- make one's own peeps n' poops
1. (verb) to urinate and deficate at the same time
Uh, actually, uh, actually Crystal is uh, doing, is uh, doing her preschool homework, and uh, Reg-, and Reginald's been uh, been a messy lil' babychild! Made his lil' peeps n' poops! And he went, and he went weewee all over the bathroom.[174]
Origin: Taken from a clip of Family Guy, where Herber the Pervert is letting his dog out to "make his pees n' poops". [175]
- Mama
Mama Christine with a Sonee.
1. (noun) What Chris refers to himself as when roleplaying as one of his OCs.
I am going to some shopping and donating amongst the artists affected by the COVID virus of this Dimension, on behalf of Mama, Chris Chan Sonichu. Thank you, again, to the individual who bought the book set recently. Still waiting for the set of #TSSSF cards to sign and offer.[176]
Origin: Chris believes himself to be a parent to his characters. Since he identifies as a woman, he has given himself the alias “Mama”. Chris further shows his lack of self-awareness by not realizing how awkward it is to have anyone, even his own characters (who are presumably teenagers) refer to him as such.
- manajerk
1. (noun) a store manager
two Manajerks asked me to leave, because they said that I was loitering; I was NOT![177]
Origin: A portmantau of "manager" and "jerk".
- Mary Lee Walshing
1. (adjective) akin to to Mary Lee Walsh
She has proven herself to be a cold-hearted, uncaring, uncompassionate, lack-of-understanding, bigoted, discriminating, selfish, Mary Lee Walshing, Witch Bitch![178]
Origin: Chris's ongoing resentment against his old college dean has led him to compare a Wal-Mart manager who banned him from her store to Walsh. He apparently fails to comprehend that the "-ing" suffix is generally associated with verbs.
- mashed potato grenade
1. (noun) a Stielhandgranate, a special German hand grenade with a handle.
I want to just kill him; destroy his goody-two-shoes nature, soul, heart and all that shit my mashed potato grenade could shatter, but leave his body in tact, so I'm not committed fro murder.[179]
Origin: Used in a Facebook post sent to Megan Schroeder accusing her of his ban from the Game Place, where he makes paranoid claims of what she, Mimms, Lucas, and Snyder were thinking that day. A corruption of "potato masher grenade", a common English nickname of the Stielhandgranate[180].
- mass debate
1. (verb) to pleasure one's self; to masturbate
I've actually done it mass debating to myself so many times, even with a hunk of - even with an inflatable plastic woman...[181]
Origin: This particular euphemism comes from Chris's tendency to refrain from using inappropriate language, as well as his unusual variation of a southern accent combined with a minor speech impediment.
- mental block
1. (noun) Chris's autism
And, uh, during my high school years, I was used to being surrounded by… girls… in my circle, and after having to, uh, leave them I felt ever so lonesome. And, after the stress from some of the people—people at PVCC, as well as my mental block of autism, it became hard from me to approach gir—approach the girls like I used to.[182]
Origin: Chris refers to his autism as a "mental block" because he believes the term refers to a disability. In his case, his supposed disability to socialize with girls. In reality, a mental block is the inability to remember a specific thing at a given moment. [183]
- Meta
1. (adjective) being able to break through the fourth wall.
Also, there is no problem with breaking your own fourth wall with us from your dimension, here. Go Meta. We are certainly Meta with and for you all as well.[184]
Origin: From the Greek prefix meaning "after" or "beyond". Chris views all cartoons as being on a dimension higher than our own. According to him, being able to break through the iron curtain entails obtaining a higher mode of consciousness.
- mislabel
1. (verb) to put a label on Chris or any of his creations in a way he doesn't like, regardless of truth
2. (noun) a label of such slanderous nature; see also "misunderstanding"
I am NOT a Dictator. Why are you giving me an even WORSE Mislabeling than the Homosexual Mislabelings? Why do YOU have to be so bored that you have to make up NEW mislabelings to try and deface me over and over again? [185]
Origin: Just about everywhere. He appears to use this term as often as the word "slanderous". Curiously, the redundancy "ill-mislabeling" (as if there were any other kind) has appeared once.[186]
- misspeak
1.(verb) to lie
Sometimes, I have misspoke. But you are more important to me than ANYTHING. Believe me! I swear. Hand to God. And on my Bible. I'd have to go look for it.[187]
Origin: Instead of accepting that someone has called him out on his bullshit, Chris prefers to say he "misspoke". Needless to say, no one has fallen for this ploy.
- misunderstanding
1. (noun) a deliberate view that contradicts Chris; see also "mislabel"
Origin: Misappropration. Note that it is not, as in reality,[189] a mistaken notion (alternatively a dispute) based on faulty information, but a malicious action worthy of tard rage. Apparently a slanderous troll has to actively "misunderstand" Chris. Also, Chris has used the related word "misunderstood" (participle adjective) as an insult, not realizing that if the troll misunderstood (transitive verb) him, Chris would be the one that was misunderstood (participle adjective).[190]
- modnar
1. (adjective) random
I may be modnar, but I try not to be offensive, and if I do, then I am sorry. I can not please Everyone.[191]
Origin: "Random", spelt backwards.
- monthly tugboat
1. (noun) Chris's Social Security Disability Service
"I'm getting by livin' with my folks and a monthly tugboat."[192]
Origin: Chris apparently coined the term "Monthly Tugboat" due to a comparison he makes between gaining money through his SSDS vs. winning the lottery. In his mind, winning the lottery is like riding a "Luxury ship that can easily sink", while gaining money from the government is the same as getting cargo from a ship pulled by a tugboat. [193]
- morrow
1. (noun) Synonym for moral.
The Morrow remains: Look up to whoever and whatever you like as your childhood hero like no one else is watching you; remain proud with your choice and preference. 💜⚡️[194]
Origin: Unknown, possibly a corruption of the word moral. Used exclusively by Magi-Chan during Chris month-long twitter roleplay in August and September of 2019.
- Mother Nature errand
1. (idiom) The bodily urge to either urinate or defecate.
All right, well, ladies, it’s been fun, but I gotta split and take care of ah... y’know, a Mother Nature errand.[195]
Origin: A peculiar take on the idiom "call of nature".
- muscle bra
1. (noun) A sports bra used for covering a man's bare chest.
And you know what, I highly recommend this to every dude who goes around shirtless: wear a muscle bra. Because nobody, and I mean nobody wants to see your dog-gone ugly pecs, they're so ugly and repulsive, ugh... creeps everybody out.[196]
Origin: Contributing to his previous fear of the homos, Chris also had a fear of seeing the bare chests of other men out of fear that it'll make him gay. He therefore suggested that men cover their chests under penalty of the law. Chris most likely adapted this name due to some weird association he makes between muscles and sports.
- my two bolts and a heart
1. (idiom) Chris's opinion or takeaway on something.
Okay. I get serious creep and dark vibrations from all of this. I mean, you may do as you will if it feels right with you. Just my two bolts and a heart.[197]
Origin: Chris's version of the idiomatic expression "my two cents", referencing his emoji signature "⚡️💙⚡️".
- naïve
1. (adjective) dumb, lacking intelligence.
You are such a cowardly, naïve, retarded, individual.[198]
Origin: Chris only seems to understand the most simplified definition of the word. In general terms, the word "naïve" is defined as "showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment."[199] However, in Chris's mind, the word is used to "question one's intelligence". Despite his distaste for the use of the word on him, this turns out to be a commonly used insult by Chris.
- navy
1. (noun) semen.
You know that, uh—first off, uh, the one... with the navy being drunk. Yeah. Som—yeah. A b—a—i—a—it's a good idea somet—uhhh... it's a... it's a good idea. But, uh, you know, you don't have to do it if you don't like it, but, uh... I recycle my own semen[200]
Origin: Play on words, i.e, a navy is a collection of seamen/semen.
See also: Comeuppance
- nearly same
1. (Adjective) Similar.
And so I killed about- killed about twenty miles round trip for gas to go find her house. But it turns out that was a troll posing as that girl. [sighs] THE VOICES SOUNDED NEARLY SAME.[201]
- negligent
1. (noun) negligee
So, I went onto Adam & Eve's website, and ordered three garments, and a transparent robe. One of the negligent is about exactly on what I had drawn onto myself.[202]
Origin: An obvious mispelling of "negligee", a form of lingerie.
- neurotypically hindered
1. (adjective) Lacking the proper mindset or intelligence to understand Chris' world building, just by being normal.
Go ahead; that Is what happened that day, and they did not mind it much. To mock us makes you all Soo Neurotypically Hindered.[203]
Origin: Chris believes that the term "neurotypical" refers to having average brain function, rather than lacking any sort of autistic traits.[204] He believes that if one only possesses average intelligence, it makes it impossible for them to fully accept his fantasy world, thus claiming it as a "hindrance".
- neutral
1. (adjective) platonic.
I apologize, but I meant the term neutrally, and I never meant anything from that.[205]
And One More thing, Darling!... Talluah Bankhead would be Insulted with your response to the term's neutral usage. Hmpf!'[206]
Origin: Chris believes words like "darling" and "dear", are gender neutral terms. Because of this, he assumes that if he claims that he used it in a "neutral" way, people will know he's not using the term in a romantic tone.
2. (adjective) politically centrist or nonpartisan.
He is a communist! And we do not like communists within this country! We are Republican, Democrat or neutral... And I am neutral, so I can go either way, but I do not exactly care much for communism!'[207]
- niggo
1. (noun) An African-American person.
Chris: [sighs, raises his voice] BILLY MAYS IS THE NEW MAYER OF CWCVILLE!
Max: Yeah, and also say that "Christian Chandler will be thrown in jail!" CWCville Jail.
Chris: And Christian Chandler will be thrown in CWCville Jail.
Max: "Where he will be raped by a bunch of niggers!" Say this one really loud.
