
The ClopperThe Clopper The Blue ClopperThe Blue Clopper I'm Done AdultingI'm Done Adulting Red with ButtonsRed with Buttons Dream Love '82Dream Love '82
The Bubblegum NightmareThe Bubblegum Nightmare The Toothpaste TubeThe Toothpaste Tube Wonder WomanWonder Woman Gopnik OutfitGopnik Outfit Pink with Grey SleevesPink with Grey Sleeves
The Manchild MeltdownManchildmeltdownicon.png Light gray bathrobeLight gray bathrobe

LeakedLeaked LiveLive
MachinimaMachinima AudioAudio




  • Song of Christian 15 May 1998 (20:57) TragedyTragedy RageRage ReasonReason CrazyCrazy LeakedLeaked
    A 16-year-old Chris reads a poem he wrote for class, and rages over it getting an F.





  • The 24th Wedding Anniversary Special 7 June 2004 (24:28) ComedyComedy ReasonReason Video gamesVideo games MachinimaMachinima LeakedLeaked
    Chris makes an anniversary tribute to his parents in Animal Crossing, providing valuable background on his parents and how they met in a bar.




  • Chris Chan's Public Announcement (8:11) ReasonReason EDED Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe
    Chris assumes the contributors at ED have simply misunderstood him and his work, and attempts to re-introduce himself so that things can start over on the right foot.

August 2008

  • An Official Sonichu Update (6:27) EDED Sea GreenSea Green
    Chris concedes that, despite his best efforts, ED has successfully raised the funds needed to remain in operation, although he does not really admit failure in his campaign.

September 2008

October 2008

December 2008

January-June 2009

January 2009

  • CWC AC: City Folk Update (5:47) Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto Dog ShirtDog Shirt
    Chris announces that a deal has been made with Nintendo of America to introduce Sonichu and Rosechu as characters in the newest Animal Crossing game, although he seems to believe that early versions of these characters have somehow escaped into the internet.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate January 15th, 2009 (4:19) EDED MiyamotoMiyamoto Dark RedDark Red
    Possibly under pressure from Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aimé, Chris uploads this video to deny officially as possible and forbid everyone from looking at his page on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
  • CWC to Mr. Miyamoto-san 17 January 2009 (2:20) ReasonReason Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Chris attempts to appeal to Shigeru Miyamoto's cultural background after he hit a snag when Miyamoto jumped to the conclusion that he is talking to a troll and not the real Chris.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate January 18th, 2009 (1:37) RageRage HomosHomos Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris issues a scathing statement concerning hackers who used his email account to send messages to dozens of people saying he came out of the closet, and stomps on the vibrator he has owned for years.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate January 21st, 2009 (1:35) WebsiteWebsite The JokerThe Joker
    Chris announces that, the site he created just days ago following the hacking of, has also been hacked, and promises his fans (especially the female ones) that he will restore his true website soon.
  • CWC Update 26 January 2009 (1:43) MiyamotoMiyamoto Jamaican FlagJamaican Flag
    After weeks of talking about collaborating with Shigeru Miyamoto and disappearing from the internet for several days around the time that he was scheduled to meet with Miyamoto in Redmond, Washington, speculation grew that Chris was actually attempting to make this cross-country journey, until he finally posted this video, claiming to have just returned, but somehow you can just tell he hasn't even left his house since his last video.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate January 30th, 2009 (3:24) RageRage HomosHomos MiyamotoMiyamoto Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png
    Chris retracts his January 26 statement and angrily responds to Reggie Fils-Aimé and his complaint about a panty shot in Chris's PowerPoint presentation, a complaint Chris distorts into false allegations of nudity and characterizes as a general opposition to heterosexuality.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate January 31st, 2009 (5:56) MiyamotoMiyamoto Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe
    Chris retracts his 30 January retraction of his 26 January retraction, and apologizes for his unprofessional behavior toward Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aimé, pleading them to merely postpone the Sonichu video game project indefinitely rather than cancel it outright.

