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!Tropes from the comic: N-Z
!Tropes from the comic: N-Z
|* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Narm Narm]: "Well, after eating my eight daily McNuggets, I'm ready to pull out my Attraction Sign and get a Boyfriend-Free Girl". ''Among so many, many others''.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Narm Narm]: "Well, after eating my eight daily McNuggets, I'm ready to pull out my Attraction Sign and get a Boyfriend-Free Girl". ''Among so many, many others''.
** Episode 14 contains these two awesomely out-of-context lines: "My two balls!" and "I cannot be deprived of my balls."
** Episode 14 contains these two awesomely out-of-context lines: "My two balls!" and "I cannot be deprived of my balls."
** Episode 6: "Ow! I hurt in three places!"
** Episode 6: "Ow! I hurt in three places!"
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** "[[You know what, I HATE ME TOO!!!|I set my ASS ON FIRE!]]]"
** "[[You know what, I HATE ME TOO!!!|I set my ASS ON FIRE!]]]"
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NarmCharm Narm Charm]: Barely qualifies. Some parts contain enough [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RougeAnglesOfSatin typos] and awful dialogue to evoke the awesomeness that is ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/HalfLifeFullLifeConsequences Half Life Full Life Consequences]'', but not enough to really make the comic enjoyable on its own.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NarmCharm Narm Charm]: Barely qualifies. Some parts contain enough [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RougeAnglesOfSatin typos] and awful dialogue to evoke the awesomeness that is ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/HalfLifeFullLifeConsequences Half Life Full Life Consequences]'', but not enough to really make the comic enjoyable on its own.
* NamesTheSame: Crystal Weston Chandler the "dream sibling" of Chris, and Crystal Weston Chandler the divinely-ordained future daughter of Chris, as revealed by God and Jesus in his dreams. The trolls are having a field day with the Freudian implications of all this.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NamesTheSame Name's The Same]: Crystal Weston Chandler the "dream sibling" of Chris, and Crystal Weston Chandler the divinely-ordained future daughter of Chris, as revealed by God and Jesus in his dreams. The trolls are having a field day with the Freudian implications of all this.
* NightmareFuel: The Giant Penis Comic, and the rest of Chris' {{Rule 34}} artwork.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NightmareFuel Nightmare Fuel]: The Giant Penis Comic, and the rest of Chris' [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Rule34 Rule 34] artwork.
* NightmareFuelColoringBook: All of Chris' art looks like one of these. He draws at the level of an eight year old, but depicts everything from disembowelment to finger-fucking.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NightmareFuelColoringBook Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book]: All of Chris' art looks like one of these. He draws at the level of an eight year old, but depicts everything from disembowelment to finger-fucking.
* NonIndicativeName: The Chaotic Combo does not produce chaos on a regular basis. Magi-chan is a [[strike: psychic]] walking DeusExMachina, not a magician or wizard. Bionic the Hedgehog is 100% organic; he is not a cyborg, an android, or a robot. Collosal-chan is no bigger than Christian unless you consider obesity equivalent to size. Super Chris-chan Sonichu is just Chris-chan Sonichu with some wing hairclips on. We still have no idea what Merried Senior Comic is supposed to even ''mean''.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NonIndicativeName Non Indicative Name]: The Chaotic Combo does not produce chaos on a regular basis. Magi-chan is a <strike>psychic</strike> walking [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeusExMachina Deus Ex Machina], not a magician or wizard. Bionic the Hedgehog is 100% organic; he is not a cyborg, an android, or a robot. Collosal-chan is no bigger than Christian unless you consider obesity equivalent to size. Super Chris-chan Sonichu is just Chris-chan Sonichu with some wing hairclips on. We still have no idea what Merried Senior Comic is supposed to even ''mean''.
* NotRightInTheBed: This is how Bubbles Rosechu discovers her lover is really resident shapeshifting hermaphrodite Silvana, except it happened during ''public'' sex...
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotRightInTheBed Not Right In The Bed]: This is how Bubbles Rosechu discovers her lover is really resident shapeshifting hermaphrodite Silvana, except it happened during ''public'' sex...
