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Food bar
Food bar

Revision as of 07:50, 20 January 2022


"Foobar" is a liar and a fraud.



This article uses bare URLs from volatile sites, which may be threatened by link rot. Please consider converting them to full citations to ensure the article remains verifiable and maintains a consistent citation style.

This article contains link(s) which have been cut down by the Internet Lumberjack or which have otherwise crashed into slumber due to stress. Please help the CWCki by replacing or restoring these links.
Working-on-it.jpg I'M WORKIN' ON IT!

Your input has been read and fully understood. We at the CWCki will be sure to STRANGLE THAT CLYDE CASH in the future and make an effort to add Dykes, dykes, China.
This article is out of date.

We suggest you keep up with the times.

Heart100.jpg Health disclosure: This article contains in-depth discussion of Chris's physical and/or mental health. This page is not to be construed as a substitute for medical advice or a professional diagnosis. All diagnoses are either taken from outside documentation or based on amateur analysis.
Christ.JPG Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Jesus Christ. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "soul partner".
BodySwapExplanation.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Magi-Chan. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "wife".
January18SonichuBodyswapArt.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Sonichu. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "mama".
This image has been leaked, probably by trolls, and is now in the public domain.
It is kept for archival and historical purposes.

The Idea Guys were here.

Chris was brainwashed into believing that Ted Bundy is a Sonichu.
This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.
Trollll.PNG Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris.
Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)

Robert G. Ingersoll Agnostic
This user is agnostic and is highly skeptical of your claims about deities.
Jack Alec Benson Leary
This user is a proud member of Alec Benson Leary's true and honest fanbase.
Asexual Asexual
This user is asexual. They don't want or need to be "cured", thank you very much.
Asian Asian
This user is an Asian and loves random-access humor and martial arts!!
American Flag Americunt: This user is an Americunt and refuses to use unnecessary vowels. Uncle Sam would be proud!
Sigmund Freud Armchair Psychologist
This user analyzes Chris's psyche WAAAY too much and should just accept that Chris is insane.
I salute you, good sir Armed Forces
This user is a member of the military, and is required to maintain a flat top haircut.

Art Palette CWCki Artfag
This user is an official CWCki Artfag who contributes to the Artist Commune project.
Asperchu Asperpedia Regular
This user is a regular contributor to Asperpedia.
Ass Burger Ass Burger
This user has Asperger's Syndrome and tries to take the Shine and Limelight away from True Autistics.
Thorg Atheist
This user is a pizza-faced atheist and does not believe in God nor the Bear.
Flag of Australia Australian: This user hails from the land down under and lives in constant fear of bush fires.
Bahá'í Star Bahá'í
This user is a follower of the Bahá'í Faith and under the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, believes that all religions are united.
Bisexual Bisexual
This user is bisexual and likes both pickles and china. Simonchu would be so proud!
Niggo Black
This user is black and doesn't appreciate Chris's rampant racism.
BlueSpike BlueSpike
This user is a BlueSpike fan, and takes delight in Christian's pain.
Gold Star The Gold Star Bounty
This user is a Gold Star Bounty Hunter who has rightfully claimed the Gold Star as a bounty for completing a special CWCki assignment.
Female Boyfriend-free Girl
This user defies all odds and is a boyfriend-free girl. She must watch out for horny manchildren.
Union Jack Britfag: Tito got no luck against this user, who is British.
Dharma Wheel Buddhist
This user is a Buddhist and goes to church on Christmas with a Jolly Buddah.
Bureaucrat CWCki Bureaucrat
This user is a bureaucrat on CWCki. Nag him/her if you want to become an admin.
TRUE and HONEST Flag of the Workers' Party of CWCville Workers' Party of CWCville: This user is a member of the Workers' Party of CWCville. Praise the TRUE and HONEST leader; Christian Weston Chandler.
The Maple Leaf Canuckfag: This user hails from the Great White North and has milk in bags.
Cet utilisateur est originaire du Grand Nord Blanc et prend du lait dans des sacs.
Catholic Catholic
This user is Roman Catholic and is not amused by the Cafeteria Catholicism of certain members.
Flag of China Chinese: This user is from China, something Chris will never get.
Christian cross Christian
This user is a Christian and has accepted GodJesus as his/her savior.
2008 Misses Old Chris
This user misses Chris's old shenanigans, and never wanted it to get this fucking depressing and batshit insane.
Clyde Clyde Cash
This user supports Clyde Cash, who is a true Patriot.
Coconutism symbol Coconutist
This user follows Coconutism, a mixture of Christian and Buddhist beliefs founded by Nguyễn Thành Nam
The Mighty Chessboard Croatian: This user is descended from the land of chevapi and kolo dancing, and worships the Mighty Chessboard.
Ovaj korisnik je potomak iz zemlje ćevapi i Kolo ples, i obožava šahovnica.
Crusader Crossl CWCki Caption Crusader
This user contributed to the Caption Crusade by captioning one or more of Chris's videos.
Cursed Cursed
This user has been personally cursed by Christian Weston Chandler himself.
ED Encyclopedia Dramatica User
This user forges lulz and spreads drama throughout his/her homeland.
Flag of Europe Eurofag: This user is a Eurofag and insists on using unnecessary vowels.
Evan Evan
This user feels sorry for Evan and his drilled off dick.
Faroe Islands Faroese
This user hails from the Faroe Islands, and likes to eat sausage made from sheep's blood and stomach.
Hesin brúkarin kemur frá Føroyum, og dámar vær at eta Blóðpylsu.
God God Complex
This user has a God Complex and believes that you should get on your knees now.
BLANK Grammar Nazi
This user edits the CWCki to exterminate all typos and grammatical errors. HEIL GRAMMAR!
HAM! Ham
This user is a HUMONGOUS HAM and enjoys the fine art of MELODRAMA!
High-Functioning Autistic High-Functioning Autistic
This user has high-functioning autism, and therefore receives lots of stress from their gosh darn Mental Block.
This user has survived a visit to Ruckersville.
Hero Hero
This user is Heroic. He/She has defeated Chris-Chan. The way trolling was meant to be done.
This user is the proud owner of a HEXBox. Chris does not approve.
The Void On Hiatus
This user has been sucked into the Time Void and won't be able to edit for a period of time.
BLANK Hikikomori
This user should SUCK IT UP and DIVE RIGHT IN to the public scene.
Om Hindu
This user is a Hindu and believes in reincarnation.
Homo Homo
This user is a homosexual and likes pickles. Magi-Chan is watching you masturbate.
Homosex Homosex
This user is a homosex and makes eagles cry.