Chris: Where he will be raped by a bunch of niggos.[208]
Origin: A bastardization of the racial slur "nigger". This minced oath was used only once after BlueSpike persuaded Chris to say: "BILLY MAYS is the new mayor of CWCville, and Christian Chandler will be thrown in CWCville jail, where he will be raped by a bunch of niggers". Chris decided to repeat this phrase, but he also thought he could "outsmart" BlueSpike by replacing "niggers" with "niggos" in order to avoid saying the offending word directly. Ironically, a whole year after the incident, Chris referred to Surfshack Tito as a "nigger" several times, despite not even knowing what he looks like.
- No fucking shit / N.F.S.
1. (phrase) obviously
The WCT: Don't let Jacob get close to you ever.
Chris: No fucking shit.[209]
The WCT: The Sockness Saga will be something to watch when Geno gets there.
Chris: N.F.S..[209]
Origin: Another instance of Chris attempting to add unnecessary emphasis onto his writing.
- nombie-zazis
1. (noun) zombie nazis
Anyway, as for the medical study, and this will require your aid, Magi-Chan. In June of 2015, the scientists have found the gene-like molecule which makes a person turn...ugh..nombie-zazis.[210]
Origin: Replacement for homosexuals and homosexuality in the revised Sonichu 10.
- not-troll
1. (noun) a victim of trolling.
Consider who does more harassing, which do you block? [211]
- Every Foul-Mouth Troll
- The Not-Troll they follow
Origin: In Chris's mind, only two types of people exist on the Internet, those who are trolls, and those who are victims of trolling. Because the person being trolled is supposedly not a troll, they are a "not-troll". Chris eventually deleted the aforementioned post, and reposted it, replacing "not-troll" with "victim" to clarify what he was referring to in the first place.[212]
- noviophobia
1. (noun) the fear that someone you want to date is already dating someone else.
His one fault, that has restricted him from finding the Ms. Right, he had a major case of Noviophobia, where he is afraid to even approach most ladies, because he thought that they were all already paired up with “A Jerk.”[213]
Origin: Because Chris was so frustrated with so many jerks stealing his potential mates, Chris decided that his envy and hatred of men was a real phobia. Thus, overconfident in his ability to speak Spanish, formed the word "noviophobia" by using the Spanish word novio, meaning "boyfriend", and the English suffix, -phobia, meaning fear .
- OC
1. (abbreviation, noun) Original Creator. A god or deity, including Chris himself.
I recall that there was a Mythos about me online: myself, Chris Chan, I; I was an OC in my own stories; was I Real in this “Reality” that is Dimension 1218? And then I was confirmed in late 2007 with that blurry photograph of me in a moment of great shock and stress.[214]
2. (abbreviation, noun) Original Creation. A resident of a cartoon dimension
I am pleased to announce from this collab piece alone, we have ten Sonichu/Rosechu OCs confirmed for the OC Expansion Packs of our #TSSSF set of cards, and then some, as I’m also delegating with my other friends as well. This is going to be a massive and lovely OC party![215]
Origin: Short for original character, a common term used by fanfiction authors for characters invented by themselves and used in their stories yet not present in the source material. Chris believes that fictional characters really exist in other dimensions, and under the Idea Guys' influence was convinced they are deserving of worship. Beginning with the Console Patron Units from Hyperdimension Neptunia, he has since generalised this idea on his own.
1. (interjection) Expression of pain in one's axles (the central shafts of rotating wheels or gears in a machine).
OOOHHHHHH!!!! MY AXELS!!!!![216]
Origin: Written for Ghost Buggy's cameo in Sonichu #7, based upon the character's tendency to complain about its aching mechanical components.
1. (interjection) Exclamation uttered by Chris during his phases of holding a messiah complex and role-playing as Sonichu.
Why the Hell would you read that personal shit about Mama with the penis thing? Oh, My Chris Chan![217]
Origin: Typed as a comment for the Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History episode involving an embarrassing email.
- old-fashioned
1. (adjective) Holding a belief that may be considered politically incorrect.
But still, call me old-fashioned but, I'd rather be- I would not- I'd uh- I'd definitely wouldn't uh... NOT BLACK. Not black.[218]
My father is OLD FASHIONED; he NEVER gives thought to homos, and he HATES them too.[219]
Origin: Chris seems to regard most traditional beliefs and rituals to be offensive to the general public.
2. (adjective) Dating back to the 1980s.
Ah, you can tell this is an old-fashioned Lego set on account of this—the old-fashioned "LegoLand" on the corner.[220]
Origin: Chris seems to believe anything that's been made more than 5 years ago is as old as dirt.
3. (adjective) Preferring real women over waifus.
Nothing against waifus and the people who have them, but I Never Really understood the appeal and concept of making out a character from a show who is Dimensions Away from your own league to be any sort of a significant other to you. I’m more old-fashioned towards real women.[221]
Origin: Unknown. However, Chris seemed to use this word like this because he's aware it isn't considered customary to be sexually attached to fictional characters over real people.
- ounce of vagina
1. (phrase) Essentially Chris's way of saying "I'll at least lose my virginity at some point".
And, as for you, Jason Kendrick Howell… as sure as I am to get at least one ounce of vagina, I have your number, and you're going down![222]
Origin: Obviously confused when it comes to both euphemisms and basic units of measure, Chris has stated that he is sure to get "at least one ounce of vagina" within his lifetime.[223] In the years since, he's gotten at least two ounces.
- outercourse
1. (noun) the act of stimulating someone else's genitals.
I understand. You may or may not have had much exposure to sexual images as I've had, so the idea of a "hand job" (which was the act drawn there) as part of outtercourse [sic] (versus intercourse) was a surprise to you.[224]
Origin: The word "outercourse" is actually another way to refer to dry humping.[225] In Chris's mind however, outercourse simply refers to sex which involves touching another's genitals, because the action happen outside of the body.
- overinexperienced
1. (adjective) Being overly inexperienced.
My Body is sexually overinexperienced, and Starved.[226]
Origin: It apparently didn't occur to Chris that sexual inexperience isn't the least bit comparative, at least not in the context where he intended to use this word.
- overpowered (or OP)
1. (adjective) A disproportionate amount of strength, which is worn as a badge of honor.
If I was a neuro-typical mind, as opposed to overpowered psychic, I’d have gotten dizzy. [227]
Origin: A term normally meant to refer to imbalance in game mechanics. Chris adopted the term at some point during or after the Idea Guys saga as a way to brag about his nonexistent psychic abilities and ludicrously powerful fictional characters.
- parkay
1. (noun) an epic style of running
Hello there, fans! It's Christian Chandler here, live at the downtown mall, where for the Sonichu franchise and city of CWCville, and everything like that, I'm gonna do a parkay from this point all the way down to the gara--parking garage where, at the end, we will get a nice view of the tent-style theater that's down there where events are held.[228]
Origin: In the video Sonichu's Edge, Chris calls his style of running "parkay". Chris confused his running as a form of parkour, an acrobatic sport typically used in the military as a means of practicing the navigation of a complex environment without the use of equipment. [229]. Given Chris's speech impediment, the word "parkour" somehow came out as "parkay".
- parody
1. (noun) Any work that "borrows" characters, plots, or styles from other pieces of fiction, whether infringing International Copyright Law or otherwise.
Any names, or persons, illustrated in any of the Sonichu Comics, except that of Christian Weston Chandler, that may seem similar to anyone in real life, are purely coincidental, or otherwise parodic.[230]
Origin: Chris's understanding of what constitutes as a parody most likely comes from his interest in shows like Family Guy and Excel Saga, the former of which use copyrighted characters to make jokes around them, and the latter of which parodied various clichés found in anime. In his mind, because those shows can get away with using such characters and scenes, that gives him an excuse to do the same thing in his comics as long as he states it's being done as a "parody". Ironically, Whenever Chris spoted an actual parody, he thought that the characters from the original work were being defaced.[231]
- peanut
1. (noun) Someone who disregards you, or otherwise does not accept you for who you are.
So you enjoy it, just do it—don't worry about other people's opi—pinions. Because, uh, compared to the other schools, those people who disregard you are just total peanuts. And I'm not talkin' Charlie Brown; I'm talkin' 'bout the little nuts after the shells. The real peanut gallery. That would be peanuts, wouldn't it?[232]
Origin: Apparently derived from "peanut gallery," a term used to describe the hecklers in an vaudeville audience who would throw peanuts at a performer. Chris's own spin on this concept is to dismiss such hecklers as being insignificant like literal peanuts.
- pedofork
1. (noun) A pedophile.
I am not a pedofork, you DORKS!!![233]
Origin: Created as a half-assed attempt to make "pedophile" rhyme with dork. Coined in Chris's Madman Rising video, in response to the trolls who were comparing him to Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy.
- pickle
Chris bought this back in 2018. The brine-soaked irony!
1. (noun) A penis, particularly one of any man that isn't Chris.
Do me a favor, draw a VAGINA on my Rosechu, Rosechu IS A GIRL; SHE NEVER HAD A FREAKIN' PICKLE!!!![234]
Origin: The word "pickle" is one of the few hundred slang words for the word "penis".[235] It is unknown why Chris prefers to refer to the penises of other men as "pickles", while he calls his own his "duck", but it may have to do with Chris's sexual insecurity and the fact that he legitimately hates actual pickles [236], whereas Chris thinks he's special enough to have a cutesy name for his own penis.
- Pmurt
1. (proper noun) The 45th and 47th president of the United States: Donald Trump.
EID PMURT EID!!!!!![237]
Origin: Donald Trump's last name, but spelled backwards. In Chris's first usage of this CWC-ism, Chris mentioned how "Trump spelled backward is "Pmurt", which sounds like "hurt".[238]
Due to Chris's strong hatred for Trump, he frequently referred to Trump as Pmurt- believing that the spoken word of a backwards name has the power to degrade and weaken a person.[239]. In Chris's eyes, if he repeated the word again and again, everyone would turn against Trump and start voting for Hillary. Unsurprisingly, Chris had no sway over the election aside from his own vote.