February 2009

  • Chris Comes Out of the Closet 5 February 2009 (6:09) HomosHomos JulieJulie ClydeClyde Dark RedDark Red
    Chris comes out of the closet and finally declares himself to be a "gaybian", in the result of Clyde threatening Julie with harm and demanding that Chris became gay on YouTube in exchange for her safety.
  • Chris Destroys His Vibrator 6 February 2009 (2:58) HomosHomos JulieJulie ClydeClyde Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    Chris explains why he had to make the two videos suggesting that he was gay, in order to satisfy an agreement with Clyde Cash, before flashing back to him ~~pulling apart~~ breaking his vibrator.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate February 8th, 2009 (2:52) TragedyTragedy HomosHomos PandaPanda JulieJulie Green StripeGreen Stripe
    Chris briefly recaps his previous videos, announces a new website, speculates that PandaHalo may have been killed in the Australian bushfires, and farts.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate February 10th, 2009 (3:20) ReasonReason Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto JulieJulie Dog ShirtDog Shirt
    Chris shows off his bedroom floor, in a bid to demonstrate to Clyde Cash that he has fulfilled his end of their agreement, and reads a letter from Nintendo of America, responding to his private query about his negotiations with Shigeru Miyamoto.

March 2009

  • Captain's Log, Stardate March 4th, 2009 (2:26) TragedyTragedy JulieJulie Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Chris, visibly distraught after the outing of Julie, explains that he has been under a lot of stress lately, and tells his fans to not believe the trolls, even though he's not wearing his medallion.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate March 10th, 2009 (4:45) HomosHomos Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe
    Chris states his viewing of the Family Guy episode "Family Gay", is hard at work on a new Sonichu medallion, and publicly announces that he is withdrawing from the internet as a front in his Love Quest.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate March 27th, 2009 (2:48) RageRage ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Outraged over the leaking of secret information that he undoubtedly freely distributed to some stranger on the internet, Chris blows his stack and threatens to STRANGLE THAT CLYDE CASH!
  • Chris Sings Lovin' You 29 March 2009 (1:45) CrazyCrazy MusicMusic IvyIvy Red BlueRed Blue
    In what is perhaps Chris's creepiest video to date, Chris delivers a short speech to Ivy and shows a few pictures, while his crappy cover of "Lovin' You" plays.
  • Take that Page DOWN NOW! 30 March 2009 (5:23) RageRage ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png
    Chris rages against his ED page, and then abuses a doll with a picture of Clyde Cash attached to its face.
  • Secret Weapon 30 March 2009 (:41) ComedyComedy ClydeClyde Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png
    Chris makes fun of Clyde Cash based on a picture of Lee Hotti that he calls his "mugshot".
  • YouTube Finale 30 March 2009 (1:08) RageRage ClydeClyde Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png
    Chris calls out to Clyde Cash again, threatening to beat him up. At the same time, he decides to withdraw from the YouTube scene...for now.

April 2009

  • The Return of Kimmi 12 April 2009 (:50) CrazyCrazy IvyIvy Red StripeRed Stripe
    Chris gives a shoutout to Ivy by kissing his blow-up doll taped with Ivy's face for a good 20 seconds.
  • Bunny Hop 12 April 2009 (1:01) CrazyCrazy RacismRacism IvyIvy Red StripeRed Stripe
    Chris dances like a child to entertain hermit crabs.
  • April 16 Fetish Vids 16 April 2009 (2:25) CrazyCrazy SexSex IvyIvy Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG LeakedLeaked
    In three leaked videos, Chris drinks his own semen, spanks himself, and dances naked in the shower.
  • Chris Calls Clyde Out 23 April 2009 (1:45) ComedyComedy RageRage SmugSmug CrazyCrazy ClydeClyde Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png
    After a nearly week-long silence, Chris finally speaks up again, this time calling out Clyde Cash.
  • I Got A Fish 27 April 2009 (:12) ComedyComedy MusicMusic Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris jogs in place while singing a song about him brandishing fish.
  • Power 27 April 2009 (1:06) ComedyComedy PowerPower LeakedLeaked
    Chris shows how "strong" he is.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate April 28th, 2009 (6:04) ReasonReason IvyIvy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    In this set of videos, Chris addresses the 16 April release of video and pictures and admits what was already obvious--that the woman for whom he made the sex videos is Ivy.