Bronze Star Honorary Honor of Honor
This user has done something that may or may not be directly related to the CWCki but still deserves recognition.
mIRC #sonichu Reg
This user is a regular on #sonichu
Ireland Irish
Tito got no luck against this user, who will kick his ass with a shillelagh!
Níl aon ádh ag Tito leis an úsáideoir seo, cé a chicfidh a thóin le mo shail éille!


Jack Jack Thaddeus
This user finds Jack Thaddeus and his gay CWCipedia ads to be hilarious.
Star of David Jew
This user is a JEW! Unlike Chris, the
CWCki likes Jewish people.
Mazel tov!
Kitty Chandler Kitty
This user thinks Kitty is the best Chandler cat! :3
Kiwi Farms Logo Kiwi Farmer: This user is a Kiwi Farms regular who likes observing lolcows.
Awesomeface Krapplefag
This user regularly posts on /cwc/
Legend Legend
This user is Legendary. He/She has defeated Chris-Chan on his own turf. Again and again...
Lesbian Lesbian
This user is a lesbian. A female gaybian.
Liquid Liquid Chris
This user believes in the TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler.
Lucy Chandler Lucy
This user thinks Lucy is the best Chandler cat! :3
MPS Man in the Pickle Suit
This user commends the Man in the Pickle Suit for tricking Chris yet again.
Watch out! Martial Artist
This user has a little Chun-Li within them!
OxiClean Mayor
This user is the mayor of CWCville and will clean the streets up with the power of Oxiclean.

Food bar

Scrawled on the back of a plastic bottle wrapper:
The Joy of Gods, Goddesses, the Heavens, and the recombined new Earth! JailLetter2NewCWCCross.jpeg Lord, Messiah & Savior, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, the Goddess Blue Heart.
Asperchu saga2.png Asperchu Saga Asperchu saga2.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: CWCipedia
LeonardSaga.png Bearstein Saga LeonardSaga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
IncestSagaIcon.png Incest Saga IncestSagaIcon.png
The Players

Organizations: The Knights of CWCHalal ServerChess Group 15
People: ChrisBarbara ChandlerIsabella JankeFionaNullThe WCTAnaxisEthan RalphEllDudeRocksDillin Thomas

The Games
Chats: The Affair:
Coinciding Sagas: Watchmen
Blanca saga.png Blanca Saga Blanca saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Jimmy Hill, PandaHalo
CWCipediaIcon.png CWCipedia Saga CWCipediaIcon.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Asperchu
Calling out.png Calling Out Saga Calling out.png
The Players

People: ChrisThorg (Jeremy Slonwhite)Tomboys And Tomgirls of VirginiaJack Thaddeus (Ahuviya Harel)Surfshack Tito (Don)Alec Benson Leary (Christopher Paul Whitney)BlueSpike (NessHelper)