- point at your snout and oink
1. (verb phrase) Do something humiliating to yourself.
You both want me to even Beg, you can go point at your own damn snouts and Oink like Eric Cartman, and then Rape yourselves with your own Damn Darth Maul Dual LightSabre.[240]
Origin: A reference to a scene in the South Park episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", where Scott makes Eric Cartman embarass himself by singing a song about being a "little piggy". Chris said this to Clyde Cash and Surfshack Tito upon failing to receive a cash bounty for destroying his own PlayStation 3.
- poke
1. (noun) Marijuana.
Anyway, eclectic! High on the hedge and high on the hog. You want some of this poke, mon?[241]
Origin: Intended as a demonstration of what "Soni-Chew the Eclectic Heeedge Hog Poke Mon of London, England" would sound like. A coded reference to Pokémon, and may or may not be a play on the verb "toke".
- polyamorous
1. (adjective) Polygamous.
I go [sic] married to Magi-Chan Sonichu and Cryzel Rosechu last March, and then I married Sylvana Rosechu and Mewtwo last June. We all share a polyamorous relationship.[242]
Origin: An etymologically malformed neologism from the 1970's for having multiple romantic or sexual relations at once, misapplied by Chris.
- prawns
1. (noun) Subordinates or helpers, often those wittingly or unwittingly aiding a sinister character.
You keep sending out your prawns to do your dirty work, you coward.[243]
Origin: Chris almost certainly meant to type "pawns" here.
- prickly-wicklies
1. (noun) Punishments given for insulting or harming Chris.
War gets you prickly-wicklies... as well as punches.[244]
Origin: Refer to Fuzzy-Wuzzies.
See Also: fuzzy-wuzzies
- Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens
1. (backronym) The headquarters of several Sonichu villains.
Origin: The name itself is a backronym of the college Chris attended, the Piedmont Virginia Community College. After experiencing several mishaps throughout his college experience[245][246], the dean giving him the cold hard truth about why his Love Quest is doomed to fail became the straw that broke the camel's back, and Chris thought it would be a smart idea to deface the college afterward in his comics.
- prowldent
1. (???) Unknown.
There's no quote to cite this from, just a logo in which Chris gives the name "Prowldent Virginia Community College" to PVCC.[247]
Origin: Likely combining connotations of "prowl" and "dent" (either to leave an indentation or teeth).
- Pu Tuhs!
1. (phrase) Shut Up!
SHE; my Ariel Starter was Female from the start, so Pu Tuhs![248]
Origin: "Shut up" backwards. Because it is backwards, Chris thinks it is more debasing than the normal version of the phrase.
- q-sand
1. (noun) Short for quarter sandwich (i.e. a quarter of a sandwich).
So, mom ignored her and ate the q-sand in front of her.[249]
Origin: Appeared in an e-mail sent to Jackie dated August 5, 2011. Most likely unnecessarily used as a way past cool abbreviation.
- quarters
1. (noun) An office space; headquarters.
Then that B-Dog ripped up my notes and all, dragged me to her quarters and talked down to me very RUDELY AND HOARSELY.[250]
Origin: Whenever Chris says that he's being brought to someone's office, he always refers to it as their "quarters", as if he was being brought to some kind of evil hideout. This could be to add unnecessary dramatic effect to his stories.
2. (noun, pl.) coins, no matter their origin or worth.
Uhh. I want a soda, but it takes only C quarters and I only have W quarters. Do you have any change?[251]
Origin: The first time this word was used like this was in Sonichu 9, where it is revealed that CWCville issues its currency in the form of "C-quarters" and "W-quarters". According to this issue, 10 C-quarters, make up a single W-quarter, which ultimately defeats the whole concept of the "quarter" coin. Despite being a part of the United States, CWC-ville still issues this strange form of currency, along with US dollars. Because of this, Chris likely decided to refer to his currency as "quarters" so that it could technically count as US currency.
- quite
1. (exclamation) A fancy replacement of the word "right" or "correct".
Arthur: Magi-Chan, it's because of his-- you know, he wants to help all of his friends, and with his ability to contact them all simultaenously at the same time, it's an amazing ability to have.
Chris: Quite, he is the psychic type, after all.[252]
2. (adverb) to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely.
Hm. Not enough to, uhh... Well, he knows quite-- he can see quite a bit far into the future, but although there are details of which you might not be able to see, a point or two. [253]
For a hundred dollars? Th-that's, that's quite, that's uh, it'd take more funds for me to, more funds than that for me to be able to acquire the material figures...[254]
Origin: Chris infamously used this word, along with "indeed" ad nauseam in his interview with Arthur Spatchcock, believing that doing so is essentially the same as speaking his language, British if you will.
- raincoat
1. (noun) a condom.
You ARE the woman...we gotta stop by Wall-Mall-Wart on the way for a "raincoat".[255]
Origin: The term "raincoat" is actually an archaic slang term for the word "condom".[256] Given that Chris has been raised by two geezers his whole life, and that part of his childhood has consisted of old TV shows, Chris thought that people would understand what he meant when he states that his Mary Sues are having protected sex with a raincoat.
- random-access humor
1. (noun) non-sequitur.
Punchy grew up in a dojo, where he perfected his punches. He is also full of random-access humor. He lost his tail in a brutal fight.[257]
Origin: According to Chris, his brain is completely random, and it always spews out incoherent garbage. In his mind, this works in the same way a computer processes random-access memory.[258]
- rapier
1. (noun, attributive) rapist, sexual assailant.
Now! My rapier friend, I would very much like you to get off me, please.[259]
Origin: Chris-Chan Sonichu calls Reldnahc Ha-Taque his "rapier friend" in Sonichu #12 after Reldnahc tackles him to the ground in a suggestive pose and touches his chest, thus (in Chris's hyperbolic mind) "raping" him. As a double double entendre, he could also be using the externally attested definition, as an adjective meaning "witty",[260] and metaphorically referring to a kind of thin, sharp-pointed sword. This is incredibly unlikely due to Chris's basic understanding of the English language, and he most likely didn't know "rapist" is the term for one who rapes, not raper or rapier.
- reality cartoon
1. (noun) The universe.
Life is a cartoon; we are all the characters of the larger; the cartoons we make are part of our own universe; we're all a reality cartoon.[261]
Origin: Since Chris's life revolves mainly around Vidya and cartoons, it would make sense to him that the most believable explanation for the universe and everything in it is that it's all a cartoon. Likely related to Chris's known belief that all fiction actually exists in alternate universes. Chris' interactions with the Idea Guys made this idea seem even more plausible to him.
- recycling
1. (verb) the act of one ingesting their own semen to preserve their sperm count.
I recycle my own semen, because, uh, you know, yes I do masturbate.[262]
Origin: Chris, having very little knowledge of how the male reproductive system works, thinks that men can run out of sperm from masturbating or orgasming too much. Fearing the loss of "potential children", Chris actually thinks that by ingesting the sperm back into his body, his sperm count will stay in balance, thus, he is "recycling" it.
- reeb
1. (noun) beer or any other alcoholic beverage of the like.
Then he glugs his reeb, heh-heh, and then he conks out.[263]
Origin: Chris, thinking he's so clever, decided to censor any mention of the word "beer" in his comics, by spelling the word backward.
- Resident-Evil refrigerator
1. (noun) The refrigerator in the previous Chandler Household.
Kitchen very much blocked off all over... with the Resident Evil refrigerator right there.[264]
Origin: Chris refers to the fridge as the "Resident Evil" kind, because in Japan, the game Resident Evil is known as Biohazard.[265][266] Considering the quality of the household, that name may very well fit the description of the fridge in the state it was in before filming the Second House Tour.
- romps in the hay
1. (noun) sexual intercourse
This page, by the way, was drawn before last March, so stuff Has Happened since then, it is all good. Go ahead and Muck It Up in your heads, Trolls; I Am BiSexual, and I Laugh at your Jokes. (Awesome Romps in the hay with him, as well as Cryzel)[267]
Origin: Chris has used this term since at least 2018.
- Rosechu
1. (noun) The female counterpart of the Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon.
Origin: Derived from the appropriately named first Rosechu of CWCville, Rosechu. The name of the species is a portmanteau of the last name of the Sonic the Hedgehog character, Amy Rose, and "Raichu", the evolved form of a Pikachu.
- saga
1 (noun) An ongoing event within Chris' life.
A Sonichu Special: CWC's Love Quest Saga
Origin: Chris was actually the first to use the term "saga" as Christorians know it today, using it as such when describing his Love Quest on the cover of Sonichu 4. It wasn't until the Miyamota Saga when the term was used by Christorians to describe ongoing events in Chris' life as we know it.
- salty
1 (adjective) showing more maturity or coarseness than is expected, especially knowledge of honest topics like sex.
Ah, but I am not the weak person they think I am; I am much, much saltier![268]
Origin: Based upon a line from "Bowling Girls", ninth episode of Excel Saga: "But I'm not the sweet little girl I was a few minutes ago! I'm much, much saltier now!" "Salty" in this context derives from naval lingo, since the most experienced sailors would have greater exposure to both the saltwater seas and worldly experiences.
- scale of respect
1. (noun) Chris's way of measuring his respect for other people.
I'll consider knocking you and Susan up my Scale of Respect each by 2 points[269]
Origin: Chris, like most other autistics, tends to view the world based on numerical values due to their lack of understanding of certain abstract concepts such as respect. Because of this, Chris made his very own numerical scale to decide on who should be respected, compared to who shouldn't.
- seinor
1. (noun) Misspelling of senior.