May 2009

  • Keep CWC's Wikipedia Up 3 May 2009 (3:03) RageRage WebsiteWebsite Red BlueRed Blue
    Chris urges the Sonichu and Rosechu fanbase to keep up his Wikipedia page after it was deleted by Wikipedia Admins so that no more vicious lies and slander will spread about him on the internet.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate May 22nd, 2009 (2:50) WebsiteWebsite Vert RedVert Red
    Chris explains that he has closed the domain and has no plans to reopen it in the near future. He also notes he won't be making as many videos in the future. He seems surprisingly cognizant of the fact that if he stops producing content on the internet then the trolls will have no new material to use against him.

June 2009

  • I'm Sorry, Dude 15 June 2009 (3:02) ReasonReason HomosHomos GalpalsGalpals Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG
    Chris apologizes to his gal-pal Kim for offending her gay brother.

July-December 2009

July 2009

  • Captain's Log, Stardate July 1st, 2009 (2:20) RumorsRumors Red & WhiteRed & White
    Chris denies that he was responsible for the untimely death of CWCville Mayor BILLY MAYS. He also mentions that he's continuing his Love Quest and that he will finish the long-awaited Sonichu Comic.
  • The July 10th Messages 10 July 2009 (3:50) RageRage The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG
    Chris "calls out" three people by insulting them and spitting out death threats, and gets his YouTube account suspended.
  • Rollin' and Trollin' 17 July 2009 (7:57) MusicMusic TrollsTrolls PoliticsPolitics SmugSmug Trollin' StyleTrollinstyle.png LiveLive
    Chris gives a tour of CWCville, then proclaims that he has been trolling everyone from the start, inspiring Liquid Chris.
  • CWC Trollin More 19 July 2009 (:31) ComedyComedy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris retcons the previous video and proclaims that he is, indeed, a fat, jobless, slob of a manchild.
  • Do Not Dis C Ville 23 July 2009 (3:05) LiquidLiquid The Classic Short SleeveClassicshort.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris equates the purely fictional CWCville with the real Charlottesville, presumably because they both start with a "C," and declares that impugning one is to impugn the other.
  • It's UGH! 24 July 2009 (4:13) ComedyComedy TragedyTragedy RageRage CrazyCrazy HomosHomos MusicMusic Brown with Blue LogoBrownlogoshirt2.png
    Chris sings Tomboy's "OK2bgay" while doing his best Tom Waits impression.
  • It's____ 24 July 2009 (4:07) HomosHomos MusicMusic
    Chris sings Tomboy's "OK2bgay" while donning a police costume he borrowed from one of his sex dolls.
  • Cwc dare 24 July 2009 (4:01) HomosHomos MusicMusic Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris sings Stan Bush's "Dare".
  • SingStar Challenge Round 1 31 July 2009 (3:10) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris sings "Sonic Boom" from the Sonic the Hedgehog Boom CD and addresses accusations of cheating, while Liquid Chris sings "You're Pitiful" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