** They never really got around to the sex. But this is still after an all-powerful psychic warned her that it was a trap. And after the creation of Chris's GirlOfTheWeek found the real Blake and called to warn her.
** They never really got around to the sex. But this is still after an all-powerful psychic warned her that it was a trap. And after the creation of Chris's [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GirlOfTheWeek Girl Of The Week] found the real Blake and called to warn her.
* OffhandBackhand: Done by Chris to a Jerkop in [[http://cogsdev.110mb.com/cwcipedia/index.php/Issue_0/Page_38 Sub-Episode 1]].
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OffhandBackhand Offhand Backhand]: Done by Chris to a Jerkop in [http://cogsdev.110mb.com/cwcipedia/index.php/Issue_0/Page_38 Sub-Episode 1].
* OffModel: The character designs are barely consistent. Case in point: a Jerkop that went from square to spherical ''within the same page''.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OffModel Off Model]: The character designs are barely consistent. Case in point: a Jerkop that went from square to spherical ''within the same page''.
* TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou: Sonichu saves [[strike:Mary Lee Walsh]] Slaweel Ryam's life in episode 20 because "the final blow belongs to Christian." [[strike:Seeing as how he claims he's being {{Put On A Bus}} for good, that blow will never come.]] Chris returned immediately, had a heart-to-heart talk with Slaweel, learned about her FreudianExcuse, declared he'll never forgive her anyway and [[WishFulfillment beat her up]], [[FateWorseThanDeath paralyzing her in the process]].
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou The Only One Allowed To Defeat You]: Sonichu saves <strike>Mary Lee Walsh</strike> Slaweel Ryam's life in episode 20 because "the final blow belongs to Christian." <strike>Seeing as how he claims he's being [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PutOnABus Put On A Bus] for good, that blow will never come.</strike> Chris returned immediately, had a heart-to-heart talk with Slaweel, learned about her [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudianExcuse Freudian Excuse], declared he'll never forgive her anyway and [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WishFulfillment beat her up], [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FateWorseThanDeath paralyzing her in the process].
* OnlySaneMan: Perhaps unintentionally, Magi-Chan appears to be the only sane resident of [=CWCville=], as he just doesn't seem to care about "sweethearts".
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlySaneMan Only Sane Man]: Perhaps unintentionally, Magi-Chan appears to be the only sane resident of CWCville, as he just doesn't seem to care about "sweethearts".
** Because he knows the future and knows he'll end up with Silvana. Which may indicate he's just surrendered to the madness.
** Because he knows the future and knows he'll end up with Silvana. Which may indicate he's just surrendered to the madness.
*** Chris stated [[AllThereInTheManual in the CWCipedia article about Magi-Chan]] that he and Silvana are already in love. And because Chris doesn't like to waste time on building his characters' relationships, in the future issues of ''Sonichu'' the two will almost certainly be shown as being a couple already.
*** Chris stated [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllThereInTheManual in the CWCipedia article about Magi-Chan] that he and Silvana are already in love. And because Chris doesn't like to waste time on building his characters' relationships, in the future issues of ''Sonichu'' the two will almost certainly be shown as being a couple already.
* OrphanedSeries: If not one already, then at least speedily headed that way, or so many [[{{Troll}} fans]] believe; the comic hasn't seen any substantial updates in months (we'd call it a ScheduleSlip if Chris had ever actually had a schedule), and it's clear to many people that, now that he is out of school, jobless, living at home, and has little reason left to even leave his room (having successfully managed to get himself banned from almost any place in his small town he considers worth visiting), Chris, along with his deteriorating health, is rapidly becoming lazier than ever; in March 2010, he made a particularly nasty post on his [[http://www.cogsdev.org/cwcki/CWC_Blog blog]] viciously lashing out at [[{{Trolls}} fans]] who dared suggest that he consider updating the comic, strongly indicating that even drawing the comic, the one mildly non-passive activity he seems to have ever somewhat enjoyed, is looking more and more like work to him. Combine this with the fact that he has recently [[http://www.cogsdev.org/cwcki/100_2188 officially relinquished the CWCipedia]] (the site where he used to post the comic), and chances of any updates in the foreseeable future look more and more remote.