A cool Junior or Seinor-Year student, and follow their example on asking others out[270]
Origin: An example of how the “i before e rule” escapes Chris.
- self-epic
1. (adjective) describing a situation which is epic, and at the same time related to Chris and his various clones.
And I will square-off in the TRULY SELF-EPIC Battle between me, and my Dark Half.[271]
Origin: Self-explanatory.
- self-masturbation
1. (noun) masturbation.
Self-masturbation is really arduous and annoying.[2]
Origin: Chris decided to add the prefix "self-" to make it clear that he was stroking his own duck, apparently unaware that use of said prefix is redundant (the term masturbation typically implies self-pleasure unless one specifies otherwise).
- self-sexually active
1. (adjective) in the habit of masturbating.
And Another Thing, yes, I will admit I was self-sexually active; WAS. You all turned me off of Sex LONG Before I even thought of coming out as Trans in ‘14.[272]
Origin: A modification of "sexually active".
- ship
An example of a "shipping".
1. (noun) An act of two or more OCs interacting with or performing any given action towards one another, regardless of any romantic feelings.
You must take a Pony card from the grid and reattach it elsewhere with this Ship. That card's power activates. At the end of the turn, until the Pony card attached with this Ship is discarded of removed from the grid, it gains the Keyword Villain.[273]
Origin: An abbreviation of the word "relationship". Chris learned the term from the card game Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder, a My Little Pony fan game satirizing the popular internet trend of shipping. He used the game as another creative medium to sell items to fans, trolls, weens, and enablers.
- shitful
1. (adjective) hurtful; defamitory.
And this is the last time I will ever say anything in response to your shitful and hurtful comments and hatred for Hate's Sake![274]
Origin: Shitful is a vulgar slang word, synonymous with words like "boat-load" or "truck-load". Chris may have seen the "shit" part of this word and assumed that it was a more profane version of "hateful". Disregarding its actual meaning, the word to Chris is used for situations that seem "shitty" to him.
1. (acronym) an extended acronym for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) which includes "straights" and "questioning people".
Considering your logo there, Texas will be feeling more love from the SLGBTQ community; give us props and Love, Lone Star State.[275]
Origin: When Chris first used this acronym, he didn't explain what groups the "S" or "Q" were supposed to represent, making plenty of people confused. Eventually, Chris revealed that the "S" represents straight and cis-gender people, while "Q" represents "queers" or "questioning people". Chris believes that if he included straight people into LGBT, then those particular people would feel more invited to join into the community. Considering the fact that gay people are minorities, adding the "S" to LGBT only defeats the entire purpose of identifying people as LGBT in the first place.
- slow-in-the-mind
1. (noun) a mentally handicapped person
And finally, after a hard "odd" day, he rides home on a bus, but unfortunately, it had a few "slow-in-the-minds" on it.[276]
Origin: While the exact origin of the term is unknown, slow-in-the-minds was first used by Chris in a high school assignment.[277] "Slow-in-the-minds" works as a stand in for the less-socially-acceptable "retard", so it's possible that Chris created this CWC-ism in order to self-censor.
- slow-minded
1. (adjective) mentally retarded
As for what had happened during PVCC, in a nutshell; about Mid-Summer, 2003, I've realize upon revolation that I needed a girl friend to make into a Sweetheart from the Ground-Up, so with a sign (which I've later realized that it made me look slow-minded; the "R" Word), I've started my Enduring Love Quest.[278]
OK, I can definitely name you a few reasons, like there was this one [stutters] …there was this one slow-minded individual named Tony. He was like as big as-he was as big and strong as an ox. He just kept on making all the moanings and noises and whatnot, and he sometimes even-even-a couple of times he even spat on me, and he even bopped me on the back of the head once or twice during the whole-during the whole time I knew him there.[279]
2. (adjective) stupid, but not quite retarded
I'll admit I have had some slow-minded moments. But I am certainly not totally retarded.[280]
1. (interjection) A phrase one may shout out when asked for attendance.
Origin: An obvious example of Chris's random-access humor. This weird phrase appeared in Sonichu #9, when the cast was asked for their attendance during a Dating Education class. When Wild Sonichu was asked for his attendance, he blurted out this phrase as Chris's many attempts to be funny in his comics. Given Chris's childish sense of humor, it would make a whole lot of sense for him to include a character randomly blurt out a nonsensical phrase out of nowhere.
- snooze cruise
1. a long period of slumber
Next, he had Trigonometry...I'd hate to be Christian when his nerves kicked into action after waking up from a "notey" snooze cruise, but I was.[282]
Origin: Taken from Sonic Adventure.
- somecummpentydifferent
1. (Phrase) Used to announce a change in subject.
Anyway and now for somecummpentydifferent stay tuned for somecummpentydifferent — a bunch of good pushups![283]
2. (Phrase) Used to announce use of random-access humor.
And now for somecummpentydifferent. BUUUUNG! And now it's Monty Python's flying elephants. Du tu du tu du tu du. Du tu du tu du tu du. Johan, why is people running away? I don't know, Greeg, why is people running away.[284]
Origin: Chris is trying to say "And now for something completely different" like John Cleese does on Monty Python. Suffice to say Cleese's ability to say three multisyllabic words in rapid succession exceeds that of Chris.
- somkey
1. (adjective) The quality of having smoked recreationally, be it tobacco, marijuana, or some other substance.
Thank our mayor, Mr. Christian Weston Chandler that CWCville is a clean city; nobody has to go home drunk or somkey![285]
Origin: A simple corruption of the word 'Smokey', used by Jamsta Sonichu and Lolisa Rosechu during their report on Spring Break, 2008!.
- Sonichu
1. (noun) The male counterpart of the Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon.
Origin: Derived from the appropriately named first Sonichu of CWCville, Sonichu. The name of the species is a portmanteau of the name of the titular character of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic, and "Pikachu".
- soo
1. (adverb) Very, Very much.
Dear Blanca, I am soo happy that you were revealed as my True, Honest Sweetheart-To-Be[286]
Origin: In writing, Chris often adds extra o's to the word "so" to prolong the "o" sound and show added emphasis. This has the (unintentional?) effect of mimicking the speech patterns of a Valley Girl or an effeminate homosexual. However, where most people would add two or more o's, (e.g., "I love you sooo much!"), Chris frequently only adds one, resulting in "soo," which makes the word look like it's supposed to be pronounced "sue".
This may originate from pamphlets published by Channing Bete, short and uninformative self-help pamphlets often handed out at churches, the last page of which often feature a summary headlined by "Soo…" Given his distrust of help from anyone other than Rocky, it is not entirely impossible that Chris has read Channing Bete pamphlets occasionally.
This is one of many recurring jokes in the Sonichu Audiobooks in which the narrator pronounces words like "soo" as they are literally spelled, instead of how Chris intended them to be read.
- soul-bonding
1. (noun) Sexual intercourse as a means of purifying someone.
What had happened was Literally a Divine Mission, commissioned to Christine and I by Emanuel (GOD above Gods), herself, to Heal and Cleanse Barbara's health and soul and being and Clear her of remaining sins and regrets through Coddling, Talking, and Supportive Soul Bonding to mainly Extend her Life, personally by Divine Intervention.[287]
Origin: Chris has somehow come under the delusion that having sex with his mother would "purify" her, and extend her lifetime, all through the act of bonding each other's souls.
- soup beds
1. (noun) Homeless shelter with beds
I mean, we have soup kitchens and we have soup beds. We should really combine the two into SOUP HOTELS![288]
Origin: Chris tries to distill his "soup hotel" idea into its two components, but he mangles one of them by retaining the "soup" prefix.
- sourdough region
1. (noun) The crotch area
Its weak point is still the sourdough region, but it would take FIVE KICKS to get to it[289]
Origin: In his Sonichu comics, Chris has decided to make the main weakness of the jerkops their crotch. The weakest of the jerkops take only one kick to be taken down, while higher-ranking jerkops, such as Jerkhief take five. The reason why Chris refers to this spot as the "sourdough region" is unknown, but most of his other CWC-isms already tend to sound so nonsensical to begin with, it barely even matters.
- spike on one's shoulder
1. (phrase) refers to the act of holding grievances towards someone.
There was a whole bunch of misunderstandings between me and my employer, and he had a spike on his shoulder against me.[290]
Origin: A confusion with the phrase "chip on one's shoulder".
- spot
1. (noun) A small amount.
the recent 43.98 purchase was actually a spot of Wheeling and Dealing I did; I actually spent less to make a profit.[291]
Origin: Chris likes to retardedly incorporate British English into his sentences when he has the chance, possibly to sound more classy than he actually is. The phrase "A spot of X" is a British English idiom referring to a small amount of something.
- sticky dream
1. (noun) A wet dream
After falling back asleep Chris had a "sticky dream."[292]
Origin: Chris claims that a "wet dream" actually refers to wetting one's bed as opposed to nocturnal emission.
- straight path
1. (noun) The quality of being heterosexual
And, besides, if you stray away from the straight path, it can really jeopardize the entire future of the world and the human race.[293]
Origin: Before the Tomgirl Saga, Chris had an intense fear of "falling off the straight path". When he states this, he is essentially referring to being on the path to straightness, in the same way a normal person would refer to someone being on the path to success. Chris also had this unrealistic idea that being in contact with gay men would suddenly make him gay too, which would therefore make him fall off the path. Possibly also an allusion to the phrase "straight and narrow" and/or the Biblical passage Matthew 7:14: "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
- sub-episode
1. (noun) The side stories in the Sonichu comics.
Origin: A result of Chris' use of television jargon in his comics.
- sumbah
1. (noun) Minced oath for "son of a bitch."
Yo, Christian, thanks for saving my sister from that crazy sumbah[294]
Origin: Probably based upon "sumbitch."