August 2009

  • SingStar Challenge Round 2 1 August 2009 (4:06) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ParappaParappa
    Chris sings "Don't Say You Love Me" by M2M, while Liquid Chris sings "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" by Will Smith and is accused by Chris of ad-libbing based solely on the video title.
  • SingStar Challenge Round 3 3 August 2009 (4:09) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Green and WhiteGreenwhiteshirt.png
    Chris sings "Autumn Goodbye" by Britney Spears and tries to use his high school yearbook to prove his identity, while Liquid Chris sings "Heaven" by Bryan Adams.
  • SingStar Challenge Round 4 4 August 2009 (4:01) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris sings "The Touch" by Stan Bush, while Liquid Chris sings "Think Twice" by Eve 6; both contestants announce their rival's songs for the final round.
  • SingStar Challenge Round 5 5 August 2009 (12:07) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png
    Chris sings "Smell Yo Dick" by Riskay, and replaces "dick" with the word "duck," while Liquid Chris makes him sing it again and sings "Lift Up Your Eyes" by the Planetshakers.
  • CHRIS!!! CHANDLER!!! 6 August 2009 (4:31) RageRage LiquidLiquid The JokerThe Joker
    Chris demands that Liquid Chris sing the full-length of the final song and tells people he is not "IAN!!! BRANDON!!! SOMETHING!!!".
  • NO D*** WAY, IMPOSTOR!!! 14 August 2009 (2:48) RageRage LiquidLiquid Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png
    When Liquid Chris declares himself the winner of the SingStar Challenge, moving on to make Sonichu into a multimedia franchise and marrying his girl friend, Chris blows his lid.
  • CWC Fighter 18 August 2009 (:37) CrazyCrazy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris does an interpretive dance that he mistakes for martial arts skills.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate August 20th, 2009 (1:56) ComicsComics WebsiteWebsite Green White StripeGreen White Stripe Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris announces his DeviantArt account as an alternative site for viewing his comic pages during the outage of Cwcipedia. He also claims that trolls are assuming his identity in attempts to trick various "companies," and that this will not succeed.
  • THAT IS MY HOUSE - 27 August 2009 (2:58) RageRage Green with Black TrimGreenblacktrim.png
    While Chris demands that the videos of his house he put up just 5 months earlier be taken down or he's in trouble, Bob Chandler makes an appearance, revealing why he wants the videos down.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate August 30th, 2009 (1:43) CrazyCrazy The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG
    Chris claims to have not received any boxes from the USPS or UPS. He then goes on to prove he's completely insane by taking on a second personality: Christopher.

September 2009

  • Captain's Log, Stardate September 4th, 2009 (2:46) RageRage Blue with Thin StripesBlueThinStripes.png
    Chris thanks Vivian for his father's birthday present and also shows his displeasure at Vivian wanting to put the audiobooks on DVD and sell them, demanding that she remove all the videos and shut down her account before she can regain his respect again.
  • Sign Destruction Video 6 September 2009 (1:20) ViolenceViolence RageRage Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris shows his displeasure at Vivian's refusal to remove the videos by destroying the sign that was put on his front yard months earlier.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate September 10th, 2009 (1:46) Video gamesVideo games Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png
    Chris utterly dismisses a possible interview with Veronica Belmont of Playstation Magazine Europe as a troll, continuing to display his utter paranoia and control over what he wants to do and how he wants it.
  • Clyde Cash the kid video 16 September 2009 (1:12) ReasonReason ClydeClyde Green White StripeGreen White Stripe
    Chris wants his fans to call the cops on Clyde Cash, who he thinks is also Gregg Mays AND an elementary school kid!