Call-Outs: ReCall-Outs: Responses: Results:
Coinciding Sagas: Jackie
Catherine Saga.png Catherine Saga Catherine Saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Sonic Boom
Early Childhood saga icon.png Early Childhood Early Childhood saga icon.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Clyde saga.png Clyde Cash Saga Clyde saga.png
The Players

Organizations: Sonichu Girls
People: ChrisClyde CashVivian GeeRyan CashLordsillynipplesBryan BashSarah MayBILLY MAYS
Inanimate Objects: Clown Doll

The Games
Platforms: IRC
Chris vs. Clyde: Clyde's Return: Spider-Man Blackmail: Vivian Gee:

Coinciding Sagas
EDPandaHaloJuliePSN HackingEmilyIvyTitoJackieFirst Exile
DoopieIcon.png Doopie Saga DoopieIcon.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:

Ed saga.png Encyclopedia Dramatica Saga Ed saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Megan
MITPS.png Emily Saga MITPS.png
The Players

People: ChrisLoveYouLongTime (EmilyKim WilsonUnknown Gal-pals) • Bob ChandlerMan in the Pickle SuitMagical ManClyde CashFaerynRobert Simmons VBryan Bash

LoveYouLongTime: Emily: Kim:
Coinciding Sagas: Clyde Cash, Liquid
FirstExileSaga.png First Exile FirstExileSaga.png
The Players: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Jackie, PSN Hacking
G5placeholder.png G5 Pony Saga G5placeholder.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Game place saga.png GAMe PLACe Saga Game place saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Megan, First Exile, Jackie, Second Exile
Guard Dog.png Guard Dog Saga Guard Dog.png
The Players: The Games:
Coinciding Sagas: Idea Guy, TTS
HighSchoolSaga.png High School Saga HighSchoolSaga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Idea guy saga.png Idea Guy Saga Idea guy saga.png
The Players

People: ChrisIdea Guys (Joshua WiseStephen BoydUnnamed Others) • Guard Dogs • (The CaptainNullMarvin) • Anna McLerranTings Tingz
Fictional Characters: John YamadaGwen MikotoGruppenfuhrer FegeleinMagi-chanCryzelKun T’NyugetMewtwoPitohuiBundychuAkan

The Concepts: The Chats: The Videos:
Coinciding Sagas: Guard Dog

Ivy saga.png Ivy Saga Ivy saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Vanessa, Clyde Cash
Jackie saga.png Jackie Saga Jackie saga.png
The Players

People: ChrisJacklyn RomyLars McNultySydney Kirsch

Emails and Chats

Emails: 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

Chats: 123456789Lars Call

Acts of Love: Halloween Contest:

Coinciding Sagas: GAMePLACe, First Exile, Calling Out

JacobSaga.png Jacob Saga JacobSaga.png
The Players: The Games:
Coinciding Sagas: Watchmen, Secret Shipfic
Hill saga.png Jimmy Hill Saga Hill saga.png
The Players: The Prizes:
Coniciding Sagas: Blanca
Julie saga.png Julie Saga Julie saga.png
The Players

Organizations: The Miscreants
People: ChrisBlueSpike (JulieMax) • Clyde CashSarah MayBILLY MAYSBob ChandlerAunt Corrina
Inanimate Objects: Kimmi

The Games
Platforms: IRCMumblePSNSkype
Places: MolvanîaOhio
Mumble Chats: (1233.54567899.5101112)
BlueSpike PSN Chats: (1233.53.74)
BlueSpike Skype Logs: (12345678910111213)
Art: Silvana MasturbationRosechu with a strap-on
Julie's Introduction: Sarah May: Chris vs. Clyde: Sex Leaks: The Miscreants: The Reveal: The Aftermath:

Coinciding Sagas
Clyde CashPandaHaloPSN Hacking
Liquid saga.png Liquid Saga Liquid saga.png
The Players

People: Solid Chris (Ian) • Liquid ChrisKacey DevoriaKim WilsonMatthew DevoriaKatie BayClyde CashSpazkid

The Calls

SHOWDOWN: The TRUE CWC Confronts The FAKEKacey calls (Father CallKacey and Liquid CallThe End For Real)

Liquid Videos: Solid Videos:
Coinciding Sagas: Clyde Cash, Emily

Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms

Christian Weston Chandler...Yep, I'm on TV :)

Regular DVD: Sonic Watch & Win Sweepstakes • "Song of Christian" • Mario Kart 64 Lego RacewayChris Chan in the PokéNewsThe City of Cwicville Tour!Animal Crossing DocumentaryThe 24th Wedding Anniversary Special • "So Need a Cute Girl" • "All I Want For Christmas Is a Pretty Girlfriend" • Harvey Birdman commercialPixelated PS3FUTURE MESSAGEKCWC broadcastCWC Slideshow NotesSlideshow images
Director's Cut: ChandlerFamilyChristmas2004ChrisAfterChristmas2004