- sweetbolt
1. (noun) A pet name used by Electric Hedgehog Pokemon.
Ahh..that salad was great! What's wrong sweetbolt?[295]
2. (noun) A sweetheart.
I understand, and I will NEVER put it against you. Yes, as your SweetBolt. :)?[296]
Origin: When Chris first worked on his Sonichu comics, he tried to incorporate as many references to electricity as he can, in order to match with the Pikachu part of the titular character. A portmanteau of the CWC-ism "sweetheart" and "bolt".
- sweetheart
1. (noun) A potential lover.
Oh, gee, I'm sorry Bionic, but back then I was na- I was naive on dating and all that, so I just didn't think of it at the time. But if you a sweetheart, Meg has created quite a few foxy characters. If she's cool with it, you could go out with one of them.[297]
Origin: Another cutesy pet name given to candidates of his Love Quest.
- sweetheart from the ground-up
1. (noun) An ideal sweetheart beyond the friend zone.
For days to weeks to months to years, I Felt So Lonesome and Incomplete. But I didn't STOP! In the name of Love, and the fact that there had to be a Boyfriend-Free Girl out there, somewhere, for me to get to know, grow a strong companionship with and make into a Sweetheart from the Ground-Up, so in later years, after the inevitability of my parents leaving me, I WON'T BE ALONE. And I can eventually realize my dream of being a good husband, and father of a pretty girl named Crystal.[298]
Origin: As stated, Chris intended to use this weird phrase to indicate that he wants an ideal gal-pal well beyond the friend zone. Chris thought this phrase sounded so clever, that he used it constantly.
- teenages
1. (noun) The 13-19 age group; teenage years.
Ahem... hello, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages, as well as the, uh, gals.[299]
Origin: In Chris's Future Message, he attempts to talk down to just about every age group. In order to do this, he starts his video off with the quote above. Chris clearly couldn't think of a way to refer to teenagers, so he decided to refer to such people by "teenages". A butchering of "people of all ages".
- teir
Chris spelling tier wrong.
1. (noun) Misspelling of tier.
$1 Teir[300]
Origin: Yet another example of how Chris is unaware of “i before e”. In a June 2019 update, he managed to spell tier wrong throughout multiple descriptions, despite the correctly-spelled word being visible right on the page.
- telekinesis
1. (noun) Telepathy, i.e. communication through long distances, usually via psychic or supernatural means.
I’ve been communicating with her through telekinesis, and she sounded very lonesome.[301]
Origin: Whereas telekinesis means moving objects from a distance with psychic powers (c.f. kinetic), Chris has never used the term properly. Psychic characters in the comic have both powers of telekinesis and telepathy, but Chris has only used the former to refer to both.
- Temple
1. Chris's house.
Food for Barbara is also appreciated, and Visitors who personally offer genuine Kindness and Good Intentions are all encouraged to visit the Temple.[302]
Origin: In 2019 Chris designated his house as the "Temple of CWC Sonichu" due to his growing Messiah complex.
- That was a straw that sold the blade to the executioner
1. (phrase) That was the final straw.
And on top of that, literally doxing someone on Kiwi, because someone has a hold over Naught to the point of him having to feel very insecure about himself. And the topper, in my eyes, one of y'all sent threats to Anni. Fortunately, she completely missed and overlooked that memo in her inbox. That was a straw that sold the blade to the executioner.[303]
Origin: Chris used the phrase in listing his grievances against some members of the Watchmen.
- theoretical ex
1. (noun) One of the trolls who posed as a potential love interest for Chris during the classic period of trolling, between 2008 and 2011; a catfish, generally-speaking.
Yeah, it’s like, you know, even when I try to make a new relationship, uh, especially among the theoretical rex-, exes I had, I still could not tell which was which…[304]
Origin: Chris started calling the trolls who pretended to be his girlfriends during the classic era "theoretical exes" around the time of his date with Catie. When pressed by Cousin Al as to what he meant, he cited that people may not always be who they say they are on the Internet.
- This Viral Event
1. (noun) The worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak in early 2020, which began in China on New Year's Eve 2019 and has since become the most severe pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918. Regarded by Chris as a trivial excuse to cancel a perfectly good My Little Pony convention.
The Bottom Line is that This Viral Event is actually a better step in our own developments and evolution, as well as a deity-level test to sort out the weak from the moderate and strong of mental and soulful intervals, and nothing else.[305]
Origin: Chris's theodicy assigns any misfortune in the world to the Dimensional Merge. As the disease's spread has caused many governments to forbid large gatherings as a sanitary measure, it has become a personal inconvenience to Chris. He believes that the pandemic will soon be stopped by fictional characters' efforts,[306] making it nothing but a transient event.
- tobacky
1. (noun) tobacco or tobacco products
If I could, I would take every last ounce of tobacky, put 'em on a rocket, and shoot 'em up to the Moon.[307]
Origin: American English slang, used by Chandlers since 1856,[308] and for random access humor since 1928.[309] Chris hates the act of smoking cigarettes so much that even uttering the word "tobacco" makes him feel uncomfortable, so Chris uses this as a retarded minced oath.[310]
- tom-tom
A duck pounding some tom-tom real hard
1. (noun) female genitalia.
Origin: Taken from the short Adult Swim music video, Pound my Tom-Tom, which served as the intro to the cartoon, Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil.[312] Considering Chris barely understands anything adult, the fact that this was meant to be a bad euphemism, which the character, Lucy, used to avoid directly mentioning her vagina, flew over his head.
- tomgirl
1. (noun) A femboy, which is a person who identifies as male though still cross dresses.
I am Tomgirl.[313]
Origin: analogous to "tomboy", i.e. a girl who likes boy-stuff.
- too many crooks
1. (interjection) Expression of dissatisfaction with an overabundance of evildoers.
Well, call it--this was "too many crooks." Too many crooks! Too many crooks! And that ED page is one of those crooks.[314]
Origin: Based upon the idiom, "too many cooks spoil the broth," although that idiom means something, whereas this is just an incomplete sentence.
- triage
1. (noun) ménage à trois; a romantic relationship between three people.
Magi-Chan Sonichu, Silvana Rosechu & Mewtwo / A Loving Triage[315]
Origin: A corruption or misspelling of "triad", possibly influenced by the ending of "ménage". "Triage" is a real word with a completely different meaning and unrelated etymology.
- trollin' stupid
1. (adjective) Very stupid, in a manner pertaining to trolling.
Because that's what you deserve, you God damn womanizing raping... trollin' stupid pickle suited... nigger![316]
Origin: Chris seems to have coined this phrase for his "Boyfriend" lyrics with "trollin'" serving as an intensifier along the lines of "fucking."
- true and honest
1. (adjective) something honest.
I like sharing my honest feelings with other people because they're good feelings, most of the time. And more importantly they are true and honest feelings. SO THERE.[317]
Origin: Chris first used the adjective with reference to his love for PandaHalo, and the adjective was often used by Liquid Chris.
- ugly growth
1. (phrase) A phrase used by Chris to refer to his own penis negatively.
"Did I not just tell you I am Seven Inches Long?! It is soo long, that I am literally able to stretch it Under my taint, and tuck it between my own ass cheeks, beyond my ass hole. With help, I can literally even shove the head of the Ugly Growth Up Mine!"[318]
- un-clit
1. (noun) A piercing Chris got on his perrinium as an immitation clitoris.
It is a short, steel straight piece with steel spheres, of which I refer to them as my un-clit.[319]
Origin: During his Tomgirl years, Chris was, and still is, very desperate to gain female body traits such as bigger breasts, wider hips, a fully functioning vagina, etc. In order to get a part of the work done, Chris got a piercing on his taint as a sort of pseudo-clitoris, showing more of Chris's limited knowledge of female anatomy.
- uncouth
1. (adjective) unlikeable, lacking good manners.
And, by the way, among which, You give the Males a Most Terrible and Horrible Name in your behavior. Most Uncouth.[320]
Trump is most Immature, Uncouth, and Not Valid to be president.[321]
I felt it appropriate to change my profile photo back to the filtered one for what happened in France the while back with due respect of the continuing of Trump's most drastic and uncouth actions in office.[322]
You, sir, are Uncouth.[323]
All of you are nothing but immature, borish, uncouth, and damned Neanderthals.[324]
Not Sexual Fantasy; Friendships, You Uncouth Cad. Hmpf![325]
And as it Had been My fault on that #NationalGirlfriendTweet that started the whole mess, that was Why I chose whole-heartedly to Harass Me instead of Doopie or Anyone Else who was being harassed with the mis-content from Years Ago from me taken Out Of Context, Mind you, because Harassing Anyone at Anyone else’s Expense is Just Plain Wrong, Bullying, and Uncouth![326]
And it was ignored by you that Talulah Bankhead coined the term for Tabitha, you Uncouth Twat.[327]
I agree it is shameful of these people to have accounts just to haze at me and all others, Soo uncouth.[328]
I miss Jessica. You Trolls Scared Her Off by either Hacking or Reporting her Facebook. You Uncouth Cads![329]
Origin: As demonstrated, Chris uses this word way more than any 21st-century American would. It is often speculated that Chris picked up this word from an MLP episode, where Applebloom and Applejack are talking about what the word "uncouth" means.[330] Seeing how this conversation alone is somehow a staple in the Brony subculture, and how Chris is one of those Bronies who sees more meaning in the show than it actually possesses, Chris likely picked up this term due to how foreign and smart it sounded to him.
Chris is also notorious for his use of British English whenever he tries to make it seem he knows what he's talking about. So it is also fairly likely Chris may have adapted this word solely because he thinks British English words will make him sound smarter.
1. (interjection) A sexual chant from the Cherokian Clan.