October 2009

  • Warning - Naughty Women ;) 10 October 2009 (1:15) HomosHomos ReasonReason Vert RedVert Red
    Chris tries to use his drawing of himself having sex with three women as evidence against allegations that he's a homosexual.
  • Challenge for Clyde 11 October 2009 (2:47) ViolenceViolence RageRage ClydeClyde Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    Christian calls out Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash for torturing his friends, then attempts to demonstrate how good of a fighter he is by punching a book, and then his own face.
  • Chris Loses It 12 October 2009 (1:27) PowerPower CrazyCrazy Dark RedDark Red ClydeClyde
    Chris screams in the dark, falls off a chair, and throws things at his camera.
  • War Paint Video 14 October 2009 (:59) RacismRacism ViolenceViolence CrazyCrazy White TWhite T
    Chris unburies the tomahawk toy gun he used to shoot at the Adam Stackhouse photo, and calls a war-curse upon the trolls through his alleged Cherokee ancestry.
  • Brutal Legend 18 October 2009 (2:03) Video gamesVideo games Vert RedVert Red
    Chris presumably plugs Brütal Legend, but screws up the video to the point where there is no sound.
  • Brutal Legend Plus 21 October 2009 (3:16) ComedyComedy Video gamesVideo games LiquidLiquid Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    Chris uploads another version of the previous video with sound this time, albeit with several skips due to PSEye neglect. He does indeed plug the game Brütal Legend and also takes a moment to hypocritically ridicule trolls.
  • For Chris 22 October 2009 (8:32) LiquidLiquid Vert RedVert Red
    Chris, still seriously suffering from crappywebcamitis, lists a whole bunch of adjectives that don't really describe him.
  • I Love You Kacey 23 October 2009 (4:57) ReasonReason LiquidLiquid Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png
    Thinking he may still have a chance at banging Liquid's girlfriend (after duping her in an attempt to get laid), Chris pours his heart out to her. Being the unselfish gentleman that he is, he also gives her express permission to date whoever she wants.
  • 10242009 24 October 2009(:28) RageRage ClydeClyde Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png
    Chris delivers a brief message to Gregg Mays to let him know he is not scared of him.
  • To Clyde Gregg 27 October 2009 (4:25) SmugSmug ClydeClyde Green White StripeGreen White Stripe
    Chris declares his intentions to blackmail Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash by making threats to post a video that shows his real face.
  • ClydeGoingOnGregg1 27 October 2009 (:53) SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    The first blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, which contains a picture of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes with the head of some white guy plastered on. Chris makes some dubious claims that the head in question belongs to Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash.
  • For Chris II 27 October 2009 (1:09) ReasonReason LiquidLiquid Green White StripeGreen White Stripe
    Chris tells Liquid Chris to "Back away from Kacey" and threatens to throw a hissy fit if his request is not obliged.
  • Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! 28 October 2009 (:25) ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    The second blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, which contains a picture of two drunk and lightly dressed women on top of each other. The one on the bottom has the head of a man in a Spider-Man mask plastered over her own. Chris claim this to be Gregg/Clyde's friend, Matt. That Chris is subtly (although it comes across as rather ham-handed) trying to make Gregg/Clyde look like a homo becomes clear.
  • SHE IS MINE NOW 29 October 2009 (4:27) SmugSmug LiquidLiquid Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png
    With Aerosmith playing in the background, Chris raps (or makes an attempt to) and declares that Kacey is now his, and that he has defeated Liquid Chris.
  • Clyde is Weaker than Water 30 October 2009 (1:10) PowerPower ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    The third blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, in which Chris calls Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash weak and reveals more of the picture he claims is of him. Chris manages to instantly thwart his own attempt to portray Gregg/Clyde as weak and gay by showing pictures of himself flexing his non-biceps while wearing his sports bra, which he calls a "muscle bra". And just to top it off, Chris says that more men should wear these "muscle bras".
  • 30 Push-Ups 30 October 2009 (1:29) PowerPower Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png
    Chris attempts to do pushups while wearing his sports bra, and, unsurprisingly, he fails.
  • Getting Foam Ed 31 October 2009 (:32) ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    The fourth blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, in which Chris reveals even more of the picture of the white guy and the gay Spider-Man which he insists is of Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash and Matt. Chris also claims that Gregg/Clyde has an urine fetish.
  • Greetings to Kacey's folks 31 October 2009 (2:31) LiquidLiquid Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png
    Chris addresses Kacey's parents and tries to portray himself as decent human being. In true Chris style, he does this by spewing a whole lot of bullshit and lies about himself.

November 2009

  • I AM STRONG 1 November 2009 (:58) PowerPower ClydeClyde SmugSmug Blue with LogoBluelogoshirt.png
    Chris once again reiterates he is "strong." He attempts to flex, grunts a lot, and talks in a "deep" voice, and claims Clyde Cash/Gregg Mays is weak.
  • Twin Falling Towers 1 November 2009 (:30) ComedyComedy SmugSmug CrazyCrazy ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    Chris 'shops the gay Spider-Man image over an image of the World Trade Center and mocks the terror attacks of 9/11 in a revolting attempt to blackmail Clyde Cash.
  • It Will Never End 1 November 2009 (:23) SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    In yet another entry in the Clyde Cash/Gregg Mays blackmail attempts, Chris reveals a large section of blank wall as well as the faces of the participants. He then claims these videos will never end, and flips off the camera.
  • Apology for 9/11 Joke 2 November 2009 (2:19) ClydeClyde TragedyTragedy AudioAudio
    Chris makes a self-serving apology for the 9/11 joke...and then reuses the image in a slightly altered form in another threat against Clyde.
  • Rescuing Kacey From Christian W Chandler 3 November 2009 (10:23) SexSex Video gamesVideo games LiquidLiquid CrazyCrazy Red StripeRed Stripe MachinimaMachinima
    Chris talks about the making of his Little Big Planet level for Kacey, kisses the camera, and plays through the ironically-titled Little Big Planet level he made for Kacey.
  • 51 50 4 November 2009 (4:09) PowerPower ParappaParappa
    Chris does hammer curls, poorly, with 12-packs of soda he claims weigh 50 pounds each. They don't.
  • No More Jokes 4 November 2009 (1:36) SmugSmug ClydeClyde AudioAudio
    Chris reveals the inoffensive "gay Spider-man" picture, and is seemingly disgusted by it. YouTube pulls the video for some reason.
  • CWC is Sad 10 November 2009 (2:44) TragedyTragedy LiquidLiquid Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG
    Chris tears up and congratulates Kacey on her marriage with Liquid Chris.
  • CWC Personal Sonichu Presentation 23 November 2009 (5:21) ComicsComics Fan ArtFan Art SmugSmug Classic ShirtClassic Shirt
    Chris, having completely recovered from the loss of Kacey, tries once again to pitch his incestuous, pedophilic porno-comic to businessmen as a comic for children, all while dropping his dox once more and wallowing in narcissism.