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OrphanedSeries Orphaned Series]: If not one already, then at least speedily headed that way, or so many [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Troll fans] believe; the comic hasn't seen any substantial updates in months (we'd call it a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScheduleSlip Schedule Slip] if Chris had ever actually had a schedule), and it's clear to many people that, now that he is out of school, jobless, living at home, and has little reason left to even leave his room (having successfully managed to get himself banned from almost any place in his small town he considers worth visiting), Chris, along with his deteriorating health, is rapidly becoming lazier than ever; in March 2010, he made a particularly nasty post on his [[CWC Blog|blog]] viciously lashing out at [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Trolls fans] who dared suggest that he consider updating the comic, strongly indicating that even drawing the comic, the one mildly non-passive activity he seems to have ever somewhat enjoyed, is looking more and more like work to him. Combine this with the fact that he has recently [[100 2188|officially relinquished the CWCipedia]] (the site where he used to post the comic), and chances of any updates in the foreseeable future look more and more remote.
** The series has been picked up by Vivian and Alec and have claimed Sonichu as their own due to the way Chris filled out the copyright form which left a loophole. Sonichu Series 2 is currently getting daily updates.
** The series has been picked up by Vivian and Alec and have claimed Sonichu as their own due to the way Chris filled out the copyright form which left a loophole. Sonichu Series 2 is currently getting daily updates.
* OrwellianEditor: Chris has gone back to earlier comics and changed the names of characters based off of real life people. Mary Lee Walsh was given a new name and he denies that she was based on his college dean, but that the character was meant an evil clone of her...or something. Which was never mentioned at all in the originals, of course.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OrwellianEditor Orwellian Editor]: Chris has gone back to earlier comics and changed the names of characters based off of real life people. Mary Lee Walsh was given a new name and he denies that she was based on his college dean, but that the character was meant an evil clone of her... or something. Which was never mentioned at all in the originals, of course.
** In point of fact, his retcon was that the character in the comic is the "original" Mary Lee Walsh (and, in particular, the Dean of his college) who was replaced, ''in the real world'', by a good counterpart. Yes, rather than retconning just in the comic, he retcons real life.
** In point of fact, his retcon was that the character in the comic is the "original" Mary Lee Walsh (and, in particular, the Dean of his college) who was replaced, ''in the real world'', by a good counterpart. Yes, rather than retconning just in the comic, he retcons real life.
** Made more baffling when he thinks he can solve the "copyright" problems around Simonla Rosechu by stating a retraction and claiming that Simonchu wasn't the source of inspiration.
** Made more baffling when he thinks he can solve the "copyright" problems around Simonla Rosechu by stating a retraction and claiming that Simonchu wasn't the source of inspiration.
** Also, he edited a comment in the mailbag section about the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The original comment was "Let Obama repeal the policy, then the homos can go die in explosions," and he changed it to something less offensive after backlash ensued.
** Also, he edited a comment in the mailbag section about the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The original comment was "Let Obama repeal the policy, then the homos can go die in explosions," and he changed it to something less offensive after backlash ensued.
*** The preservation of Chris's..."antics" seems to be one big reason the [=CWCki=] exists.
*** The preservation of Chris's... "antics" seems to be one big reason the CWCki exists.
* PainfulRhyme: "[[http://www.cogsdev.org/cwcki/Sonichu%27s_Ode_to_Rosechu Sonichu's Ode to Rosechu]]" uses lance/radiance, and the more obvious tweet/''heartsweet''. Groan.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PainfulRhyme Painful Rhyme]: "[[Sonichu's Ode to Rosechu]]" uses lance/radiance, and the more obvious tweet/''heartsweet''. Groan.
* PairTheSpares: When Layla and Punchy hook up, Reginald (who'd had a crush on Layla) and Angelica (who Punchy use to have a crush on) follow suit...after Reginald ''tells Angelica how he tried to sabotage Layla and Punchy hooking up and she decided he was justified in doing so.''
* PairTheSpares: When Layla and Punchy hook up, Reginald (who'd had a crush on Layla) and Angelica (who Punchy use to have a crush on) follow suit...after Reginald ''tells Angelica how he tried to sabotage Layla and Punchy hooking up and she decided he was justified in doing so.''
* PalsWithJesus: Both God and Jesus (aka [=GodJesus=]) have appeared in-comic to congratulate Ivy on being Chris' future mate. Since Ivy was a troll, this raises some [[GodIsEvil interesting theological questions]].
* PalsWithJesus: Both God and Jesus (aka [=GodJesus=]) have appeared in-comic to congratulate Ivy on being Chris' future mate. Since Ivy was a troll, this raises some [[GodIsEvil interesting theological questions]].