There is no quote to directly cite the use of this CWC-ism. This CWC-ism was used in one of Chris' art pieces appropriately named "UNGA-WUNGA"
Origin: Comes from a horrifying art piece Chris drew of himself banging Jackie against a tree while a group of Cherokians masturbate to their orgy.[331] As for the questionably racist phrase itself, Chris simply stated that it was "just a random phrase I randomly picked for the natives to chant as they jerked off."[332]
- unto
1. (preposition) Archaic or poetic form of the word "to".
Now that it has been made fully clear to me, I am now able to devote myself fully unto you, Julie.[333]
I am very devastated, due to my SHATTERED HEART that XXXXX caused unto me!
Origin: Another one of Chris's autistic ways of sounding smart, possibly in imitation of the Bible. (c.f. Do unto others...). Chris uses this form more frequently than most English speakers of the 21st century should, even when it sounds unwieldy.
- vaginatables
1. (noun) female genitalia
There is no quote to cite the use of this CWC-ism. Chris used this CWC-ism in an e-mail address "ILuvVaginatables@aol.com".
Origin: A strange hybrid of the words "vagina" and "vegetables", purely for Random-Access Humor.
- vege-marmite
1. (noun) Vegemite
Certainly not a vege-marmite sanwich. Lol[334]
Origin: A retarded pun made by Chris to state his distaste for veggie marmite. Coincidentally, vegemite is essentially marmite, yeast extract from brewing beer turned into a pungent, salty paste, with vegetables and spices added in.[335]
- vestite
1. (noun) A transvestite person.
"That is the difference between Trans Gender and Vestites; ID as the other sex, and dressing like it, respectively"[336]
Origin: In the above post, Chris intended to write the words "transgender" and "transvestite" in the same sentence without duplicating the trans suffix. He did so by adding a space between the prefix and the respective endings. It is worth mentioning that "Vestite" is a word in Latin, and simply refers to being clothed, without any connotations regarding cross-dressing.
- virgin with rage
1. (noun) An individual who is sexually frustrated
Tell me why
I'm stuck as a virgin with rage!
Tell me why
I so need a cute girl my age!
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say,
"I have a boyfriend!"[337]
Origin: The idea of being a virgin and not having a sweetheart was something that greatly upsetted Chris. He would throw tantrums after losing a potential sweetheart, and thus missing out on an opportunity to lose his virginity.
- Virginia is for virgins
1. (phrase) A phrase that pushes the idea that the citizens of Virginia won't allow Chris to get a girlfriend solely due to his autism.
Origin: An intentional butchering of the phrase "Virginia is for Lovers". His belief that the state of Virginia is behind some kind of conspiracy to prevent him from finding true love has started since attending PVCC. While there, Chris has gotten himself putting up Attraction Signs, loitering with said signs on campus, and even creating a newsletter series in order to attract potential sweethearts. Seeing how all of this violated the school's rules and policies, he was sent directly to the Dean in order for her to straighten him out.[339] Of course, Chris took this to be another instance of him being discriminated, solely for being autistic. This, coupled with the fact that he's already failed on several occasions to actually get to date any of his his female friends in high school, reinforced this belief.
Mrs. Banks, wearing the "Votes for Women" sash that Chris so blatantly misinterpreted.
1. (phrase) A phrase shouted in protest of pictures depicting women with penises.
Origin: Taken from a sash Mrs. Banks, a character from Mary Poppins, had worn. Chris clearly took this banner to simply refer to any kind of mistreatment towards women, rather than the fairly obvious implication that she's actually fighting for the right to vote.
See Also: Women's Rights
- Walter Grisby
1. (noun) A man's name often employed in acts of random-access humor.
"Is this Walter Grisby? Who threw a frisbee? Well you know what? DAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"[341]
2. (noun) The retconned name of the character formerly known as Wes Iseli.
Origin: Unknown; thought by some to be a reference to the Cartoon Network show Ed, Edd n Eddy. A character in the PC game The Sims 3 goes by the name of Walter Grisby, but the game's release post-dates Chris's first uses of the term by some years.
- Warroir of Love
History's greatest warroirs.
1. (noun) an advocate for spreading love and peace.
"People! You do not understand! By Not blocking the Trolls, you are Promoting Hatred; They don't always side with Love. I Am Warroir of Love."[342]
Origin: Misspelling of the word "warrior". Chris considers himself a "warrior of love" because he believes that he is the voice of kindness. Most likely derived from the derogatory term "Social Justice Warrior", a term used for individuals who advocate for social justice and equality.
- water on the rocks
Literally a drink on the rocks.
1. (phrase) water poured over Chris's magic stones for drinking.
#DrinkWater; Filtered or Bottled, preferred; Quartz, Rose Quartz, or Amethyst optional to enjoy it on the rocks (held in place with aluminum wire).[343]
staying hydrated with more than 101.4 ounces of filtered water on the rocks within a #Glacce bottle[344]
Origin: In accordance with his New Age beliefs, Chris purchased a Glacce water bottle for $80+, which features a crystal display set inside. He later placed one of his magic stones into it, crudely held in by aluminum wire, and refers to drinking from the bottle as "water on the rocks."
- well-breasted
1. (adjective) Having large breasts.
And her image dawned upon me in my imagination, starting out as the well-breasted pink electric-hedgehog (Pok'emon) with the long Raichu-like tail, I drew her outfit onto her in red and Battery-Charged Blue.[345]
Origin: Confusion between "well-endowed" and "large-breasted".
- witching hours
1. (noun) The time between midnight and 4 AM that Chris cannot fall asleep during.
I know that I'm gonna be more effective with the witching hours during the night once again, whether I'm asleep or not, okay.[346]
Origin: May have been picked up from Chris's increasing interest in the occult. Generally, the phrase refers to the midnight hours, with the term being inspired by the ancient belief that supernatural events, like witches, demons, and ghosts, are at their most powerful at midnight. Chris adopted the phrase in reference to his unusual sleep schedule.
See Also: biological clock
- Woahly
1. (interjection) Expression indicating surprise.
Who is it Rosey? The Stew's almost ready and I... Woahly..![347]
Origin: Portmanteau of "woah" and "holy... (as in the beginning of saying holy shit)," found in Sonichu 15.
- woman up
1. (verb) The female equivalent of manning up.
Fellow autistic people! I encourage you to man and woman up [Subtitle: "It is Socializing In Real Life or Dust!"] respectively! Go out into the real world, and make real friends with full, great quality friendships! Do it now!
Origin: Used in the second part of Chris’s Autism Tutorial, where he insultingly attempts to rally up all autistic people (regardless of their functionality) to form proper friendships, all while missing the point of “manning up”.
- Women's rights (or Women's Lib)
1. (noun) Any kind of behavior towards women that does not involve abusing them physically or mentally.
Christian Weston Chandler, A Man For The Women, For the Women's Rights, For the Women's Justice, For the Women's Peace.[348]
2. (noun) The right for women to not be depicted with a pickle.
3. (noun) The act of women protesting by stripping down naked.
Well, once we get our centerfolds shot and uploaded, hopefully those bastards will see and admire our beautiful lights.
Yeah, and if nothing else, we can still have a lot of fun trying.
With our lord's support in our peaceful protest, we can win this fight.
Victory for Women's Lib.[350]
Origin: Chris's understanding of sexism is botched up beyond belief. His zeal towards the rights of women is believed to have originated from watching the 1964 Disney film, Mary Poppins. He was particularly influenced by Mrs. Banks, who has expressed distaste for unequal treatment for women in 1910 London. As to be expected, Chris missed the point of this part of her character, and instead used this in order to justify his treatment towards the women he meets. Chris also believed that the term "sexism" only applies to forms of violence against women, and not necessarily representing in a condescending manner.
- wooden nickel
1. (noun) Acoustic guitar.
I got the idea of the challenge from him COPYING me playing Boston's "More Than A Feeling" on Guitar Hero on his old Wooden Nickel; if he wants to copy on Guitar, he may as well be challenged in a Sing-Off.[351]
Origin: In real life, a wooden nickel is a now defunct form of currency used during the Great Depression. His use probably refers to the phrase "don't take any wooden nickels" - that is, he is calling the acoustic guitar a semi-worthless imitation of his Guitar Hero controller.
- worse
1. (adverb) Severely; extremely, in an adverse manner
IMHO, having Seinor Citizens for Parents throughout your whole life is no picnic; they are WORSE Overprotective.[352]
- wrath
1. (noun) Great anger or rage. Considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Apparently, my, uh, heed of warning towards Vivian has gone unheard or otherwise SHE DID NOT REALIZE THE FURY OF MY WRATH[353]
2. (noun) Strength sufficient to lift an office chair.
- X2-checking
1. (verb) Double Checking
Just X2-checking if you got the drawing I left you.[355]
Origin: Comes from x2 meaning times two, which means double to Chris.
- XXX-tended
1. (adjective) Sexually explicit
1. (noun, censorship) censorship of the word "bitch"
Mary Lee Walsh made it illegal to distribute the News Dash; I AM VERY ANGRY AT THAT XXXXX![357]
Origin: Chris's only instance of this peculiar censorship is in his diary. In it, Chris repeatedly refers to Mary Lee Walsh as an "XXXXX", clearly as a censorship of the word "bitch". Why Chris chose to replace all of the letters in the word with the capital letter "X", instead of using asterisks remains a mystery.
- y'all should know me by now
1. (phrase) An introduction to complete strangers.
Y'all should know me by now, but if you don't, I am Christian Weston Chandler, the original creator of Sonichu, the Electric Hedgehog Pokémon, back on March 17th, 2000.[173]
Origin: His second message on YouTube, addressed to the ED trolls. He would use it several more times after this, possibly making this into his tagline. The introduction is made under the assumption that Chris is already well-known. May have been partially derived from The Adventures of The American Rabbit, where a character similarly begins a speech by saying, "You all know me."