December 2009

  • Holiday Greetings 5 December 2009 (1:28) ComicsComics CrazyCrazy SmugSmug Safety ParkaSafetyparka.png
    Chris seemingly draws Sonichu in the snow and wishes everybody happy holidays. In reality he just praises his comic again and not-so-subtly compares it to the coming of Jesus.
  • Captain's Log, Stardate December 9th, 2009 9 December 2009 (8:08) HomosHomos RumorsRumors GalpalsGalpals HandoutsHandouts ReasonReason CrazyCrazy Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Chris talks about his disgust for the homosexual ads Jack Thaddeus has placed on CWCipedia and begs his TRUE and LOYAL fans in Europe to donate him money to get them removed. He then goes on access some rumors he have heard about a future Family Guy episode featuring him, and tells about his ideas for the episode which is just a bunch of narcissistic self-promoting bullshit. He also want his new gal-pal to voice Rosechu.
  • Fanmail Reading 10 December 2009 (10:00) OrangeOrange
    Chris reads some of the fan letters he's received through the mail, and then complains about the quality of the free things given to him.
  • Congrats, Jack Black 12 December 2009 (1:57) Video gamesVideo games Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe
    Chris congratulates Jack Black for winning an award for Brutal Legend in the Spike TV Video Game Awards, an awards show that nobody cares about.
  • IPods Down and Listen Up 15 December 2009 (1:43) MusicMusic CrazyCrazy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    Chris attempts a freestyle rap, where he suggests that he has taken Viagra, and it has given him the confidence to rape women to produce tiger/panther cubs (or so his lyrics go). In reality, Chris's doctor has told him he has a vitamin deficiency and Chris is acting like the vitamins he's taken are Viagra crystal meth.
  • Hello, Juffalo 18 December 2009 (5:53) CrazyCrazy MusicMusic GalpalsGalpals Straight White LinesStraight White Lines
    Chris tries to sing over another song, this time by Insane Clown Posse labelmates Dark Lotus. He has painted his face in the manner of a Juggalo, and also Sonichu, and fails at reciting the lyrics despite obviously reading them from a piece of paper.
  • Download For Play Only 26 December 2009 (3:44) HomosHomos Video gamesVideo games WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe
    Chris rambles about how we should be able to download LBP levels and how a game's merchandise is its wedding ring and forbids everyone to alter his custom levels. He elegantly changes the subject at the end of the video to request the murder of Jack Thaddeus in revenge for the homo ads.
  • To Clyde and Jack 27 December 2009 (3:25) HomosHomos RageRage ClydeClyde Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe
    Chris states that he likes homosexuals, implies that Clyde Cash and Jack Thaddeus's actions harm the LGBT community, and suggests that the two aforementioned trolls commit suicide and rot in Hell.
  • Address to my Cwcipedia SysOp 31 December 2009 (1:42) WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde ReasonReason Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG
    Chris ask to the CWCipedia's Sysop to remove the ad right next to the title of his front page. He also wishes for the suicide of Clyde Cash and Jack Thaddeus.