Political Videos

Christian Weston Chandler Interview | Chris Chan Q&A 27 October 2008 | Rollin' and Trollin' | A Public Announcement for Congress | Re-Calling Ahuvia | $50 for a video holiday greeting! | Update 02/16/2016 | Paid Message to the Trolls | Oh, Wait. I've got one more... | Something Completely Different - A few Transformers Jokes, also anti-Pmurt | Eid, Pmurt, Eid | Feelings of the election results | The Alpha Trion/"Young Warrior" Challenge | Alpha Trion/"Young" warrior challenge explained | The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever. | Live Game Stream - C-Log 04142017 | React to SNL 41-4 Darn Ol' Tramp 45 | React part 2 | Live Game Stream - C-Log 050032017-2 | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Smashing | Down with tyranny; rally in Hawaii‎‎ | Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Debate 2024 | Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024

Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks

Locations in the CWCverse


Main sights (map): CWCville City | CWCville Park | CWCville Mall (CWCville Mayoral Office | Full list of stores) | Jungle/Mountain Areas (Chameleon Cult Jungle Dojo | Wild Sonichu's Treehouse) | Subdivision Areas (14 Brunchville Lane) | Target Mini-Marts | Walmart Mini-Marts

Other places of note: Billy Mays Tower | Bolyn High | CWC-Cola Bottling Company | CWCee Dees | CWCville Beach (Pier 969) | CWCville Baptist Church | CWCville General Hospital | CWCville Studios | CWCville University | Cwick-Circuit City | Cwick City Gym | Double-CWC Hotel | KCWC | Layla's Apartment | Local Coffee Shop | Pokemon Center | Samuel Memorial United Christian Church | Sarah's Apartment Complex | Simonla Rosechu's Rabbit Hole | True Blue St. (CWCville Police Dept. 11th Precinct)

Environs (map): Giovanni's Gym/Base | Kel's House | Pallet Town | Sonic's House | Station Square | Zapbud Fields

The Axis of Slaweel: Clarksville, Tennessee (4-cent_garbage.com HQ) | Cly's Mansion | Dark Mirror Hole | Doctor Robotnik's Base | Get-Tar Region | Giovanni's Gym/Base | Mal-Wart Region (M-C-Dville) | The Moon | Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens (High School District) | Sho-Mall Region (Fa-Square) | Viridian City

Other places: Destiny Cave | Mysterious Rainbow Island | Mysterious Mountain | Nabe's Dojo-Shin | New Island | The Ocean | Parodyse Isle | RuleCWC | Time Void

Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: AnimalsContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games

Clyde vs. Chris

Clyde's Introduction: Captain's Log, Stardate December 28th, 2008 | Captain's Log, Stardate January 8th, 2009 | Chris's Plea to Clyde Cash | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | Clyde Cash the kid video | Secret Weapon | YouTube Finale | Captain's Log, Stardate April 23rd, 2009

Panda: Captain's Log, Stardate January 12th, 2009 |

Julie: Captain's Log, Stardate February 5th, 2009 | Captain's Log, Stardate February 6th, 2009 | Captain's Log, Stardate February 10th, 2009

Ivy: Captain's Log, Stardate March 27th, 2009 | ACWCAudition

Chris vs. Clyde: Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris Loses It | 10242009 | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | To Clyde and Jack

Jackie: DrainedCreativity

Performances: (Clyde's) Trollsta's Paradise | A CWC Audition | Don't Mess With Me | DivineTrial

Chris's cosplay videos

Ash KetchumGroucho MarxIBA ChandlerPaRappa the RapperCherokian (I)Juggalo (I)ScotMr. PopoHamburglarGrimaceClyde CashPaul McCartneyAlec Benson Leary and Liquid ChrisCherokian (II)Chris-Chan SonichuFred Flintstone and Homer SimpsonCleveland BrownHarry Potter"Gangsta"GilliganDivine as BabsJuggalo (II)

    Chats and calls

List of Chris's Flipnotes

UltimateNightmareDon'tGetTrolled!HippoOnYourHeadRandomHumor1RandomSong1Cheesy!Tagged FlipnoteEdit MeRomanticLabyrinthFor Women ONLYCWC 3D Voice CheckMy apologies3DS FlipnoteHippo Flipnote


🦀 Claw of Fail • 👀 Creepy stare • 😎 Dramatic glasses removal • 🎲 Random-access humor • 😓 Stress sigh

Central Virginia Regional Jail neither censored nor inspected this item therefore, Central Virginia Regional Jail does not assume responsibility for its contents.