- yea and merrily
1. (phrase) A phrase used to open videos where Chris is feeling messianic.
Yea and merrily to everyone. Welcome to this.[358]
Hey everybody! Yea and merrily.[359]
Origin: A stupid play on "yea, verily", an antiquated phrase meaning "yes, truly", often assumed to have been said by Jesus in the King James Version of the Bible. Although the word "verily" is often used by Jesus in the King James Version, the phrase "yea, verily" never actually appears anywhere in the King James Bible. It does, however, appear in the Book of Mormon.
- young at heart
1. (noun, attributive) An individual with childlike characteristics; a childish person.
Hello Nintendo! Welcome to my Animal Crossing for Nintendo GameCube. I am your host. My name is Christian Weston Chandler. I live in Ruckersville, Virginia and I is [sic] 21 years old and I play because I am young at heart. So anyway we are going to take a tour of my ci-ty...in Animal Crossing.[360]
I am Young at Heart; a concept I have kept within myself since childhood.[361]
We, the Young at heart stand alongside our Liked and Cared others.[362]
Origin: Chris more often than not advertises his childish nature as him being "young at heart", as if this was a more positive quality of himself, even going as far as using this as a reason for girls to fall in love with him in his attraction signs [363]. This is because Chris can't tell the difference between being a child at heart, and being childish. In his mind, people who are considered "childish" actually lead a happier and more exciting life, since he believes that childlike people are more willing to show off their kindness and are generally more eccentric. In reality, adults who are "young at heart" generally have a somewhat innocent outlook of life and are generally interested in things considered suitable for children, yet understand their responsibilities as adults, something which Chris has failed to do since graduating High School.
- zap to the extreme
1. (phrase) Go out and be brave.
Go! Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme![364]
Now everyone stay green and go out and zap to the extr-r-r-r-r-eme. Have a lovely day.[365]
Origin: This phrase is first used on the cover of Sonichu #0, where Chris's self-insert tells Sonichu to "zap to the extreme" as if Chris and Sonichu were in a bona fide Pokémon tournament. Chris would then end up using this phrase time and again, usually completely out of context of its original meaning.
- zapbud
1. (noun) A fictitious flower found in the Sonichu canon; Rosechu's favorite flower.
Oh, Rosechu, you are as beautiful as a rose, though a Zapbud is the flower that heals your woes.[366]
Origin: Essentially the result of Chris attempting to create a mythology around his Sonichu comics, Chris created some of his own flora as well. Because of how "zapping" was a very common theme in the earlier issues of Sonichu, Chris thought about naming his flora after this one theme. The term has ironically become popular with trolls and enablers, where they name made-up characters and places after it.
2. (noun) a sweetheart.
Yes, my blossoming zapbud. That's why we are here.[367]
Origin: In this context, the term is used the same way a female lover may be compared to a flower. This was clearly an attempt to make the flora have a greater significance by making it sound like something beautiful.
- zombie-like
1. (adjective) To be riddled with dementia.
Also, Barb is literally a Zombie-Like Living Body with little remaining of Barbara (her Soul) within her anymore; that living body is Running on Fumes at this point. She CAN NOT Drive anymore, regardless of Van loss; she has the fridgid mental activity and physical ability like a scared deer in headlights nearly ALL the time since even before June, 2021.[368]
Origin: Used in a Jail Letter where Chris seems to imply that during his affair with his mother, she might have been declining mentally.
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1006915844016869377
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Masturbation discussions
- ↑ Sonichu 9 Official Videobook
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Mailbag_20#Oral_doesn.27t_count
- ↑ May 2015 Facebook posts
- ↑ May_2015_Facebook_posts
- ↑ http://www.dictionary.com/browse/abreast
- ↑ CWCSonichu-NightStar2891 DMs
- ↑ Lars Call
- ↑ 100 2267
- ↑ Dankula
- ↑ Sonichu_3_Official_Videobook
- ↑ Sonichu_3_Official_Videobook
- ↑ Incest call
- ↑ Jail Letter - 20 October 2021#22 October
- ↑ Cwcipedia captain's log, 25 November 2009
- ↑ July 2021 social media posts#Eulogy for Snoopy
- ↑ CWC - Hand Drawn Original
- ↑ Father Call
- ↑ December 2014 Facebook Posts#Shit, Meet Fan
- ↑ Story_of_My_Current_Days
- ↑ Story_of_My_Current_Days
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/cwcville/photos/a.447204945915.244245.167832525915/10152771303590916/?type=3&theater
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound
- ↑ User:ChrisChanSonichu profile
- ↑ Issue 8 Pages 94-95
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_emails_2004-2006
- ↑ 2017_tweets#Proud_to_be_a_feminist
- ↑ NightStar2891_tweets#She_is_woman
- ↑ Biological clock
- ↑ Chris Calls Clyde Out
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/screenshot_20171019-235945_01-png.299275/
- ↑ Father Call
- ↑ Apologies to the liked Bronies and Pegasisters; PLEASE UNBLOCK ME ON TWITTER!
- ↑ Christian's Update 13 September 2008
- ↑ Sonichu 2
- ↑ I am Alive
- ↑ Sonichu's_News_Dash#A_Very_Special_Holiday_Chris-chan
- ↑ Vanessa AIM Chat 3
- ↑ Do Not Dis C Ville
- ↑ Chris Chan Update 24 September 2008
- ↑ Mailbag_3
- ↑ Mailbag_14
- ↑ https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville/SchuComic5P29.htm
- ↑ CWC's_Second_Message
- ↑ April_2012_Facebook_posts
- ↑ Coffee Place
- ↑ https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/turn-a-cold-shoulder-to
- ↑ Chris Sex Logs
- ↑ Kacey Phone Call
- ↑ Chris Chan Update 21 October 2008
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Manchester_High_School
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/26_December_2014
- ↑ 116-CWCCop.jpg
- ↑ Take that Page DOWN NOW!
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/NO_D***_WAY,_IMPOSTOR!!!
- ↑ https://www.patreon.com/posts/15092809
- ↑ Mailbag 15
- ↑ Sonichu #8, page 43
- ↑ July 2017 tweets#Thanks, darling
- ↑ File:DatingEducation.jpg
- ↑ Live Game Stream - C-Log 04192017 - The Shirt
- ↑ Wikipedia#May 2009 drama
- ↑ Jackie E-mails 9
- ↑ November 2019 social media posts#Devotees of Chris Chan Sonichu
- ↑ Issue 10 Page 2
- ↑ Issue 10 Page 70
- ↑ Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World
- ↑ IRC_(20_January_2009)
- ↑ August 2016 Facebook posts#Too lazy to work
- ↑ GameStop unban contract
- ↑ Attention All Sonichu Fans (NOT HATERS)
- ↑ October 2017 Facebook posts#Quinn breaks up with Chris again
- ↑ I_Am_The_TRUE,_Original_CCWC
- ↑ Mumble 8
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris%27s_resume
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Father_Call#The_Shit_Hits_the_Fan
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2012_Facebook_posts#Empirical
- ↑ https://www.patreon.com/posts/15092809
- ↑ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/double%20entendre
- ↑ Sonichu_Girls#Your_understanding_me_fukky_.281_January_2009.29
- ↑ CWC_Update_8_January_2009
- ↑ The MovingFoward videos.
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivtWQTjXCDs
- ↑ IRC chat, 02 January 2009.
- ↑ Chris's email to Megan Schroeder, 06 July 2007
- ↑ Chris's email to The Wallflower, 18 February 2010
- ↑ Christian in his Own Words.
- ↑ Mailbag 5
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1195039493130199041
- ↑ August 2017 tweets
- ↑ Common Questions
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler%27s_FUTURE_MESSAGE
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Update_18_March_2009_More_Updated
- ↑ Autism Tutorial Part 5
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/2017_tweets#STRESSFUL_SUNDAY._GAWD.21
- ↑ Chris_Comes_Out_of_the_Closet
- ↑ Sonichu 1
- ↑ CCWC's Final Warning to the Second CWC
- ↑ Chris Chan's Public Announcement
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1211396957203247104
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1215833863718567937
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/913230475774369794
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Matthew_5:27,_CWC_Confessions
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Update_9_April_2009
- ↑ Power
- ↑ Mailbag_2#In_which_Chris_insults_someone_who_drew_a_picture_for_him
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:OpenLetter.jpg
- ↑ Chris dispels videogame rumors
- ↑ Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 2
- ↑ June 2019 social media posts#Fan art isn't thoughtful when it feeds into Chris's delusions
- ↑ June 2019 social media posts#Fan art isn't thoughtful when it feeds into Chris's delusions
- ↑ June 2019 social media posts#Fan art isn't thoughtful when it feeds into Chris's delusions
- ↑ Heart_level
- ↑ Jail Letter - 16 November 2021
- ↑ "Sonichu's Ode to Rosechu"
- ↑ Father Call
- ↑ Jackie_e-mails_Part_2
- ↑ TooManyGames#Personal_space_talk
- ↑ April_2019_social_media_posts#Hedgehog-defensive_state
- ↑ Mailbag_5
- ↑ Challenge for Clyde II
- ↑ File:JailArt15.jpg
- ↑ File:FSM2.PNG
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Common_Questions
- ↑ CWC's_Second_Message
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Blog
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SchuComic10P97.jpg
- ↑ Jackie E-mails 23
- ↑ CWC Update 9 April 2009
- ↑ I_Got_A_Fish
- ↑ You know what, I HATE ME TOO!!!