January 2010 - Present

January 2010

  • Down with Asperchu 9 January 2010 Fan ArtFan Art RageRage AsperchuAsperchu Captain FalconCaptainfalconshirt.PNG
    Since Christian believes he is victorious over the gays after getting the despised ads taken off of his CWCipedia, he imposes his wrath upon Alec Benson Leary, the creator of Asperchu.
  • Love Sonichu and Hate Asperchu (1337 version) 15 January 2010 Fan ArtFan Art CrazyCrazy AsperchuAsperchu Dog ShirtDog Shirt
    The video title, U8C43P2A37A8 y U8C1N023V0L, written in some kind of reversed 1337 pseudo-Spanish, is translated as "Love Sonichu and hate Asperchu". Chris tries to be clever by speaking Spanish backwards, but he just ends up sounding like a raving lunatic. He has also been wearing the same shirt for about 4 days now. Take from that what you will.
  • Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke 17 January 2010 Fan ArtFan Art RageRage AsperchuAsperchu Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Chris runs down what he considers to be mockeries of himself in Asperchu, calls for Patti's spirit to eat Alec's soul for dinner, and threatens to get his church congregation and the FBI to take down the Asperpedia.

February 2010

  • CWC address to Royal Board 1 February 2010 ComicsComics RacismRacism ReasonReason Red StripeRed Stripe
    Chris, having been told that Sonichu violates a UK copyright, attempts to make his case to the Royal Board of Certification. For some reason, he seems hesitant to mention that Sonichu is based off of Sonic the Hedgehog, as though he's dimly aware that he's plagiarizing like crazy.
  • I Am Alive 5 February 2010 WebsiteWebsite ReasonReason AsperchuAsperchu Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt
    Chris reacts to the rumors of his premature death, claims that he will kill off Simonla, and says that he is sorry for spreading rumors regarding Alec.
  • Christian Love Day 23 February 2010 CrazyCrazy Red BlueRed Blue
    Chris proclaims that the trolls may take his dignity, but they'll never take HIS FREEDO- I mean, Christian Love Day!

March 2010

  • A message to the Trolls 10 March 2010 ViolenceViolence TragedyTragedy RageRage The JokerThe Joker
    Chris laments the ill effects the trolls have had on his life, and pontificates the feelings of a broken heart. This marks the end of his relationship with The Wallflower.
  • Happy Sonichu Day 17 March 2010 ComicsComics ReasonReason Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png
    Chris congratulates himself for ten years of Sonichu, and tells his fans to stop pestering him about updates.
  • C-Ya Later 21 March 2010 WebsiteWebsite ComicsComics ReasonReason Surfshack TitoSurfshack Tito Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png
    After witnessing the carnage on CWCipedia, Chris vows to stay off the internet. For real this time. Honest.

April 2010

May 2010

  • 100 2178 8 May 2010 TragedyTragedy CrazyCrazy Orange SleevelessOrangeSleeveless.png
    Chris sits in the dark and blames the Greene County school system for his having no friends.
  • 05142010 15 May 2010 AutismAutism TragedyTragedy Pity ShirtPityShirt.png
    Chris talks about a girl murdered by her boyfriend and how he's unable to socialize due to the trolls.
  • Some Favored Comedians 20 May 2010 RumorsRumors TelevisionTelevision ReasonReason ComedyComedy White TWhite T Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris mentions his family before analysing voice acting in his favourite TV shows, and talking about his favourite comedians.
  • 100 2188 27 May 2010 WebsiteWebsite HomosHomos RageRage Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png
    Chris projects about trolls being autistic and obsessed with computers. He is also STRAIGHT.
  • 100 2189 31 May 2010 WebsiteWebsite RumorsRumors ReasonReason SmugSmug
    Chris makes clear that he still retains the rights to Sonichu despite the CWCipedia being under new ownership. He also encourages the trolls to work harder in order to bring him back to the internet.

June 2010

  • 6 June 2010 RumorsRumors ReasonReason Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png Game_Place_sagaGame_Place_saga
    Chris tries to explain why he was stalking Michael Snyder with a camera, and subsequent attempts at vehicular manslaughter. He then blames the internet for all his problems, again.