Revision as of 20:10, 11 June 2010

Go! Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme!
Sonichu #0
Tell me about it on CWC. Geez, when you have me facepalming at you, you have got to be pretty bad off.

There is Artemis' Lover. There is Agony In Pink. There is The Girl Who Lived. There is My Immortal. There is My Inner Life. Many demonstrations could be made for the ascendant terribleness of such works, putting them above all lesser bad fanworks.

But then, standing resplendent above them all, there is Sonichu.

Sonichu was a fan TRUE and ORIGINAL webcomic created by one Christian Weston Chandler, starring (at least initially) the eponymous Electric Hedgehog Pokémon and his friends. The comic itself would be remarkable only for how unbelievably bad it is, but it has in recent years gained notoriety due to the author's antics in response to trolling and other harassment. The result is a perversely-fascinating, deeply-dysfunctional, symbiotic relationship - Mr. Chandler's creation has been saved from the curse of obscurity at the price of a "fanbase" devoted to making his life a living hell.

Sonichu started as some sort of Pokémon/Sonic The Hedgehog crossover world, and the first few issues focus on Sonichu's origin, his meeting with his "heartsweet" Rosechu (based heavily on Amy Rose), and a supporting cast of other Hedgehog Pokémon of various types. But in issue #2 and from issues #4-7, the series crystallizes into its present form, as Christian himself takes center stage and encounters and battles his enemies in real life, from mall cops to the dean of his local community college to internet trolls. Needless to say, the supposed main plot, a search for the Sonichu Bal- sorry, Sonichu Crystals, in order to use their powers to free Christian's Distaff Counterpart and "dream sibling", Crystal, from a mirror the aforementioned dean have trapped her in, takes a backseat.

Due to criticism over such a self-centered plotline, Christian eventually gets trapped in a timestream, leaving Sonichu to take up his heroic mantle of defender of CWCville]. The war against Encyclopedia Dramatica and "Four-Cent Garbage" rages on, interrupted by the occasional furry sex scene, until issue #9 changes focus (again) to dating education (no, not sex education) and Christian's crude interpretation of how relationships work.

The last chapter of issue 9 depicts a lengthy battle against invading forces from the PVCC, and ends with Sonichu and friends beating them with as much resistance as a team of Mary Sues typically gets. Christian's Author Avatar is released from the timestream shortly afterwards, and this cues the beginning of Issue #10, which can best be described as a combination of undisguised Wish Fulfillment and Christian's attempt to get back at his internet antagonizers by turning both his avatar and Sonichu into bigger God Mode Sues than ever, via the Sonichu Crystals Balls, and depict them punishing in-comic representations of his enemies by either killing or injuring them, destroying their property or making them pray to him for forgiveness. As the story progresses, Christian's feud with his "enemies" from real life becomes increasingly more disturbing, and its culmination in issue #10 finale can be most charitably described as the ultimate proof that Christian is in dire need of psychiatric help. It's worth noting that in this issue Christian frequently derailed the plot so he could devote several pages to "punishing" comic books versions of people who "wronged" him most recently; by contrast, (supposedly) important plot threads (such as Crystal being trapped in Dark Mirror Hole, or Christian's feud with college dean) were resolved quickly and anticlimactically. This sequence of events create probably the most unplanned and, for newcomers, incomprehensible storyline so far in Sonichu. Christian (once again) promised that in the future issues he will give the spotlight to Sonichu and that his Author Avatar won't appear so often. However, he isn't famous for keeping his promises (having made this exact one before), so future issues can be expected to be similar storyline-wise to Sonichu 10, with new real life-based enemies introduced as more trolling undoubtedly will continue to rain down upon him. (That is, of course, assuming there will be new issues at all, which might not happen in the foreseeable future. Christian hasn't uploaded any new pages since February 2010 and is deeply offended even by mere suggestions that he should update his own webcomic. It seems that he decided to devote his time to more entertaining activities instead, such as masturbating, playing video games and whining about them on the internet, continuing his Quest For Sex on the internet, condemning internet and claiming that he is "active within his community".)

Since this comic blurs the line between fiction and reality so much, a deep understanding of Mr. Chandler's life and psyche is required to make any sense of it. The best source would be the CWCki, an entire wiki cataloging Mr. Chandler's life and works (warning: some pages and images are definitely Not Sage For Work or your mental health), while the even more NSFW Encyclopedia Dramatica page that started this whole mess can be found here. Mr. Chandler's own websites tend to be hacked and deleted with some degree of regularity. He used to have his own Sonichu wiki which could be found here; however, in response to trolls hacking and vandalizing his precious wiki (again), on 27 May 2010 he announced his decision to "relinquish what was the Cwcipedia" while "keeping ownership of what it was before yesterday". In response Vivian Gee and Alec Benson Leary took control of CWCipedia and claimed all rights to Sonichu; at the beginning of June 2010 the control of CWCipedia apparently was taken over by a mysterious individual who may or may not be the TRUE and HONEST CWC.* Well, actually it's definitely not CWC, but it's fun to pretend otherwise. And who knows, maybe it's a beginning of new saga...

Compare the Gonter Verse, Silent Hill, Hell. See also Asperchu and Moon-Pals, two much better series that you probably should be reading instead of this one, if you aren't already.

Please note that several links on this page are not work safe. Don't forget to keep the Brain Bleach close by should you decide to visit any of them, worksafe or otherwise.

But the Sonichu phenomenon cannot be contained by the comic itself. Because Christian Weston Chandler's life is inextricably intertwined with the stories he writes and his interactions with his "fanbase", just as many tropes can be applied to his not-so-private life as to his comic. Sonichu has also inspired a unique type of FanFic, the "trollfic" (not to be confused with a Troll Fic), a normal fanfic with the characters' moral alignments usually flipped. Meanwhile the blogcasts and chat channels the author uses to communicate with people can be more interesting than the actual comic, and offer profound insights into the mind of Mr. Chandler.