- ↑ Jason Kendrick Howell message
- ↑ Show RESPECT to me, "C"CWC
- ↑ Sonichu #9, page 79
- ↑ CWC Update 29 July 2009
- ↑ [[1]]
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Megan_emails,_Aug-Dec_2007
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sweetheart#Will_Chris_ever_have_a_Sweetheart.3F
- ↑ Chris chan (CWCipedia)
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_and_English
- ↑ Twitter, 19 November 2019
- ↑ Jail Letter - 4 October 2021
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Feelings_of_the_election_results
- ↑ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jane
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_Girls
- ↑ https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jerk#Etymology_1
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Get-Tar_Region
- ↑ http://www.dictionary.com/browse/jerk--off
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/For_Julie%27s_Eyes_Only
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Chris%27s_Adam_%26_Eve_purchases
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Miyamoto_emails#Chris_Sets_the_Record_STRAIGHT
- ↑ Misc texts#CPU_CWCSonichu
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1209184205776797697
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chop_Chop_Master_Onion%27s_Rap_Showdown
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Christian%27s_edits_to_Encyclopedia_Dramatica#21_January
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Vivitheg%27s_AIM_chat
- ↑ https://mobile.twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1231269768310722560
- ↑ Chris chan (CWCipedia)
- ↑ Chris emails 2008
- ↑ Chris E-mails 2008#August
- ↑ Email from Chris to Robert Simmons V on 12 August 2008
- ↑ CWC's Second Message
- ↑ Mailbag 48
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/pg/cwcville/about/
- ↑ Women Only Need Apply - No STD's
- ↑ Mimms and Lucas Q&A#Follow-up
- ↑ I Love You Kacey
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Dimensional_Merge_Announcements
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Katie_Bay_E-mails_4
- ↑ Jump up to: 173.0 173.1 CWC's Second Message
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/PlayingHouse
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtlwEfZEmrg
- ↑ https://mobile.twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1251259373810302977
- ↑ CWC's Diary#2005 (20 July)
- ↑ September 2013 Facebook Posts#Chris Expresses His Outrage for Walmart
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2013_Facebook_Posts
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stielhandgranate
- ↑ Kacey Call 7
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_Chan%27s_Public_Announcement
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_block
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1316825180610670592
- ↑ Common Questions#1_February_2010
- ↑ CWC Blog#28_December_2009
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/ToJackie
- ↑ Issue 9 Page 39
- ↑ Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "misunderstanding"
- ↑ Mailbag 39
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/LadyOfTheCosmo#Twitter
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Monthly_tugboat#References_by_Chris
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/BlueSpike_Skype_Logs_12
- ↑ September 2019 social media posts#Chris supports playing with whatever toys you want
- ↑ Sonichu Home Club
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Clyde_is_Weaker_than_Water
- ↑ April_2021_social_media_posts#Dark_vibrations
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Calls_Out_Three_Na%C3%AFve_YouTubers
- ↑ http://www.dictionary.com/browse/naive
- ↑ Captain's Log, Stardate April 28th, 2009
- ↑ For Chris
- ↑ WCT DMs#Sexy negligee
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1203938198424035329
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1207129697752141824
- ↑ LadyOfTheCosmo#Twitter
- ↑ LadyOfTheCosmo#Twitter
- ↑ Re-Calling Ahuvia
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Julie_Reveals_Herself
- ↑ Jump up to: 209.0 209.1 WCT DMs
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Son10revp3.jpg
- ↑ [[2]]
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-279
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu%27s_News_Dash
- ↑ September 2019 social media posts
- ↑ September 2019 social media posts
- ↑ Sonichu #7
- ↑ Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History
- ↑ Mumble_4
- ↑ IRC (03 January 2009)
- ↑ Song of Christian
- ↑ https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/954587249622077440
- ↑ Attention All Sonichu Fans (NOT HATERS)
- ↑ Attention All Sonichu Fans (NOT HATERS)
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Megan_emails,_2008#Chris_thinks_she_was_scarred_because_she_doesn.27t_know_much_about_sex
- ↑ http://www.dictionary.com/browse/outercourse
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/May_2020_social_media_posts
- ↑ September 2019 social media posts
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu%27s_Edge
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour
- ↑ https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=File:Issue_8_Cover.jpg
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Parody#Chris_does_not_understand_the_concept_of_parody
- ↑ Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC%27s_Second_Message
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Chrisreply3.PNG
- ↑ https://web.stanford.edu/~eckert/PDF/PenisTesticlesSlang.pdf
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Mailbag_4#Why_Chris_hates_pickles
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Eid,_Pmurt,_Eid
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/September_2016_Facebook_posts#Registered_to_vote
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/U8C43P2A37A8_y_U8C1N023V0L
- ↑ Clyde and Tito PS3 E-mails
- ↑ CWC address to Royal Board
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Miss_Cherry_asks_Chris_about_his_marriages.png
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Chris%27s_edits_to_Encyclopedia_Dramatica#15_May
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/A_Warm_Fuzzy_Tale
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Piedmont_Virginia_Community_College#Kicked_out_of_English
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Piedmont_Virginia_Community_College#Kicked_out_of_college
- ↑ File:ProwldentVCC.jpg
- ↑ December 2016 Facebook posts#Favorite Pokemon
- ↑ Jackie E-mails 31
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris%27s_Wikipedia_profile
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_9_Official_Videobook
- ↑ [[CatKnight Interview]]
- ↑ CatKnight Interview
- ↑ CatKnight Interview
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_7_Official_Videobook
- ↑ https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/raincoat
- ↑ https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville/SchuComicP5.htm
- ↑ Father Call
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/sonichu-12-pages-54-60.33547/
- ↑ https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rapier#Adjective
- ↑ August 2017 tweets#"Life is a cartoon"
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Captain%27s_Log,_Stardate_April_28th,_2009
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_8_Official_Videobook
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Tour_of_Chris%27s_House_II
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Tour_of_Chris%27s_House_II
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/July_2018_social_media_posts#BronyCon_thoughts
- ↑ Sonichu #4
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Scale_of_Respect
- ↑ CWC Blog
- ↑ An Important Update
- ↑ February 2020 social media posts#On seeing his father's penis
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2014_Facebook_Posts
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/September_2017_tweets#Hurricane_Harvey_and_SLGBT
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/A_Week_With_Christian_Chandler>
- ↑ Manchester High Leaks#Help This Unborn Child
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_emails_2007#February
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Kacey_Call_9
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Father_Call#Crossing_the_Na.C3.AFve_Line_.281:46:21-1:52:36.29
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SchuComic9P6.jpg
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/A_Week_With_Christian_Chandler
- ↑ Getting Foam Ed
- ↑ CWCFlyingElephants. Note this is the very first thing he says, so there's nothing to be completely different from.
- ↑ Sonichu 8
- ↑ Chris's Letter to Blanca
- ↑ Jail Letter - 4 October 2021
- ↑ A Public Announcement for Congress
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_4_Official_Videobook
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Father_Call
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_15
- ↑ Ivy Q&A
- ↑ Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE
- ↑ Sonichu Special 4, page K-4
- ↑ https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville/SchuComicP11.htm
- ↑ https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcville/SchuComicP11.htm
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu_6_Official_Videobook
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler%27s_FUTURE_MESSAGE
- ↑ Patreon
- ↑ Silvana
- ↑ Jail Letter - 4 October 2021
- ↑ MKR DMs
- ↑ Catie Date Conversation Transcript#Chris's history with the trolls
- ↑ March 2020 social media posts#Chris finally weighs in on the coronavirus pandemic
- ↑ [March 2020 social media posts#COVID-19 a sign of dimensional merge]
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christian_Weston_Chandler%27s_FUTURE_MESSAGE
- ↑ https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tobacky#English
- ↑ Back in Nagasaki Where the Fellers Chew Tobaccy
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/List_of_Christian%27s_edits_to_Encyclopedia_Dramatica
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/I_Am_The_TRUE,_Original_CCWC
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1DVoH0Njow
- ↑ PSN comment as of 6 April 2011
- ↑ Take that Page DOWN NOW!
- ↑ January 2018 Facebook posts#Mewtwo and Magi-Chan married
- ↑ Chris Drops the N-Bomb
- ↑ For Chris
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Colin_Chat_2
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Un-clit
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Colin_Chat_1
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Misc_E-mails#Anti-Pmurt
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/January_2017_Facebook_Posts
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/2017_tweets#Trump.2C_you_mocked_the_mentally-challenged
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonic_Boom_Protests#Chris_Rages_On
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2017_tweets#Unleashing_his_inner_Brit
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/October_2017_tweets
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/August_2017_tweets#Tabitha_addresses_CWC_flame_war
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/NightStar2891_tweets#Twitter_spam_for_Tabitha
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jessica_Quinn
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-SrQ-Oz1k4
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Unga_Wunga_Time.jpg
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_11
- ↑ BlueSpike Skype Logs 7
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-372
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite
- ↑ [[4]]
- ↑ So Need a Cute Girl
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Story_of_My_Current_Days
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Virginia_is_for_Virgins#Origins
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SchuComic8P52.jpg
- ↑ Random-access humor
- ↑ [[5]]
- ↑ March 2020 social media posts#watch anime to kill coronavirus
- ↑ January 2021 social media posts#GFuel and meditation
- ↑ CWCipedia article on Rosechu
- ↑ Animated Everfree Message
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Sonichu15-2019draft-p11.png
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Other_documents
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SchuComic8P58.jpg
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SchuComic8P51.jpg
- ↑ Katie Bay E-mails 3
- ↑ Jackie E-mails 6
- ↑ Sign Destruction Video
- ↑ Power
- ↑ [[6]]
- ↑ Jail_Letter - 20 October 2021#22 October
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC%27s_Diary
- ↑ Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Resurrected and Returned
- ↑ Simple Existential Q&A
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Animal_Crossing_Documentary
- ↑ [[7]]
- ↑ [[8]]
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Attraction_Sign
- ↑ Sonichu #0
- ↑ A New, Fun Trick
- ↑ https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Sonichu%27s_Ode_to_Rosechu
- ↑ Sonichu #0
- ↑ Jail Letter - 29 July 2022
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